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  1. S

    Running form gone awful

    So Recently i started getting knee pain located on the side of my left knee. Im not sure if its a tear or irritation. But after 10-15 minutes in my run(sooner if im running fast) i start feeling a pinch sesnsation in the left side of my knee that would build up to a painful sting.. Also i...
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    Starting college at 24: Yay or Nay?

    So Im joining the air force and plan on doing four year enlistment. After that I'd like to go to a decent college since I would have the money to do so(G.I. Bill) Now, by the time im done with the air force, ill be 24... So meaning Ill be having my bachelors at age 28-29. That seems a bit old...
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    People who bought houses tgey couldnt afford now has 100k taken out of mortgage Lmao! People who bought houses they couldn't afford, lived exorbitant lifestyles, defaulted on their outrageously expensive mortgages when things got rough, are now getting 100k shaved off their mortgages...
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    Just joined the Air Force

    I leave in may!
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    Need a Diagnosis

    My lower left abdomen has been twitching recently. And also when i take a deep breath i feel an acute tightness in that same area. Im thinking its a GI issue, maybe backed up poop or something. You guys have a clue to what this could be? Thanks.
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    Interview advice(Fast responses needed)

    Im having an interview tomorrow at Five Guys(Burger shop) I worked at a suit store prior to this, so I have dozens of dress clothes. Should I go in dressed up, slacks, tie etc... Or just jeans, dress shoes and a white dress shirt(untucked) thanks for the advice
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    Tips on Investing?

    Im joining the Air Force and plan on saving pretty much most of my earnings. I want to be able to be a millionaire by the time i retire(20-25 years) I want to be able to get that nice $600,000 house off by the lake(I want to retire in texas, texas homes are huge once they get in the 350's) Be...
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    Sex Performance Issue(SRS)

    For some reason I cant keep it up when my girl gives me BJ's.. I have no problem keeping it up during sex but it goes limp after like 2-3 into it. Im uncircumcised, could that be why?
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    Why iceland should be on the news but isnt(long read)

    Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went...
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    Why does it seem like no one notices the biggest issues in american politics?

    the biggest issue is big business influence on legislature. 2nd is billionaire's control of the media and the bias they impose on the "news" Politicians are bought every day by big business, and the fact that lobbyists exist is atrocious. When businessmen hold public office, they almost...
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    Fed Govt declares treating all people is now illegle

    EDIT: Fed govt declares treating all people EQUAL is now illegle um, i think it might be time for a revolution here. seriously. Michigan's ban on considering race, gender in college admissions ruled illegal By ED WHITE, Associated Press BRETT MOUNTAIN/Bloomberg News Proposal 2, approved by...
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    SOM's Workout Journal: MIND OVER PAIN!!!

    Im getting back into bodybuilding and just overall weight lifting. Ive been busy with track(Went to state finals) So im a bit rusty on my lifts, my squat was hit the most. Im going to start off with a custom workout ive made, which derived from SS. Then once i get back my initial strength...
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    Multivitamin = Lucid Dreaming ???

    So around a week ago or so I took my multi before bed(Usually take it in the mornings) And I had the most intense, realistic dream EVER. I didn't correlate the dream with my multi at the time but it happened again...And again and again. Only one day I didn't have one(Though I didn't remember...
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    Which Degree?

    I'm currently a senior in High School, and about to head off to college. But I'm unsure to which degree I will need for my plans/goals. Here's my issue in further detail... I am very passionate about health and fitness, and in helping others get healthier. So much so that I want to start my...