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  1. E

    u know what ive learned? u people here have no idea what ur talking about

    Why would the OP mention being in a few orgies? Are orgies something you need DJ skills for? Yeah, I totally want to be in a house full of naked men and women doing drugs, getting drunk, and sharing STD's and women with other men... lol Anyway, if my girlfriend was hanging out with friends on...
  2. E

    GF missionary & doggy only

    Why would you move in with a girl who ****s like a cheap prostitute (no kissing - doesn't want to see you)? Seems like you got balls deep with a girl you shouldn't have.
  3. E

    The ultimate problem with internet dating

    You're right man. Every girl I met off the Internet lately is so ****ed up it's ridiculous. They're legit basket cases. None of these girls are normal, none, even the most seemingly normal at first. I kid you not, I dated 2 girls in a row who told me how they have severe anxiety attacks and take...
  4. E

    How disrespectful was this?

    That would be grounds for a good dumping in my opinion. If a chick did that to me I would next her. If it really was a test, do you want to date a girl who would go to THAT extent to test you? I mean, that's damn far. What she did may not have been cheating but it's so freaking disrespectful.
  5. E

    The first message sent on POF, how do you make it sound?

    Thanks for that link Shizz. The stuff there helped. I got some rough replies using it, but some good ones, and that's after batting 000. for weeks reading girls profiles and writing a paragraph based on what they wrote.
  6. E

    Plenty of Fish: the return and farewell of the Ninja.

    Title: Good profile! But... Body: Good profile! But I'd change that picture... This got me very varying responses. I got a TON of responses, but some were down right nasty. Reply 1: "Go **** urself" (And she deleted her profile too. It made her that mad) Reply 2: "Are you trying to "neg" me...
  7. E

    The first message sent on POF, how do you make it sound?

    Aye, but OKC is genius. It's 100% marketed towards women - it's so girly you feel gay on it, but that's the genius of it. Sites like that are sausage fests, so the plan brings in an equitable number of females.
  8. E

    When is it a waste of time?

    I think it varies from girl to girl, but you need to watch out you're not investing in someone too much without reciprocation. 3 is a good standard, but I think that if a girl is getting real close with you and you can tell she wants to have sex but is holding back out of legitamite and very...
  9. E

    Chick Music?

    Swat her hand away from the radio and tell her no. Trust me man. I blew it with some girl over the summer and I attributed it to this. Now, that sounds weird, but, my friends in the car thought the same thing. I let her put on her girly dance dance stuff. Now I don't let a woman touch the thing...
  10. E

    Anyone else struggle with premature ejaculation?

    I also kind of disagree with cola, because if your masturbate on the days you think you're going to get laid, you're not going to try as hard to get laid. You'll become more lethargic. You'll deplete your testosterone and you need it to drive you to the end. Orgasming more than once is fine too...
  11. E

    Anyone else struggle with premature ejaculation?

    Make sure you are not ever watching porn. That turns you into a "minuteman" because it turns you on a lot and makes ejaculating fast real easy. Also, don't masturbate habitually, as one of the goals of masturbation is to wank one out as soon as possible. When you do masturbate, set a limit of 15...
  12. E

    Unconditional Love (does not exist)

    Unconditional love does not exist outside of God Himself. Even among family members it is very much conditional, albeit stronger. Of course a mother will love her mentally handicapped or physically handicapped son. But that's because being handicapped or something is not the type of thing to...
  13. E

    what is you vision of wedding ?

    I'm 24. We deploy for 9 months (or 6 months for some gigs) then return home for awhile. From what I see, military guys have some of the best marriages, believe it or not, and I attribute it to the occasional time apart. The women are constantly worrying about their men and don't get bored of...
  14. E

    The first message sent on POF, how do you make it sound?

    Match has a good ratio of men to women. It's only like $20 a month right now. I've been using that to way more success than POF. Also, if you live in the U.S., you ought to toss up an OKCupid profile too, as OKC has a better m to f ratio than POF. OKC will get you a few girls, but I feel the...
  15. E

    what is you vision of wedding ?

    I can easily bring home the bacon. I have degrees in 3 subject areas not to mention the Army behind me which offers quite generous packages for married men, including base housing which is often good - especially if you are an officer (I'm not yet, I wanted to enlist so I could lock down a...
  16. E

    The first message sent on POF, how do you make it sound?

    Asking a question is a must, because it's a call to action. But the quality of the question is the thing. She has to feel compelled to answer it, so I usually make it something from her profile. I definitely like Espi's idea though and I'm going to try it after I change my pictures up. I'm...
  17. E

    is a daydate ever a good idea?

    I've had some success on day dates. Actually, the last girl I was with I met online. We went out for coffee in the morning, then she invited me back to her apartment because she wanted to show me some ****tails she learned to make in bartending class (she's trying to become a bartender). The...
  18. E

    what is you vision of wedding ?

    The license is only worth it if you have a really good pre-nup, otherwise it can be a massive liability. If a woman divorces you, you are probably going to be ruined financially. It puts the law entirely on her side. I would not rule out marriage though, it's really the only healthy way to raise...
  19. E

    Doing Things Alone

    Thanks guys. I'm naturally an introvert so it feels kind of nerve wracking to go out alone, but I'm definitely going to do it. First with the dance class. I'm going to both classes alone actually, I didn't want my friend coming because he's a definitive alpha and on the selfish side even though...
  20. E

    Why am I a Bit*h?

    Yeah, I know how it is. I found out my ex-fiance, who is the hottest woman I ever been with my entire life, was cheating on me. It was brutally hard to let her go, even after she told me she didn't love me. Oddly enough, she made me break up with her, and then told her friends I was a jerk who...