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  1. T

    She wants me. I want her. But this isn't your average love affair.

    Spot on. We don't judge you, but your family, relatives & friends will.
  2. T

    Potential mess...gimme some feedback cannot think properly

    A girl that makes out with a guy when you are there to see? I suggest you cut the oneitis crap and bang some other girls to talk about if you ever have to work together again.
  3. T

    How do you reply to a girl when she says: "I just broke up with so-and-so!"

    Something along the lines of "tell someone who cares" or "don't confuse me with your girlfriends"... Being willing to talk it over, or being a father figure wouldn't work imo, not in the long run anyways. I'd avoid becoming her emotional dumpster.
  4. T

    Would you ..?

    Lol yeah :)
  5. T

    Would you ..?

    Wouldn't hit as that would cause too much damage. Would grapple/take her down & force into submission tho.
  6. T

    when a girl say i wont do "X" for you.

    **** test. She wants you to want her to wear the heels.
  7. T

    She tried to tool me... I went no contact... She contacts constantly

    I think she's aiming for being more than a fwb there, trying to get you to comfort her & let her know that no more "bad things will happen when you do that". Maybe she's had enough of other guys & wants you to commit to her, but can't really communicate that because of the way things have been...
  8. T

    Wasting Whey?

    Did you try this?
  9. T

    I can't gain weight

    Actually, it is not the act of fapping that wastes energy, but the production of sperm. The body draws on your reserves to compensate if you spread your seeds too often. Full sack = full warehouse. And you do need test, but let the guy try it & see for himself.
  10. T

    Eating healthy and working out for a low-budget teen?

    Spot on. As simple and pure as they get.
  11. T

    I can't gain weight

    Or you might be wasting too much energy. Quit fapping, sleep and rest, be on a calorific and energy surplus at all times.
  12. T

    Eating healthy and working out for a low-budget teen?

    Eggs, oats and peanut butter for food, kettlebells instead of bodyweight exercises... Good Luck!
  13. T

    The good friend or his ex?

    Bros before hos, close friends are more difficult to get than girls.