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  1. R

    I can smell it in the air..Not good..

    Something happend Monday..before that, she was all over me and man we just had and been having fun but just this past Monday she went stealth on my ass..we talked at 1:30pm that Monday -1-10-11 but not after that. we been at least texting each other saying goodnight before that Monday...
  2. R

    She chose me..

    I supposed to be the chooser but she told me..She chose me..Is this a bad thing? I read where I am the chooser not her. She beat me to the punch, so how should I handle that? in your opinion..She said I had to meet her criteria so the power is on her side. How do I get it to my side?
  3. R

    Insecurities showed up again..

    Dammit, I showed my insecurity. I met this chick and we hit it off but made no plans for new years eve cause she had setup a nightout for that night with her GF. She said of course they would start the night off round 8pm-5am..Im thinking, dammit, lots of stuff can happen and I wont be there...
  4. R

    All most women Lesbians?

    Or is it just the ones Im finding? One chick sounded good and well Im not changing my mind in regards to her. However, all the chicks I met are lesbians not full blown but have had encounters and still at some point would not mind it if the right situation came about.. Im just wondering if...
  5. R

    need help with acronyms here

    Need help with acronyms especially from this board..I just learned- jwtbfb-Just want to be Fvck buddies..
  6. R

    a well to do woman

    Hi, you all know my experience with one woman who was well to do but she opens her legs to wealthy guys, I am not but am a biker boy as she puts it so I have that but through my past posts, you all know it was a bad deal anyway for me so I dropped her, actually she dropped me when "she wanted...
  7. R

    **** test and how to pass them

    How do you all respond to **** tests by women you are dating, involved with? I failed many of them but im learning as I go..
  8. R

    She said she needs space

    Well, the girl I was seeing decided she needed space. No, I did not beg her, text her when she texted that to me. I started to read what it really meant.. Man, it is over for her and I.. I was hoping for a silver lining. It will not be so.. Here is why. I know, I will have to move I just have...