Search results

  1. M

    Feel like a bit of a chump

    I met this girl in an intensive english teaching job. We hit it off and I make her laugh. She's asked if I was seeing anyone and has demonstrated the typical IOIS. She's 10 years younger as well. She plays the guitar as I do and has asked me to come round to hers to change her strings.."and we...
  2. M

    Should I have handled this differently...?

    On Saturday I had arranged to stay over at my gf's. On the morning I texted her and she seemed a bit distant. I asked what was up and she said she hadn't slept the night before and was "exhausted". This has happened before and a bad time was had. Anyway, I got ready and set off. Before I left I...
  3. M

    How to end it?

    Just writing this thread to get some confirmation of what I'm going to do because I know things will get worse. Long story short. I've been with a woman since March, she's two years older and divorced with a 7 year old girl. She lives 45 minutes away and we alternate weekends. Mine and...
  4. M

    Online question.

    Just been back online after a layoff. Messaged a woman after reading a great thread here about just asking women straight out online. Can't find it again, though. Anyway, she's into Pink Floyd like myself. Me."Fancy a drink and a chat about Floyd sometime? " Her." would love to.. can...
  5. M

    Didn't get number, but..

    I was at a birthday party last night and a friend of a work collegue came later in the night. We got on well, I didn't crowd her and spoke to other girls in the group. I thought there was feeling though. At one point she says, "you've probably forgotten my name"... Anyway to cut a long story...
  6. M

    Decent date that fizzled out

    Hi, just saw this site and read bits of the bible. Cool stuff. I had a date last week with a woman I was talking to on ok cupid for two or three months. She's an 8 for me. Very attractive. Things went great, good convo and we ended up in a bar hand-in-hand, hugging and slow dancing...