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  1. H

    Dont know if the topic of tongues has ever come up before but...

    since the tongue is a muscle, is there any way to do stretches to make it longer? Hey, after all, lesbians get a kick out of replacing a penis with a tongue, and sometimes its probably better and certainly doesnt carry the same risks, Ive read that there ways to lengthen your tongue through...
  2. H

    what are some subtle ways to show a girl you like her

    My girlfriend has a thing for subtle "I like yous" just out of curiousity, anybody know any?
  3. H

    Trouble with the old lady

    I've got me a problem, im in a LTR and shes pretty much my dream girl, shes practically a perfect copy of me except with breasts. I've been with her 3 months now and we like each other alot. But last weekend she went away with a friend to a bluegrass festival, at the festivals the bands have...
  4. H


    anybody here have any experience/success with it? thanks
  5. H

    hey, anybody ever try this?

    Hey to all here, im a long time lurker first time poster, I look to knowing you all. Anyways to the meat( if you could it that) of the post. I'm 16 and came across a girl whos cousins with a friend of mine, shes easily a 9 and shes 18, she is much different from other girls considering shes a...