Recent content by night101

  1. N

    Music Got me Laid twice in one day!

    hahaha how did i know that
  2. N

    Music Got me Laid twice in one day!

    what ethnicity are you and the chicks you laid?
  3. N

    Max kino but no kissing? wtf?

    also, i guess my intent is more of a pua one, yah i can next her, but i like challenging situations and seeiong how far i can get
  4. N

    I Might Have Been Proved Wrong

    you guys are pathetic. a fat guy can't get chicks?? are you serious. Depends on the type of fat guy. Some fat guys look very masculine, and good looking because they generally have bigger heads/faces. Tall and fat is no problem at all. A tall and fat guy will generate more attraction than...
  5. N

    Max kino but no kissing? wtf?

    So, we go on a walk, i hold her hand, i'm rubbing her fingers; i start putting my arm around her so my hands on her bare stomach, i'm rubbing her all over her back, bare arms, shoulder, touching her legs, even on the inner thigh, i pick her up in my arms, we sit down and i'm moving her hair away...
  6. N

    are you unattractive? what happens when you make eye contact

    In my attempt to be concise, parenthetical-within-parenthetical statements deemed necessary people recognize and respond to values based on natural & sexual selection. Any trait in which you are deficient (attractiveness) can be eclipsed by another trait (strength/security/bad boy/social...
  7. N

    the PUA community is full of nerds

    oh man that's some ****. i'd like to hear someone analyze that. especially with the afc line he's using. I couldn't imagine a more afc line... want to be my friend? :crackup: so.. my take... he presents himself as the jolly fat guy that has fun, and talks big but gets no girls. combined...
  8. N

    grabbing ass

    So on the first kiss with this girl who turned out to be a passionate kisser, I got overexcited, and I grabbed her ass and squeezed it really tight a few times... was this going too fast?
  9. N

    Advice for virgin, never had girlfriend, in twenties...

    i don't see how he's offending everyone. he's an innocent, honest guy with a bad model for relationships. The people-interaction job is the best advice. Or try going to school and talk to other students... what do you think about this class, is it suppose to be good, etc. Basically you...
  10. N

    Persuing a girl after sleeping with her?

    clarify one thing... what do you mean by. meaning that girls know that many other girls are getting ****ed by you?
  11. N

    girl is much funnier than me, how to improve?

    ? wtf I don't need to be funnier than her, she just made it more apparent to me that I can improve my conversation skills (also I already read the bible section on this, and it's that's really basic stuff)
  12. N

    girl is much funnier than me, how to improve?

    The girl i'm seeing right now is hilarious, she pulls out one liners like nothing. I feel friggin lame. Anyone have advice on how to become a smooth conversationalist and funny.
  13. N

    Why aren't girls funny?

    the girl i'm with now is many times funnier than me
  14. N

    How to flirt perfectly

    haha more like don quixote
  15. N

    test? saw another beautiful girl to hook you up with?

    possibly; she's korean, koreans don't touch in public, i've touched her subtilely a bit. i'm going to ask her out to a movie and then i'll know for sure. and i was talking with this other girl after class and she comes running up, very jealous