Recent content by RogueWarrior

  1. R

    She sends me photos...

    As to my age, I have one or two grey hairs. Damn it starts early. She's quite a bit younger...early 20s. Normally I wouldn't bother with someone that young because they're usually pretty immature. We've known each other for a long time, have worked together before and our common interests...
  2. R

    She sends me photos...

    FYI, I'm over 25 so I'm inquiring of DJs with a few years under their belts. Okay, so this girl I've known for a while mailed me photos of herself. Nothing fact she's really beautiful. HB-turned-up-to-eleven. Trouble is that recently she let slip that she got herself a new BF...
  3. R

    someone really needs to...

    For those of you who have never seen "Inside the Actor's Studio", watch just one installment for the last few minutes. The host does this sort of simple set of interview questions: "What is your favorite word?" "What is your least favorite word?" "What sound or noise do you love?" "What sound...
  4. R

    how to get women emotionally vulnerable?

    IMHO, women who are emotionally vulnerable are either A) tatched in the head or B) going through something that day or week. You don't want an me. As for the B's, you can only observe closely, be part of her life, and when the merde hits the ventilateur, you'll be ready to do...
  5. R

    Is watching porn cheating?

    I know a girl who broke up w/ her BF because he was watching pr0n on her computer when she wasn't around. Creepy.
  6. R

    What is up with this girl?

    Just a thought here but she said she'd go on a date with you and call me crazy but you just might want to do that. If she's in a foul mood, you'd better make it something really fun. You're 21 so try a comedy club.
  7. R

    middle-aged and meeting the parents ?

    Been there done this. It's not that bad. The parents are immediately going to assume you've got perv designs on their daughter. You can deflect those negative assumptions by being RESPECTFUL, speaking well, and not making an ass of yourself. This is probably the one time when you don't want...
  8. R

    What to do when GF makes a habit out of changing meeting times?

    Sounds like a sh*t-test to me. And she's probably HM too. Remember: YOUR time is just as valuable if not more say "Do what you gotta do...I've got errands to run anyway. I'll talk to you later." And leave it at that. Don't show up to your date. When she calls wondering what...
  9. R

    girl become attraced to you how ?

    Attraction is nebulous. It's something different for everybody. A woman has a few things on a list that turn her on or make her want to spend time with someone. Sure there are many things that most women like; sense of humor, life of the party, a leader. Find out what she likes somehow...
  10. R

    Quit daydreaming

    Thinking about what you'll say or do when you next see her? Cut it out. Whatever ends up happening will be something you didn't plan for or rehearse in your mind.
  11. R

    Conflicting opinions

    Okay so get this: I have a male friend mid-40s who told me how women want a challenge and how to go about it long before I ever discovered this forum. He is married (to an HB9) and has 5 kids. I also have a female friend (early 40s) who I've known since high-school, who is married and...
  12. R

    why haven't you got a girlfriend?

    Try this: "Because they're all the same." Throws it back in their face.
  13. R

    "Why are you still single"

    How about "I have a low tolerance for bullsh*t"?
  14. R

    **** test - She mentions other guys sometimes

    Sometimes I wish women had a Tivo skip-the-damn-commercials-about-Cyalis button. Then you could get past the bullsh*t and get back to the show. But, dude...what the F are you doing watching Dr Phil?! Feh.
  15. R

    Places to go for first dates

    Might want to find out what she's into and use that as your guide.