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  1. D

    Girls are ruthless

    *several unreplied texts in one conversation* "Oh, that's my really good [guy] friend", she says as if it means nothing that she has been blowing off her "friends" they say this **** like we dont know exactly whats going on she's "too busy" to hang out with X while she blows Y. makes me...
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    Girls are ruthless

    ugh I feel ya man I got a lay last night and saw her texts from other guys it was pathetic...the more you see into a girls life the more youll be disappointed 90% of the time
  3. D

    general progress and proceeding with top plate

    Im convinced that lots of you are just into / have no other choice but to be with low quality women. Personally Im trying to find a girl I can respect and be in a relationship with. It's funny how some of you think that somehow makes me less of a man and have this absurd caricature of women...
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    High interest, horrible communication

    Lol yea youre right man I would never actually send that actual text, I just woke up. But yeah I like what you're saying. Ill ask her if she wants to go to the lunch trucks again on day1 or day2. no acceptance or counter offer, no interest. i got a kinda weird feeling about this girl + other...
  5. D

    High interest, horrible communication

    normally I take poor texting as a strongly significant sign of low interest. however there's a girl from one of my classes who showed very high interest. I ran into her outside the food trucks one day and we shared a quick lunch. after class she approached me and I asked her out, exchanged...
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    general progress and proceeding with top plate

    Hey there folks, all is going well for me. Have not busted a nut with any girls in over 6 months, due to a variety of reasons. I did make out with a girl about a month ago and I went on a few dates. I'm more interested in a LTR so i go after (for the most part) high quality, never trashy girls...
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    Asking a girl out does not have to be a big deal

    By the time you're asking a girl to spend personal time with you you should already have a good sense of her interest level. Trust me, when you see a girl from your class at lunch and eat with her then after class she comes up to say hi, "Hey! Did you wanna get together again some time?"...
  8. D

    Asking a girl out does not have to be a big deal

    I'm just sharing this tip as a very practical piece of advise. For a while I struggled with how to ask a girl out. "Do you want to hang out?" in my opinion sounds a little too passive, while "do you wanna go out some time?" is sometimes too forward and kills the mystery. For those girls...
  9. D

    You need to work on your appearance.

    The very concept of game seems to imply that you can somehow trick women with your smooth talk into wanting to sleep with you. This is very fuxking difficult because their whole job is to make sure you're legit. Better to just add to your actual value and take the opportunities that come along...
  10. D

    You need to work on your appearance.

    Yeah. All those matter, once the girl already thinks you're in her league (or, more accurately, out of her league). You might see bozos hooking up with insecure girls at the club, but not with quality girls. At least none that I've ever known.
  11. D

    You need to work on your appearance.

    Too many of you are too ambitious and think that your attitude is going to make everything happen for you overnight. In reality theres' a "true" component to who you are, when you go outside. the impression that you're giving people. The truth is that the women are doing almost all of the...
  12. D

    Your Everyday HB 10 FACE

    That was an excellent example of a 5.5. Seriously, wtf man?
  13. D

    Probably you don´t have any "problem" with girls

    Exactly. I have a friend who has done modelling before, has had many girlfriends and non exclusive relationships. Last night we were out. You know what he said? "Damnit. WE gotta leave this place. there's too many hot girls here and I'm in a relationship. If I weren't, I would be with one of...
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    First Date Report: Beer Goggles

    Lol this reminds me of a few weeks ago actually. Saw a girl I knew from a long time ago and got her phone #. But as she was putting her # in I smelled some awful breath. Never felt like talking to her or seeing her after that. lol.
  15. D

    First Date Report: Beer Goggles

    Damn dude, your game is seriously solid these days. You should post up some more advice threads. Btw, I get the feeling that if you called out that babe on her bad breath it would only solidify your position.
  16. D

    Is the College thing a myth? (casual sex, easy lays, etc.)

    I completely agree. I think the % of guys who regularly get casual sex in college is probably shockingly low. and most guys in college have no chance with a decent girl. rather, you have social status playing an even larger role than normal life, with some guys just overflowing with the *****...
  17. D

    Tried street approaches - got blown out

    The colder your approach, the more handsome you need to be. Basically.
  18. D

    Got a # yesterday. game plan?

    No CrispyG, don't get me wrong, I am totally 100% with you. Actually your post is incredibly timely because I got a pretty low interest text from the girl. Game really is all about self improvement, and my approach was definintely weak. Good post. keep in mind I have done very few cold...
  19. D

    Got a # yesterday. game plan?

    lol well my DJ friend (model, total manipulator of people, genius, truly in it for the "game") who is settled down now with a girl told me he's gonna take over. This is gonna be interesting. Here's what he told me: last night, he said to text her simply, "hey whats up" she replied this...