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  1. S

    advice on a gift

    well, 1st sorry for not replaying so long...I just wasn't in the mood.. IT's been half year now since she broke up with me...Asked her a 1000 times why doesn't she want me back, she says stuff like, it's better like that, her friends do the same things, and that she doesn't see me like that any...
  2. S

    advice on a gift

    We still didn't manage to get to my place, we just don't have time.. next week maybe... But we were at a friends house party and we were drunk and making out... I kind of think, she did it because she was drunk not that she wanted to do it WITH ME...
  3. S

    advice on a gift

    Okay, about the "youre the best" She didn't say exactly this... I just summed all what she did... I dont know. She also said: what would i do without u.. And she said she sleeps with my shirt that i borrowed her.. And agreed to go to my place next week, where we will bee getting drunk....
  4. S

    advice on a gift

    Dude, just get out, even other members are considering you as a troll. she didn't exactly say that im the best...there were more things ... im not gonna write down them all -.-
  5. S

    advice on a gift

    ok some time has passed, And i don't wan't to explain everything... the point: We got along well, she told me im the best and such, we get along really the problem: she just want's me as a friend...should i back off and wait for her to cry for me, or talk normally with her and hope...
  6. S

    advice on a gift

    Why are we even changing the subject? I know those thing. Why are you confronting me with facts? I wanna change/fix something.
  7. S

    advice on a gift

    How do u know that from a forum?
  8. S

    advice on a gift

    Blistex, yea those are my thoughts too. But, I really don't see her calling me back... She told me that when she left me : no matter what will happen, she will not be with me even I she would want to. I don't know.. I'm just gonna try that...but im not gonna be too harsh, because that will just...
  9. S

    advice on a gift

    We are not discussing that now..
  10. S

    advice on a gift

    Totally agree with you! Pushing her, and almost forcing her to hang out with me will only make me more in a friendzone... My best idea: Act normal, so I will be fun to her... and if I see no interest, loose a bit of contact... Also when she gets back, and asks me how i was. Should i say i...
  11. S

    advice on a gift

    I read some threads yes, now I need advice on my specific one...
  12. S

    advice on a gift

    Then what is it?
  13. S

    advice on a gift

    What about this: Call her and invite her on a pizza, and then we will go to my place if she wants to... Im just trying different options.. Trying to find the one that will make the day fun for her
  14. S

    advice on a gift

    Ok so I guess it's best to go with this: When we go out, i will buy some snacks and invite her to my place to play video games... I'm gonna be myself...the person she fell in love a year ago..
  15. S

    advice on a gift

    Well. I don't know. Im not a pro at this like you guys are... Suggest.
  16. S

    advice on a gift

    Hello, My girl...well ex comes back from her holiday on Sunday and when I see her I wanna give her something. Something that will make her happy or something... We had a fight and split, well she left me, but now things are stabilizing, and we are friends, she said we are gonna be just...
  17. S

    questions about gf and advice

    im not gonna argue. But no she wont have sex :D I think I know her much more then you. We are going on a beer if she will have it...
  18. S

    questions about gf and advice

    I fingered her ... I could barely stick one finger in. She doesn't finger herself... If I would want to have sex I couldn't. It wouldn't fit in. It would be a painfull experience.. Everything else...yea that is possible, but not the sex
  19. S

    questions about gf and advice

    We never had sex...she never had sex with anyone... I don't know. can't be without her...
  20. S

    questions about gf and advice

    we are split for 3 months, but were still going out and doing the usual thing...only that she did whatever the hell she wanted... We had some fights, called her a *****, and 100 other bad names.. We kind of got along the week before she left... So I don't know.