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  1. T

    Awww Here It Goes!!!

    I wish there were a way to give you guys props on your posts, Or is there?
  2. T

    Awww Here It Goes!!!

    Yeah, I will fall back. I've been on hiatus from women for a long ass time as this was the first time I have even kept in contact/asked a woman out since last year. I've been focusing on making money and working out everyday then I met her and we get along good and interested in same things and...
  3. T

    Awww Here It Goes!!!

    Thanks guys. Good advice I will take heed
  4. T

    Awww Here It Goes!!!

    So uhh, I had a female coming over yesterday and of course when I text her telling her what time to come over she flaked on me claiming that she had to do something for her mom, and that she should have told me earlier etc. Anyways after I didn't respond to her initial text she text me again...
  5. T

    Dealing with Facebook ... Recovering from a weak move

    Just "unfollow" her on facebook. That way you wont see her feed unless you go to her page, but she will still be on your friends list ;)
  6. T

    can someone tell me where i went wrong here...(text convo)

    Bruh, just be normal. All of that funny **** gets lame pretty quick as I have found that its better to just text her like you would anyone else I mean you can be funny, but this is just over doing it
  7. T

    Asks to spend the night - upset when sex initiates

    honestly.....I think if a chick ever teases me like that I will just jackoff right there in her face
  8. T

    Tips for building lean muscle?

    You're gonna have to get on a good bulk program even to look like this guy bro...I'm sure that guy's been lifting for atleast 3-5 years to get like that...It doesn't come over night. Check out the forums on and look into workout plans using the periodization method
  9. T

    Tips for building lean muscle?

    technically you're right bruh and Thats all fine if you want to be skinny ripped like Floyd Mayweather! But for OP to get the size of the guy in the pic that he posted then yeah, he's gonna have to get on a good bulk program there's no way around it....
  10. T

    Tips for building lean muscle?

    I HATE when people say "I wanna gain muscle, but dont wanna get big"....Dude its gonna take you YEARSSSSSS to look like the rock unless you hop on illegal steroids! The inevitable is that you are going to have to gain weight in order to gain "lean" muscle.....people get in confused and think...
  11. T

    girl seems to be into me but didnt come see me last night,

    You guys are STILL replying to the troll's threads huh
  12. T

    Ever had a chick tell you on after the first date she didnt feel a connection?

    Of course he's trolling. Look at all of his threads..either he's seriously mentally ill, or he just can't read because he asks the most rhetorical questions that have been answered a MILLION times already
  13. T

    Gym game

    Would a chick be upset if Channing Tatum talked to her in the gym? I don't think they'd mind
  14. T

    Gym game

    Just try and wait until she leaves the gym and then do your thang after she's done working out
  15. T

    Its just bull**** why would a girl not be honest and real with you?

    Explain these big black nutz in your mouth TROLL