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  1. M

    Girl I Badly Want to Approach (need strategy)

    First of all, Kudos points for being a libertarain. Secondly, analyzing this is very woman and not DJ. If you see a woman you liek just go talk to her. Dont psyche yourslef out by thinking to much. And no it doesnt matter what your openign line is that much. Long as its not...
  2. M

    How do you act around girls you've NEXT'D?

    How would you want a girl to react if some girl nexted you? certainly not by being rude, ignoring and mean. That just makes things worse. Treat her with grace. Dont go out of your way to do anything for her, or go approach her. But be graceful, if she approaches you. Dont tolerate her...
  3. M

    asking out nervously?

    Ask her out face to face. Most guys here were very nervous at one point or another too. Will you stutter somewhat and will it look forced? probably. But thats ok and heres why. The only way you will be able to ask out girls in the future without being nervous as hell (you will always be...
  4. M

    Philosophy of Spontanaeity in thought

    One thing that I have noticed recently when observing the differences between my friends who are good with women and those who arent, is that the guys who are good with women see dating as a spontaneous process. They make dating fun and dont think about the girl until they are actually talking...
  5. M

    Critique on SoSuave

    You Should learn from what other people say. You should pay attention to where others have faultered and do what makes the most sense to you. constantly learning and reorganizing your ideas, to better ones that are better adept to your surroundings is crucial. BUT . . . THESE...
  6. M

    Critique on SoSuave

    I have noticed lately that people have lost touch with the foundations that brought the ideas of the game together; ***Experience.*** People have accepted the ideas on this site as blind dogma. I am not saying that most of the ideas are wrong because their not. However, people need to...
  7. M

    Open Car Doors, or NOT??

    Open the car doors on a date. This usually gets positive responses. Girls usually seem flattered. As many of them dont encounter this behavior form guys very often. They will feel special. She wont think you are a p*ssy becuase you open the door. If she thinks this its because of...
  8. M

    How to deal with the trenches?

    Hey, Just wondering how you guys handle the periods of sadness/depression with girls? Not having, break-ups, getting rejected, whatever. This is obviously something everyone deals with on their path: casanova or total afc. Were all subjected to our bumps in the road. Any ideas for not...
  9. M

    lets play, INTERACTIVE DJ!

    Dude- seriously make your own decisions. If your asking these questions, you know the basic rules of the game and the consequences and benefits of breakign them. Ball up and make your decision. If you need to talk to a couple friends, so you can hear what you already decided on a...
  10. M

    How to be a real PUA....My Last Post

    I have been coming to this site for 2 years regularly and I can say this is the best advice, anyone can give. One of the top 10 posts Ive read. Trust me if you have been going to this site for more then a couple weeks you probably know enough of the game. In all honesty, I havent made that...
  11. M

    Whats the best way to achieve a 'dont give a fvck' attitude?

    If you have ever seen fight club there is a line that says you can't be free till you lost everything. This idea is Nietzschian in principle (although I think Kierkegaard said it first). In order to not care you have to hit rock bottom; you have to abandon hope. So my suggestion is this...
  12. M

    I got NEXTed. I shouldn't care, but why do I?

    why? . . . . becuase your human. and as much as you want to rationalize that she didn't mean anything to you. She was less of a catch, call it what you like. You felt soething for her and still do or you wouldn't feel as you do. There is not something wrong with this everyone has this...
  13. M


    gets some henna tattoos (their temporary wear out in a couple of weeks or less) that may give you a boost, but not make you stuck with it in the long run. Mac
  14. M

    Alpha on Alpha combat

    Hey guys, Have you guys ever been put into a situation in which their are other alpha males to compete with for impressing women. Often in others alphas presence I just give in since it is difficult to compete. Any of you have suggestions with dealing with other alpha DJish guys, when...
  15. M

    Change comes from within, you morons!

    Comments Anson great post I am not one of these super DJs, but i making my way. This what I have picked up: My one point that I would point out is that self-improvement is a stage one goes through in their DJ development. probably the most important. Although their are posts on self...
  16. M

    My Pet Peeve

    I think the point of this thread is to be specific when making posts, not to jump on each other. Think about it. If you give more specific subject titles, the people who are more knowledgable about that topic and have something to contribute will be far more likely to give advice at the...