Recent content by RedHerring

  1. R

    Relax guys. It's just a game

    I wipe my ass with my hand, LIKE A MAN!!
  2. R

    The Secret of the Jerk

    This is probably the most influential piece of this website. All of you should read this. Enough with this crappy "tips". This is a work of art. It's nature. I'm sure people didn't worry about getting girls before the 20th century. They relied on their masculinity. We've seen a...
  3. R

    The Forum's Gone to Crap....Or has it??

    I'm sick and tired of the endless number of posts that are entirely clear that they haven't read the bible or even browsed the Tips section for more than 2 minutes. If there was some way to force people to read a large amount of the bible before they post, this forum would be alot cleaner...
  4. R

    Some quick makeout tips...

    Quick question about this: How true is it? I mean, like in % of women. Obviously a rough percentage, a guesstimation of sorts, but I would like to know so I can clear up something that has been on my mind.
  5. R

    Some quick makeout tips...

    Quick question about this: How true is it? I mean, like in % of women. Obviously a rough percentage, a guesstimation of sorts, but I would like to know so I can clear up something that has been on my mind.
  6. R

    Recipe for Charisma

    Was this a typo?
  7. R

    Attitude is everything

    He's right, attitude makes all the difference in the world. However, it is often hard to change one's attitude, especially on the fly.
  8. R

    Recipe for Charisma

    Nice. Good find.
  9. R

    Why a DJ should be like water.

    Lay off man, he was just putting together thoughts in a nice analogy. This isn't some code you must follow. It's not saying you walk around thinking you're water. Good post Grey Fox.
  10. R

    Sammo's Ramblings: Friends and teasing

    ^^ Nice. Just what I was going to say ;) Well the top part anyway. Up until after he quoted Sammo.
  11. R

    Sammo's Ramblings: Shyness and embarrasment

    I never thought of myself as too too insecure...but that.... I remember even when I was a kid playing basketball outside, I always felt like I had to impress someone and if I made a mistake and shot an airball or something, I laugh and made it look like it didn't phase me. I still do this to a...
  12. R

    her name???

    Does anyone remember that episode of Seinfeld? Jerry forgot his date's name. IT was a pretty good one too. Maybe this is too obvious but go to where she works and look at her name tag? Or find her purse and look at her ID?
  13. R

    Pre season DJ program...

    Hahahaha ;) :D No one can resist your sexiness, Red Blue ;)
  14. R

    What is your goal for being here?

    I am young, and I want to get this area of my life handled so I won't have any problems and won't need to study the bible when I'm 25.
  15. R

    Confidence has nothing to do with the physical

    I just realized something, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was at the movies with two female friends of mine (but they don't matter). After the movie we waited outside for our rides to get there. I was trying to have a confident look on me, back straight, hands by my sides, etc etc...