Colonoscopy Screening


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Here in the US (I assume worldwide too) they lowered the age from 50 to 45 to get a colonscopy screening. My primary told me to get it done six months ago and I finally did it today (I am 47). Colon cancer is on the rise in younger men and I believe is the number #3 cause of cancer deaths.

The whole procedure pretty much sucks, but it's worth getting done. Here is what it entails

1.) You have to go on a liquid diet the day before procedure (Only coffee and tea (no dairy) certain kinds of jellos and chicken broth are allowed)

2.) Late afternoon into early evening you have to drink 64 oz. of this gatorade, water and solution mix over a three to four hour period. This makes you clear your bowels out for the procedure. You will be going to bathroom 10 to 15 times and what comes out of the other end if pure liquid (gross, I know). It doesn't taste bad at first, but 2/3 through you start to hate it.

3.) After midnight that night you can't have anything at all (not even water). Needless to say, I had a headache this morning from probably being dehydrated and not being able to have my morning coffee.

4.) The procedure itself is not bad and you are knocked out for it.

5.) Afterwards, I felt bloated, nauseous and when I went to throw up in the surgical center a little came out the other end instead (lol). They gave me a barf bag for the car ride home too.

6.) You can't drive for 24 hours so somebody has to take you there and back (outpatient surgical center)

Overall, not fun at all; but you might want to get it done if you are 45+

The one plus was the nurses and assistants were mostly young women in their 20's and cute.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Here in the US (I assume worldwide too) they lowered the age from 50 to 45 to get a colonscopy screening. My primary told me to get it done six months ago and I finally did it today (I am 47). Colon cancer is on the rise in younger men and I believe is the number #3 cause of cancer deaths.

The whole procedure pretty much sucks, but it's worth getting done. Here is what it entails

1.) You have to go on a liquid diet the day before procedure (Only coffee and tea (no dairy) certain kinds of jellos and chicken broth are allowed)

2.) Late afternoon into early evening you have to drink 64 oz. of this gatorade, water and solution mix over a three to four hour period. This makes you clear your bowels out for the procedure. You will be going to bathroom 10 to 15 times and what comes out of the other end if pure liquid (gross, I know). It doesn't taste bad at first, but 2/3 through you start to hate it.

3.) After midnight that night you can't have anything at all (not even water). Needless to say, I had a headache this morning from probably being dehydrated and not being able to have my morning coffee.

4.) The procedure itself is not bad and you are knocked out for it.

5.) Afterwards, I felt bloated, nauseous and when I went to throw up in the surgical center a little came out the other end instead (lol). They gave me a barf bag for the car ride home too.

6.) You can't drive for 24 hours so somebody has to take you there and back (outpatient surgical center)

Overall, not fun at all; but you might want to get it done if you are 45+

The one plus was the nurses and assistants were mostly young women in their 20's and cute.
I got it done at 30, always check your health gents. The only thing that sucked was just $hitting liquid


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Do it guys. A close buddy of mine is having his colon out next week after going through a year of chemo & radiation for colon cancer. He was 57 when he got scoped, had he gone sooner he likely would have been fine.

Hubby got scoped at 46. He had a polyp they removed just in case. He is the picture of health. Go do it.

You do not want to be in my buddy's shoes with a lifelong bag. His prognosis is otherwise good.

Cheers, BE


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Here in the US (I assume worldwide too) they lowered the age from 50 to 45 to get a colonscopy screening. My primary told me to get it done six months ago and I finally did it today (I am 47). Colon cancer is on the rise in younger men and I believe is the number #3 cause of cancer deaths.

The whole procedure pretty much sucks, but it's worth getting done. Here is what it entails

1.) You have to go on a liquid diet the day before procedure (Only coffee and tea (no dairy) certain kinds of jellos and chicken broth are allowed)

2.) Late afternoon into early evening you have to drink 64 oz. of this gatorade, water and solution mix over a three to four hour period. This makes you clear your bowels out for the procedure. You will be going to bathroom 10 to 15 times and what comes out of the other end if pure liquid (gross, I know). It doesn't taste bad at first, but 2/3 through you start to hate it.

3.) After midnight that night you can't have anything at all (not even water). Needless to say, I had a headache this morning from probably being dehydrated and not being able to have my morning coffee.

4.) The procedure itself is not bad and you are knocked out for it.

5.) Afterwards, I felt bloated, nauseous and when I went to throw up in the surgical center a little came out the other end instead (lol). They gave me a barf bag for the car ride home too.

6.) You can't drive for 24 hours so somebody has to take you there and back (outpatient surgical center)

Overall, not fun at all; but you might want to get it done if you are 45+

The one plus was the nurses and assistants were mostly young women in their 20's and cute.
Here in the US (I assume worldwide too) they lowered the age from 50 to 45 to get a colonscopy screening. My primary told me to get it done six months ago and I finally did it today (I am 47). Colon cancer is on the rise in younger men and I believe is the number #3 cause of cancer deaths.

The whole procedure pretty much sucks, but it's worth getting done. Here is what it entails

1.) You have to go on a liquid diet the day before procedure (Only coffee and tea (no dairy) certain kinds of jellos and chicken broth are allowed)

2.) Late afternoon into early evening you have to drink 64 oz. of this gatorade, water and solution mix over a three to four hour period. This makes you clear your bowels out for the procedure. You will be going to bathroom 10 to 15 times and what comes out of the other end if pure liquid (gross, I know). It doesn't taste bad at first, but 2/3 through you start to hate it.

3.) After midnight that night you can't have anything at all (not even water). Needless to say, I had a headache this morning from probably being dehydrated and not being able to have my morning coffee.

4.) The procedure itself is not bad and you are knocked out for it.

5.) Afterwards, I felt bloated, nauseous and when I went to throw up in the surgical center a little came out the other end instead (lol). They gave me a barf bag for the car ride home too.

6.) You can't drive for 24 hours so somebody has to take you there and back (outpatient surgical center)

Overall, not fun at all; but you might want to get it done if you are 45+

The one plus was the nurses and assistants were mostly young women in their 20's and cute.
Hi Oc,
Good on you for posting this,the best way to avoid Colon problems is to avoid burnt meat,Barbeque is a No-no...You can still eat meat but Marinate it overnight first,I use the roughest red Cask wine...Needless to say a lot of flavour goes down the sink with the Marinade,but better than carrying a bag!


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
For those who are interested there is an excellent article in Vox Magazine mainly on Princess Kate Middletons Colon Cancer diagnosis but also dealing with the disturbing increase in Cancer amongst Younger People its at .....A relevent extract: In 2019, there were about 5.7 cases of colorectal cancer among 100,000 people ages 14 to 49. That’s up 63 percent since 1990, when there were approximately only 3.5 cases per 100,000 people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The one plus was the nurses and assistants were mostly young women in their 20's and cute.
If you can pick up a girl while getting a colonoscopy, you have my respect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Intermittent fasting, probiotics and l-glutamine can go along way with prevention


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
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Got my first one done at 34... polyps.... delayed my second one until I was 40... polyp.. going back in this summer... I’m 44... who knows had I not gone 10 years ago and waited until I was 45 those first group of polyps might have been cancer by now.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I've got a 60yo business colleague that had his colon removed last summer. It was about a 2year process and non stop hospital visits. At first they tried to remove a portion of his colon and stitch it back together. He got an infection, things went bad, they removed it all and now he has a bag.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I've been seeing some stuff lately about colon cancer rates for millennials being much higher. Probably has more to do with the overall dietary trend towards lower consumption of fruits, vegetables and fiber but instead higher consumption of processed foods, etc.

Eat things like oatmeal or shredded wheat for breakfast, lots of fruits and vegetables, potatoes, beans and legumes......basically a lot of fiber and antioxidant rich foods. Minimal consumption of highly refined or processed foods, but especially avoid processed meats in particular.


New Member
Mar 19, 2024
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I was really anxious when I did my first colonoscopy and was hesitant to do it, but I did it anyway.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
I've had a couple of colonoscopies. I think the first one was around 10 years ago, when I was in my mid 30's. I was bleeding regularly when I went to the toilet, and there is a history of bowel cancer in my family. I think I need to have one every 5 years or so, so I am probably due for one now. I hate having to prepare for one. Not eating or drinking the day before, except drinking Fleet ( sodium phosphate rectal )... tastes disgusting, and makes you basically pee out of your arse.... extreme laxative.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
I've had a couple of colonoscopies. I think the first one was around 10 years ago, when I was in my mid 30's. I was bleeding regularly when I went to the toilet, and there is a history of bowel cancer in my family. I think I need to have one every 5 years or so, so I am probably due for one now. I hate having to prepare for one. Not eating or drinking the day before, except drinking Fleet ( sodium phosphate rectal )... tastes disgusting, and makes you basically pee out of your arse.... extreme laxative.
The worst part was no solid foods for 30 hours or so and not even a black cup of coffee the day of.

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
Got my first one done at 34... polyps.... delayed my second one until I was 40... polyp.. going back in this summer... I’m 44... who knows had I not gone 10 years ago and waited until I was 45 those first group of polyps might have been cancer by now.
Did you had any symptoms from those polyps?