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  1. W

    Ex-girlfriend bringing me down

    I know the forums, and the website teach you a lot and explain a lot and give great tips on how to confront women, how to gain the confidence to do that, and give you examples of what to do when your in that situation. But i dont think i've ever read an article or anything that deals with the...
  2. W

    What to do, what to do...?

    So i've been dating this girl for quite sometime now (1 year and 5 months ) and things have been great and they have been not so great at times. But we made it this far, and i honestly think mainting an LTR requires a lot more DJing and other **** too than just approaching girls and getting...
  3. W

    GF is reading my posts, PROBABLY RIGHT NOW

    Haha, But i dont care, ok so, its been awhile since i've posted and i've come across a problem, besides the fact that my GF was going thru my favorites and found this site, and now is in love with it, she always reads it, and sometimes finds the articles funny. And im too scared to actually...
  4. W

    What about Girlfriends? GF=NOT A DJ?

    I've come to realize one thing about the Whole DJ agenda. They teach, tell, and help you to "get girls", and become a better you, self improvement after all thats what we all want and at the same time a few chicks. But what if you already have one chick And you are happy, not satisfied...
  5. W

    Too Much Feelings For GF, Problem?

    Seems as tho lately i've Gotten too attached to my girlfriend we've been dating for about a month and a half, i posted earlier because i thought i was losing interest in her or her in me, but i fixed this problem. Now it seems i hang out with her more than anyone else we're always together...
  6. W

    Keeping Girlfriends Issue

    I know this seems like a stupid topic especially with a name like mine, but i have no trouble with girls at all, no confidence issues nor fear. But i have realized i for some reason can't seem to keep a girlfriend or a relationship for a length of time that'll make me happy. So recently...