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  1. R

    Girl won't suck

    My girl of 1 year won't and has hardly sucked me off. For the past year, she claimed her jaw hurt when she did. She'll put the tip in then just wank me off. At the very start of our relationship she did give me 1 proper one though. Now she changed her story and claims that she hates BJ's...
  2. R

    How do I **** her hard?

    How do I **** my girl harder? Are there any positions in particular that makes it easier for me to **** her harder. Any positions that make it feel harder for her? Any positions or techniques that might be lower stimulation too so i can pound her for longer? Really want her to feel like she's...
  3. R

    Sex problem

    I have an issue regarding sex. First couple times I've tried to have sex with my girl I couldn't get hard, probably due to nerves. A while after she gave me head and I was able to get an erection. Not tried having sex since. I want to be able to last a decent amount of time if I can get hard. Is...
  4. R

    Sex issues

    Hi. Don't know if this is the right place to post this? But hey. When I engage in intimate physical contact with a girl (hugging or rubbing up against her) I get an erection easily. When I start getting closer to having sex, my boner subsides. I can be fingering her and rubbing her breasts but...
  5. R

    New years!

    Hey guys so those of you who replied to my other thread thanks. Got me laid. How did new years go for all of you guys? I managed to get a lay and another drunk girls number. Reckon i should try get a lay out of the girl who gave me her number also? How should i go about it? HNY Dons!!!:cheer:
  6. R

    New years game

    Any advice on ways to get laid New years eve? Assume it should be pretty easy though. I'm decent looking but my games terrible so how would I go about taking a girl back to my hotel room on NYE? Would be appreciated if you could guide me through approach->hotel room. Thanks, have a good NYE and...
  7. R

    First attempt

    Today I went to a concert. Got a bit drunk with friends. Saw a group of 3 girls all about 8's. Went over on my own, put my hand on one girls shoulder and asked her friends if it was okay if i borrowed her so i could flirt with her. They said 'sure, no problem' and seemed happy/fine with it. The...
  8. R

    Help a noob out- What's my next move?

    Girl initially showed interest. We hit it off pretty well in the beginning and i thought everything was going smooth. Asked her a few times to come out with me (date) but she'd always make excuses. Didn't contact her for a few weeks. Spoke to her on webcam during which she said I had become more...