Recent content by Mars

  1. M

    Online Convo...What do you think.

    What's the point of this thread? The answer is obvious and you just posted this to get everyone to laud over you.
  2. M

    What does a man do in the meantime?

    You made this thread giving other people advice on Cold Approaches: But now you're posting this one? I don't think you should be giving advice on Cold Approaching until it has been successful for you which according to this thread it has...
  3. M

    Mars - Approach Journal

    Thursday Before my class started I was just walking around the general entrance area to the library and I was speaking to a girl who was just chilling on a bench. We talked a bit about the weather (still blizzarding outside) and eventually talked about what class she had next which turned...
  4. M

    Mars - Approach Journal

    Ok my report for the week. Phat, I listened to those banter audios and some others and frankly the idea of banter still scares the crap out of me. Like I already do banter just for fun with girls in my group of friends but to do it with a complete stranger still seems scary. I also went for the...
  5. M

    Do you talk to yourself? (Out loud or in your head?)

    Yeah I think it is normal to think things over in your head especially when you're just sitting in class or ridding on the bus with nothing else to do.
  6. M

    Why do you guys care so much about sex and women?

    This thread was spawned from the one where he got banned from the student center. Clearly if his approaches had been successful this thread would not exist at all.
  7. M

    My first cold-approach number-close

    Oh or wait was this all done in Dutch? Sorry I just read that she came from London but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't speak Dutch.
  8. M

    My first cold-approach number-close

    Well done man! If you don't mind me asking though, how did you know to speak English to her, since you were in Rotterdam right?
  9. M

    Going Clubbing first time

    Why not number close? Girls who go to clubs aren't necessarily sluts.
  10. M

    I want to say something....

    People have told you before to simply just go out and say hi to one random girl. You know where to start, stop lying to yourself.
  11. M

    Created a profile as a chick on plentyoffish. Unbelievable.

    This thread has made me delete my PoF account forever! Never online, never again.
  12. M

    I want to say something....

    Haha yeah good point I should know better, I've been following this capedcrusader thing since the start.
  13. M

    I want to say something....

    What you need to do is to read a bit and to try a bit. Slowly progress like this.
  14. M

    Mars - Approach Journal

    Hmm, right deal. I'll number close tomorrow regardless of the awkwardness. Kind of like getting over Approach Anxiety I need to get over Number Anxiety. Good advice man because I have lost a few girls just because I have no practice number closing. Okay as far as conversation goes it's pretty...
  15. M

    I want to say something....

    It's because you read too much...