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  1. J

    If she aint perfect, she aint worth it

    As the title suggests, I'm here to open up a discussion on whether women are even worth the time we seem to give to them. People come on these forums asking things like 'How do I game this shy girl?' or 'This girl is giving me resistance, what do i do?' I used to be like that, so I can...
  2. J

    Another ex girlfriend thread.

    Right, so we broke up roughly 3 months ago. I was clingy, needy and showed all afc traits. I'm not here to understand why she broke up with me, those reasons are already very clear. He'll, I don't even blame her for it. However, after the breakup, I made it incredibly easy for her to move on and...
  3. J

    Knowledge, Psychology and Confidence

    Something that I started considering today, is why in the hell do I not try and absorb, know and understand every single bit of information in this entire world. Why am I not reading, focusing and contemplating on human behavior and applying it to whatever I am doing. Why do I strive to be...
  4. J

    What do i do about my ex?

    Ok so we dated for about 5 months, then there was a spell of a load of unnecessary arguments that basically killed the spark and she dumped me after a lot of 'It doesnt feel the same' discussions. I know what I did wrong in that department but I can't change the past. After the breakup, it was...