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  1. Y

    Workout Log

    Tonight's work out was brutal. Circuit - completed as fast as possible 40 push presses @ 115 lbs 50 pull ups @ BW + 25 lb plate 50 36 in box jumps 50 Medicine Ball slams then: Hack Squat Machine 180 lbs x 20 270 lbs x 20 360 lbs x 20, 30 seconds rest between sets...
  2. Y

    Workout Log

    Clean and Press: 8 x Bar 6 x 65 lbs 3 x 95 lbs 3 x 115 lbs 3 x 135 lbs 1 x 150 lbs Circuit: 20 KB swings 10 Medicine Ball slams repeated 5 times, no rest between exercises
  3. Y

    Workout Log

    Deadlift: 10 x 135 lbs 8 x 185 lbs 5 x 225 lbs 3 x 275 lbs 2 x 315 lbs 1 x 330 lbs 2 x 315 lbs Leg Curl: 10 x 30 lbs 10 x 50 lbs 10 x 70 lbs Hip Abductor 20 x 230 lbs for 3 sets Hypers: 20 x BW 15 x BW + 25 lbs 10 x BW + 45 lbs
  4. Y

    Workout Log

    Royal Flush: I'm getting noticeably stronger and faster, which is actually my primary concern. I figure as long as I eat a good diet with a high amount of protein, i'll slowly put on the pounds over the next couple of years. I don't do a traditional mass gaining body building because I find...
  5. Y

    Ex is pregnant...feeling the oneitis...

    You need to protect yourself and your assets immediately. If she is claiming the child is yours, you need to get a paternity test administered as soon as possible. Depending on where you live, she could easily have you paying for child support before you even comprehend the rug was swept right...
  6. Y

    Girl that flaked 2x times is begging to see me!?

    She wants the attention you were previously giving her before she flaked out twice. She wants to collect you as a trophy for her sphere of beta orbiters.
  7. Y

    A Red Pill Moment

    I'm currently active duty myself at the moment, and there's just way too many dudes getting divorced young, wifing up chicks with kids from other men (we call those dependenpotamus') and **** like that. If there was any justice in the world, they'd be mandatory, testable classes so dudes can...
  8. Y

    Am I just being jealous or......

    I'm sure you know this but a LTR with a 'wild party' girl isn't going to end so well for you, man.
  9. Y

    Sex but no serious touching?

    Is this the same chick from your other thread?
  10. Y

    Am I just being jealous or......

    OP: Start going out for drinks with other women. Start having strange women she doesn't know cook you dinner and invite you over during the week. Casually mention it during conversation and gauge her reaction. If she becomes upset you point out to her that she's doing virtually the same...
  11. Y

    My take on feminism

    Feminism promises women the world, that all their dreams will come true. That they can ride the **** carousel throughout their peak sexual market value. That when the ride is over, there's going to be a nice beta provider waiting at the end for them. Then the dream comes crashing down and the...
  12. Y

    Age gap and conversation

    Seriously dude, what the ****? Your fatal flaw was attempting to engage a 20 year old American female in a logical, rational conversation at a party. She's probably seeking one of two things at the venue: -get belligerently wasted -get ****ed stupid Not have an illuminating conversation...
  13. Y

    Very worried about how women will view a computer science major?

    Why the hell would you care what a woman thinks about anything? Especially career women whom are destined to ride the **** carousel until their sexual market value depreciates so drastically they're stuck with 25 cats and a high powered vibrator?
  14. Y

    A Red Pill Moment

    When you're the dude laying in bed next to a girl you just blew your load in while she says 'I love you' to her boyfriend over the phone, you learn a few valuable things about human nature.
  15. Y

    Can you use the principles of game for non-romantic purposes?

    Yes. Certain principles of game (alpha vs beta), (leader vs follower) will of course work on female colleagues, female family members etc... Game shouldn't just only be utilized as a tool to get laid.
  16. Y

    Workout Log

    11-11-2012 Overhead Barbell Press: 10 x Bar 10 x 65 lbs 6 x 95 lbs 5 x 115 lbs 5 x 125 lbs 3 x 135 lbs Hammer Strength Incline Machine Press: 15 x 98 lbs 10 x 148 lbs 8 x 168 lbs 10 x 188 lbs Bent Over Barbell Row: 15 x bar 10 x 95 lbs 8 x 135 lbs 5 x 155 lbs...
  17. Y

    after I bang them, they start dating a black dude

    Women have such silly perceptions, it's a miracle they're allowed to vote.
  18. Y

    Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting something different

    This woman does not respect you or is willing to meet you halfway or make a compromise in her schedule to meet your efforts to see her. She is a waste of your time. Walk away. Don't even become one of her orbiters.
  19. Y

    Workout Log

    Thanks for the input dude. Controlling my diet is the hardest part, i'm already sick of grilled chicken breasts + broccoli as the staple of my diet! I have lots of time to do the bulk though; I want to compete in amateur MMA after I get out of the military, so I plan on slowly adding...
  20. Y

    Women and doors: to open or not to open?

    Modern women from the west take for granted small courtesies like the holding the door so I don't even bother anymore. You shouldn't either.