Recent content by KenAdams123

  1. KenAdams123

    What are your thoughts about women that are cops?

    I don't care what anyone else says, a policework is a mans job. Most crime is done by males aged 18-40. I don't have to make my point here..
  2. KenAdams123

    Ashamed to say, still stuck on ex wife

    You'll be okay man, this is just life kicking you in the nuts. "I know better then to let it get me down, but it has. " -> Don't beat yourself over the head, you went through a divorce, with a child involved. You have every reason to be down, aslong as you know eventually time will heal all...
  3. KenAdams123

    Sh0t test maybe

    Reply: Hey sorry, I'll get back to you asap An example of a simple generic response you could give and still have her thinking you're actually "busy" since she's now probably thinking you're sending this to everyone that's texting you. Also makes it seem like you've sent this while you were in...
  4. KenAdams123

    The smoothest thing you ever said to a woman!

    Once went out, ended up incredibly drunk (I can keep my cool when drunk, thank god). Met this girl (HB9) who said she was an arts student, we get talking, hit it off immeadiaty, after some bull****ting and tryna keep my cool I flipped her hair behind her ear and whispered "Draw me like one of...
  5. KenAdams123

    No one is born gay

    Can also confirm some people are born gay. I have a gay cousin and his parents knew he was gay at age 2. You could also clearly see it in his behaviour at that age. His parents were just regular folk, I doubt they secretly spent their days brainwashing him into gayness or something along those...
  6. KenAdams123

    @25, what should I be working on?

    Solid friendships with people who would literally take a bullet for you and vice versa. Also don't underestimate the importance of your family relationships. As you grow older they wil eventually need you and you will need them when the occasional life-nuclear-bomb drops on you like it drops on...
  7. KenAdams123

    Fear of approaching women

    The only way to overcome fear is to confront it.. Keep a progress journal. Whenever you go out and talk to some random woman, rejected or not, log it in the journal. After a while when you've got like 100 entries in there you'll find you won't care so much. When it comes to fears in general...
  8. KenAdams123

    Hmmm. What you think.

    Just find out more about her situation, you're not giving us much to work with yet alone yourself. Go see her, it's only an hour drive after all, maybe lightning strikes and you really do hit it off, maybe you don't. Only 1 way to know, good luck
  9. KenAdams123

    Seeing two girls at once

    You had to choose man, nice you came clean btw, hope you guys live a happy life ;)