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  1. S

    Ugh, squats!

    Do single leg split squats: Even if you don't have weights, you can invent some. Fill two empty milk gallons with water and grab one in each hand. Better yet, buy a cheap dumbell set. Stick your back leg on a chair or...
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    Why would you ever squat on the smith machine? Anyways, sprinting will hurt your bulking in the sense that it will burn calories. There's no such thing as spot reduction so sprinting will cause you to lose fat where your body wants to lose it. Sprinting is a great way to burn some fat, and...
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    Bulking Up: How much did it improve your life?

    When you meet new people, they are more eager to please you and have more respect for you.
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    How To Get Veins Popping Out ???

    You can tighten a belt around your arm and flex your hand repeatedly like a drug user to get a good pump. Or you can lower your body fat.
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    Leakage from Condom; need input

    Wow, I can't believe you're actually agonizing about spending $35 on this. Do it ASAP, are you crazy???? Deal with an unplanned pregnancy and **** the rest of your life up or spend $35??? Hmmmm... SERIOUSLY WTF
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    [PROTEIN] Reputable sources Try that.
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    gym + pushups

    I'd recommend getting a 120lb girl off a treadmill to lie on your back, even weight distribution.
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    I lift more cuz i have a bigger d1ck

    Lifting as fast as possible is a great way to lift. Who cares what other people are doing/wearing if they aren't affecting you? Especially when a lot of the complaints in this thread are unfounded, wanna-be macho BS. And cops are like any other profession, there are good people and bad people...
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    where to incorporate plyometrics

    Actually, olympic lifters have the highest vertical jumps, not powerlifters. Check this routine and search his site for info on vert training and dynamic effort training: Also, read these articles relating to plyos/vert...
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    new routine

    I do two max effort lift days a week and 2 dynamic effort days a week. I've had much better strength gains since switching to lifting heavy only 2x a week as opposed to 2-4 times a week.
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    Just Dumbbells?

    That's no excuse. You can still do bent over rows, dumbell bench, split squats, etc. Also, why can't you just take your weights outside? Don't think of reasons why you can't lift, think of ways you can.
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    caluses from lifting

    These are the only legitimate arguments against gloves I've seen so far. The thickness difference never bothers me, I don't get any skin problems, and I lift for strength, size, and basketball, not powerlifting competitions. If I'm sweaty and I don't use gloves for pullups/chinups, I slide...
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    Just Dumbbells?

    I love doing bulgarian/split squats with dumbells.
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    caluses from lifting

    Why do you care if other people wear gloves? My gym doesn't allow chalk, I sweat like a beast, and I wear gloves when I do weighted pullups and deadlifts. I don't understand what is so macho about having callouses, I'd rather not have hunks of hardened skin and blood blisters constantly...
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    should a skinny guy like myself eat 3 times instead of 6

    That is not true. You should eat 6-8 times a day so you can take in more calories than your fast metabolism can burn. Don't stress out about your metabolism, your biggest concern should be eating a lot of food every day.
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    Flexed abs = 8pack | Relaxed abs = pregnant !?!?

    Your abs don't need to be strong to be visible, just lower your body fat. Don't worry so much, nobody else is inspecting your abs as closely as you are.
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    $2,000 limit, what do you buy for a home gym? -power rack -free weights -45 lb bar -2 adjustable dumbells -collars Don't go cheap with anything, like the article said, get equipment that can last your life.
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    Excercise B

    I disagree. The rep scheme looks similar to the westside for skinny bastards routine: I've been on that routine the past few months and I've had great gains in both strength in size. Stop worrying about your biceps...
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    The debate: Free weights versus machines

    Everyone should use machines, then I'll never have to wait to use the free weights! Seriously, if you don't want to kill yourself benching with no spotter, try using dumbells instead of a barbell. Or, bench in a power rack with the safety bars set just above chest level. I'd be more...