Recent content by Supaman

  1. S

    Somebody Smack Me - BPD b**ch is back

    How about when you have kids together?
  2. S

    Tucker Max

    Check out his facebook fan page. It's ridiculous how many girls on there are saying "come here and f*** me, I want to be in your next book". Lesson to be learned. Write a good book and you'll get a ton of p*****.
  3. S

    Acted like a chump last night

    Come on Alex. Didn't you already know that dumping a girl is the right response to any question you ask? :crazy: No, but seriously. What you want to do is to start to pull back your time. Start to put more time into bettering yourself and doing things you enjoy. I would also recommend...
  4. S

    Does anyone on this website have a gf who is HB9+?

    I date a 9.5, but she is a fckin btch. She is on her way out the door. that is one thing about hot chicks. they want everything, but they don't give sht. that and they are all about attention. i would much rather have a 7.5 or 8 with a nice body and the right attitude
  5. S

    Friend of the exl?

    I've slept with one of my ex's best friend. We decided to keep it between us. And when I run to her at a club she's always putting her hand up my shirt to see if I ahve the superman charm on that was in her mouth as I was bangin her brains out. I have a seperate question. I just started...
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    about "dressing well"

    cut off shirts :D
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    about "dressing well"

    Personally, I love dressing "nice". It's usually Zanella pants, Dolce & Gabbana or Express shirts with kenneth cole shoes. Accessories, I've got a nice Citizen watch and that's it. It seems to be good for business the way that I dress and when picking up the ladies, it's business as usual...
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    Made my Ex-Girlfriend Flip Out!!

    lmao That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. My ex was like that. Just plain crazy.
  9. S

    Moving out of ex's house tomorrow, need some advice.

    Been there I've been in the same situation, but what I did.....was I sat down in my new place by myself and just kind of enjoyed the silence and being alone and then made a list of everything I would no longer accept in my life....from girls and everything else and decided at that...
  10. S

    Wierd feeling about x..........

    I experienced the exact opposite, I haven't talked to my ex in 6 months and the other day I was walking through the gym and saw her. I almost started hyperventilating. She is the one that brought me to this site, but the ironic part is she was overly obsessed with me the 3-4 years that we...
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    Attack Of The Ex!!!

    here it goes threw 5 ice cream sundaes at my door, opened her car door into mine, cussed out my g/f's mom and tried to fight her, drove 2 hrs just to my house just to see who I was dating. attacked me in public b/c she saw me kiss another girl, waited outside my g/f's house for me, call my...
  12. S

    TV wives

    Well said!
  13. S

    How many GF's at once is too many?

    That's what I'm learning, it's a big waste of time. Now I honestly see why some guys just choose to remain single. Fridays is my days for my friends where we go out to the club, no girls allowed, and Saturday is my day to do programming or whatever I'm figuring that I'm getting...
  14. S

    How many GF's at once is too many?

    I'm dealing with 6, but it's really hard b/c I'm constantly having to put my cell phone on silent even though I've already told them I'm dating other girls. I'm dropping one of them this week b/c she just talks too much and like to "surprise" me by stopping by. after I work down to 3, I'll...
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    how long to wait after breaking up..?

    Why not just tell her that you want to date her but not exclusively b/c of the circumstances......that way you can do whatever you want and when circumstances permit you can go back to being exclusive? That way you're not hiding anything and you still have her on the side.