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  1. S

    She is close friends with her ex

    The only enforcement mechanism you have is to walk away or start seeing other women and let her know about it in subtle way. Your rules will be enforced only if you have the leverage. And you can have the leverage only if she digs you more and is afraid to lose you. That's why its also important...
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    She is close friends with her ex

    I agree with you on the part of the communicating. I think as a guy you should never push for the exclusivity. Once she pushes you for it, you know she doesn't want to share and is afraid that you're someone who can get another girl. At this point you can let her know what your expectations are...
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    She is close friends with her ex

    RUN AWAY seriously. if the girl is having high interest in you she would never consider doing anything that would jeopardize the relationship. I wouldn't consider a serious relationship with any girl who is friends/in contact with the ex. I was very serious about one girl but I had to let...
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    How should I deal with guys hitting on girl?

    if they're just complimenting then you need not react but just be happy that everyone is admiring the "ferrari" you're driving. However, with the guy at club you should have said that the girl is with you. By saying you're friends you sent out the message that you're in the "friendzone" And...
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    Disrespect from one of my gf's guy friends, advice needed

    I'd say you should have sarcastically replied to that douche with something which would be very offensive. I think your girl's reaction to that comment was WRONG and cannot be justified in any way. Anything other then deleting that comment / unfriending that douche is a red flag. If you...
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    Dating is expensive!

    invite her home for a a dvd (from a library for free), cook some pasta and you can get some cheap wine. and you can come up with some engaging story about how you learned to cook and so on. Also instead of getting her drunk with vodka learn a few ****tails and tell her you're...
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    advise on cold approach

    So I'm going to this club where a few celebrity house artists are performing live. At the event board on facebook I made some comment about how I'm going for just one artist in particular. Some girl comments back "me too." I reply back "that makes two of us. see ya there" she replies back...
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    "Hey, youre cute"

    thanks. are you trying to hit on me ? *with a sly smile*
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    I broke it off

    you did the right thing. whenever you've an ex lurking in the background its a BIG red flag. Go No Contact & maintain it no matter what. If you initiate contact you lose. Stay strong. All the best
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    No matter what I do, I cant get over my ex...Eff!

    i can empathize mate. i'm also at a similar stage. ive successfully done the whole no contact thing and am trying to move on however, her thoughts and memories wouldn't go. all i can say is take up some hobby, occupy your mind somewhere. that's what ive done. all the best.
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    Feeling kind of lonely lately

    I can relate with you mate. I'm 22 as well, studying, working part time and ****. And its been a while since Ive been involved with anyone. Ive a few plates but they don't excite me much. All I can say is occupy your mind somewhere else. Be genuinely interested in something where you can...
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    Delete that Facebook.

    its been my observation as well on campus..they will have their stupid headphones on and heads facing downward on the phone screen
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    Losing my frame...

    ive been through this. you gotta constantly remind yourself how she was attracted to you in the first place. it wasn't because of analysis, putting her on pedestal or making her the prize. you attracted her because you were laid back. that's the person she was attracted to. even if you're...
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    My children's mum

    unless its a yes or a conditional yes everything else is a substitute for no. "i don't know", "let me think about it", "not sure" which usually screws a man's brain up is womanspeak for no.
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    need some help, not sure what to do

    no smoke without fire. proceed with caution and dont get invested emotionally
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    Ugly chic with fragile ego

    I dont consider cyber "friendship" as friendship. However, I don't reject anyones request without a reason coz I might not be interested in them but she might have a hot a friend and its always good to have a large network. the reason I posted this is coz it shows how girls are these days...
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    Ugly chic with fragile ego

    I dont consider cyber "friendship" as friendship. However, I don't reject anyones request without a reason coz I might not be interested in them but she might have a hot a friend and its always good to have a large network. the reason I posted this is coz it shows how girls are these days...
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    Your GF going out with male friends

    nah..they are all the same..ive been with girls in india..they're as slutty as their western counterparts. "hanging out with friends" and they get really defensive when you call them out
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    Ugly chic with fragile ego

    there is this ugly gal in my university..the stupid **** added me on facebook a while back and was friendly and would like every post and so on. She's an AW but with 0 social skills. So she makes up for it in the cyber world with posting pics every other day and so on. Now today she posted some...
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    Mature Men. What are you reading at the moment?

    The Great Game : The Struggle For Empire In Central Asia by Peter Hopkirk