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  1. I

    Any tips for introverts?

    Being an introvert teaches certain aspects that extroverts rarely hold... observing people's behavior and great listeners. But always try to find a balance. Usually in groups of circle a lot of people seems to be talking/yapping. Put on a smile and listen, if someone ask you a question, speak...
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    women havbe so many options it is unreal: real case

    ^ Agreed. Yes girls get a lot of attention, the point is clear women does get a lot of attention!!!!, but why are you even worried about this, did you forgot the DJ lesson? Did Pook told you worry about other guys and dj's. No. Just keep your cool, laugh and move onto things that really matter...
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    How do you even get into these top tier social circles with hot girls in them after college?

    You could get into to those social circle you speak off... in a lot of ways, just join the nearest bike club or the hipster cyclist club. Whatever b.s is out there. It's not rocket science.
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    Just dissapearing

    Often times it's necessary to pull the plug, not just because you want to create attraction but sole purpose of you need to cleanse out any negative energy around, go take a trip, or do something you never done before. Often time i go watch a movie at 930am and then straight take a trip to a...
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    Weird situation with my GF

    You did right. You didn't wait for her. You went to do your thing. There's nothing wrong with that. If she got your msg, she could have reached you. In my dictionary, she is mad at you. Points for you. I recently noticed the more they pissed at you, the more they into you, and it's definitely...
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    How is it looking like for Indian guys these days?

    DUDE seriously?... Many girls digs the accent, but i do not hold the indian accent, i have brit mixed with something random. To be honest, it's how you approach, and the mentality. Most of the threads here only useful if you don't think "it's only for white or black dudes. " That is straight...
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    Adding value instead of leeching value.

    1) stay away from blue pillers and white knights.
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    Invalidation = indifference

    ^Agreed. I have encountered numbers of them. They are out there collecting points like it's a pokemon game. Usually ignoring these girls tend to be fun once you have generate interest, but knowing how to approach them is different. Women these days have an attention span of goldfish. Thus...
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    Invalidation = indifference

    At a cafe, this one chick does that all the time, i mean "i know you're fine, but i'm the catch babe!" LOL!
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    Girl accepts date but then says she is only looking for friendship?

    That was **** test and @bigneil aced it.
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    Be creative. If i get a girls number and i never sent a text nor gave my number to her then, i pretend that i'm calling in for escort service.
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    HAH! Yo, i learned that sometimes texting kills the mood. Just call them, usually they don't pick it up. But they know you called them. Wait a week and call or usually i never do. "LEARN TO BE PATIENT, young grasshopper" Tune into Frank Ocean and let all slip pass. If she wants you she will...
  13. I

    Death by text...

    Yep, without a question.
  14. I

    Does Nofap lead to poor choices

    I noticed, nofap leads to certain things. 1) a sudden surge, you got loads of energy. 2) women tends to notice you a lot from f****ng far away (Remember kill the desperation? that stuff, women can smell you from a mile away), (no fap weirdly enough works on your favor only if don't have that...
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    Upgrade your texting skills, or just call them. Be creative.
  16. I

    Death by text...

    The funniest thing i saw, was on my news feed. Most women stand by her, even the media. I'm here thinking, do anyone remember Charles Manson? This phish killed someone over text. There's different between freedom of speech and action. Where's Poon King, when we need him...
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    Guys here over 30, how is social life like at your age OUTSIDE of women?

    Also stay away from the Blue Pillers and White Knights. They will ruin everything you been building.
  18. I

    Guys here over 30, how is social life like at your age OUTSIDE of women?

    ^ This I'm 31, i landed a 20 HB9, (especially your friends going to complain about the age gap, meanwhile your female companions going to give you that certain look. There are that times when your married friends looks at you and envy that single life and still f****ing younger chicks. I give...
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    Death by text...

    Has anyone following the news on Michelle Carter?