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  1. J

    Eminem = Afc

    Yes Eminem is a great lyricist, has money and fame and loads of women after him. But to me according to his life and songs "doing drugs, getting chumped by his ex and Mom" and constantly referencing them he is an AFC. Don't deny it. Any of you look up to these Hip Hop Megastars as role models...
  2. J

    Thinking about gaming my sister ;)

    I've wanted to try this experiment for a loooong time on my sister. We are biological brother and sister. I live with my sister in our own condo and I swear she has the sweetest a$$ you have EVER seen! The other day she was fresh out of the shower and she caught me checking it her out. I...
  3. J

    B!tch took a sh!t while riding me!

    This has to be the most nauseating weird no contact story of my life! I met this HOT I mean smokin hot HB9 through a mutual acquaintance. We hit it off pretty well and eventually wound up hanging out at my place. Tons of kino, sexual innuendo and to make a long story short ended up doing more...
  4. J

    Someone's banged your sister's

    So why shouldn't you be banging their's? Quit with the constant whining and get out there and be God damned MEN and not effeminate little Nancy boys. That is all.
  5. J

    POOKvs.JOHN WAYNE: Battle of the Role Model’s

    I’ve read a lot of Pook’s stuff that does make sense, and see many posters referring to John Wayne as a role model. The question is, who is more of a role model to you and why? Pook vs John Wayne. Let’s get ready to rumble! :box:
  6. J

    Chicks into watching Porn movies?

    Anyone know of any chicks who actually like to watch porn and admitted to it and or suggested watching one with you?
  7. J

    Women and their "doggies" ...Emasculated pets?

    What the hell is with women and their pet dogs these days? 1) The women who like to "dress them up" all cute. 2) The women who talk about their problems to them. 3) The women who seek their protection. 4) The women who carry them in "cute" little doggie bags in department stores...