Recent content by Lomi

  1. L

    They always think I'm not listening to them. Need some answers...

    they are interested in you but worried you dont have any interest in them at all so they ask you for re-assurance that you are paying attention to them methinks :p
  2. L

    Was there a specific incident which made you decide you wanted to stop being an AFC?

    It was because of a girl for me as well, if you read some of my other posts you will see me mention my current attempts to pull out of the friend zone and get into her pants.
  3. L

    I am starting bootcamp monday.......

    ya I have been lazy the past couple weeks... I will be working in another store for a couple weeks, so the chains are coming off completely, free range on the hot customers, I don't care that a lot of them are likely to be wives of soldiers at the nearby army base :D.
  4. L

    where are the HB's on weeknights?

    check out big video stores, you would be surprised how many HB's rent movies during the week alone.
  5. L

    This is embarassing

    Oh please, dont make this a race thing, latin men aren't better than white men... there are poor lovers of every race.
  6. L

    This is embarassing

    Have you tried maybe getting some excercise? That will help your ability to have sex for more than 5 minutes. There is a muscle called the PC muscle for short that controls urination and can also stop ejaculation as well that you can also work on. There are tons of sites out there with...
  7. L

    Your Favorite Opener

    wazzzzzza....aaaa..aa...aaaa seriously though, i usually just say hello unless im in a goofy mood, then i might say something silly like "didnt we go to different schools together?"
  8. L

    Holding eye contact

    ive only ever met one person who holds eye contact longer than me when im talking to them, and its a dude who works at my gym, and he has one of the hottest girlfriends ever... i got over my phobia of it just by making eye contact every day with hundreds of people at my job
  9. L

    Movies every aspiring DJ should watch!

    any movies about cult leaders are good as well, as they are masters of psychological programming
  10. L

    Did i just get hit on?

    hahaha girls are hilarious when they try to tell a guy they like him and he hasnt made any moves on them. its like verbal diarrhea and they sound like an idiot most of the time unless they are really confident in themselves. it is pretty easy to tell when a girl comes up to you and talks...
  11. L


    if thats all you have to tell us, she isnt looking at your for a relationship... especially since you had to press her for it for a while
  12. L

    I'm taking a year out

    well good luck man, its a ballsy thing to do when you are an internet addict, i would go one step further and stick your computer in your closet as well unless its required to do your job.
  13. L

    Tunes to inspire you before you go out

    umm wtf did you just say? I dont really use music personally, I just say some self affirmations, and just do it.
  14. L

    Bootcamp 2: Judgement Day

    why dont you wing with a friend, or someone you at least know as an acquaintence? seems kind of counter productive to do this with people you know nothing about.
  15. L

    2005-2006, the year i change my life

    good luck and dont forget to elaborate as much as you feel comfortable with your escapades :woo: