Recent content by Pimp-sicle

  1. P

    girl playing the field

    I disagree, after hanging out a couple times and she forgets about the date, you use your actions to do all the talking. Every new girl deserves one free pass (unless the offense was that over the top) Overtly expressing your displeasure will have zero effect on a chick that isn't invested...
  2. P

    girl playing the field

    100x - Pyros is a good dude and has really come far from his early days, so big props on that. I'm not sure if this is the same chick you posted about a couple weeks ago, but this is definitely a re-occuring theme in your posts. Or maybe your making new threads about a couple different...
  3. P

    Psychology behind crazy ex-girlfriend

    The problem actually is you. This coming from someone who has dated a few bat shi@t crazy girls in my past. You see the reason you are the problem is you knew (in your gut) that this girl wasn't normal. But the fact that you lack experience and she was likely hot & a sexual slvt made you...
  4. P

    Does it seem like my ex has BPD?

    I agree with everyone who's replied, but I also can take myself back 12 years when I was 23 and encountered a crazy chick who had me spun inside out. Part of the mind wants an explanation to be able to rationalize "it wasn't me, it was her, she's fvukin' nuts" and like anything else it makes...
  5. P

    Women always win

    Add this to your title of your thread and then it will be accurate: "IF YOU LET THEM" PIMP
  6. P

    Thought that the first date was great until... What should I do???

    Sosuave has turned into a bit of a parrot website, where one reply fosters the next reply and essentially everyone is saying the same thing without telling the OP where he specifically went wrong. Now we weren't on the date so I can't speak for that. But I can absolutely tell you that you...
  7. P

    ****Wacky Woman****

    Ready for the sharp, quick hit to the gut? She doesn't like you. She likes the attention you give her. Don't be Captain Save a Crazy Girl If you're ever confused by a girl, watch her actions, not her words. PIMP
  8. P

    So I am trying out super nice guy text game

    You're approaching this all wrong. Sub-conciously you've already put her above you for some reason. Remember to maintain some mystery, be a challenge. When you get a girl's #, leave it with I'll call you, so she is excited to hear from you, but doesn't necessarily know if/when you will...
  9. P

    Some advice,please

    None of the above advice matters. You know why? Because she's not interested. You could call her and leave a voice message You could wait a week You could send a carrier pigeon to send her a written message Something happened after the 2nd date that made her either lose interest or...
  10. P

    Question For You Guys ... Did I Go Too Far?

    Nu Vision: You've already got some great advice so I won't repeat what's already been said. I just wanted to add that you need to work on your inner game. I'm sure going through a divorce has bruised your self esteem and I'd imagine can be difficult. Use this time to better yourself...
  11. P

    Opinions on if No Contact is the right thing in my situation

    My take based on what you wrote is you scared her off by going from casually starting to date, to acting like you two were in an exclusive relationship. Also, just going to mention the elephant in the room…. how was the shex? Did you bang her good? Bad shexx could def be another reason why...
  12. P

    Am I playing this right ?

    As simple as it sounds to me, it means truly having no investment in the interaction either way. You do things because you want to. As Steve-O mentioned, in your effort to "play it safe" and not advance the physical interaction you are actually moving yourself closer to the friend zone...
  13. P

    Am I playing this right ?

    Pyros already said but it & he's 100% right, there are some naive member on this forum. You are making a classic rookie mistake, which shows your lack of understanding of how game/attraction works. What you might not realize is you have already lost, with your current mentality. You are...
  14. P

    Girl has BF, but...

    No need to be hostile Pyros, one could easily look up your posting history and say the same thing to you on many of your previous posts. Everyone has to start somewhere. PIMP
  15. P

    Took a HB co worker out! Please tell me what the next move? I don't wanna screw it up

    Your job as a man, is to lead the interaction. You need to get out of the mindset of taking things slow and think about doing things right. This was solid, you are leading. You already have rapport with her through work, now you get to see what she's like outside the office. One...