Recent content by jon3947

  1. J

    Losing virginity on one night stand

    Hey guys, I have been here for a while and haven't posted anything since I have been so busy with school. I am currently a 20-year-old guy and I am a virgin. I have been talking to a girl that I met online and we are planning on meeting tomorrow night. We have been sexting a lot so there is a...
  2. J


    My little sister has aspergers, i feel for you. She has had years of therapy and is making remarkable improvements. Most people who do not have experience in working with autistic children would be able to tell that she has Aspergers. She has progressed from a girl who would have frequent...
  3. J

    Another Facebook Post...

    camdry, thanks, that sounds pretty good. Brian, I have never seen her before, and i will probably never see her again, so i cant really start a conversation with her unless i get her number
  4. J

    Get numbers on Facebook

    Thanks, Im just trying not to sound too desperate, I have a history of AFCism when a girl shows interest
  5. J

    Another Facebook Post...

    That sounds cool, something like... (Girl's name) I feel like we didnt get to know each other well enough on Sat. Night, so... a few random facts about me... (insert funny random facts about me here) (see her response then escalate)
  6. J

    Another Facebook Post...

    How do i ask for the number on facebook without sounding creepy
  7. J

    Another Facebook Post...

    I met a girl at a popular local dance last Sat. night, we danced for about ten minutes and we didnt talk much, There was alot of kino while dancing She goes to a different school, and I have never seen her before, and I added her as a friend on facebook She just recently changed her status...
  8. J

    Get numbers on Facebook

    I met a girl at a popular local dance last Sat. night, we danced for about ten minutes and we didnt talk much, There was alot of kino while dancing She goes to a different school, and I added her as a friend on facebook She just recently changed her status from "in a relationship" to...
  9. J

    Relatively New To The Game

    read the bible
  10. J

    AMERICANS ONLY!!! Which state has the most HB's!

    This will sound strange, but Iowa chicks are the hottests ive ever seen and by the way im from Kansas, so theres no bias
  11. J

    Is Craigslist casual encouters legit?

    how can the pic on the left not be a complete turnoff
  12. J

    Help, about to become the real 40 year old virgin in a few months

    Read Killapetehog's thread's it is really great stuff, it wont magically fix you up, but once you get started, it will really help
  13. J

    The Vicious Circle of Social Incompetence

    I used to be like that, i learned to smile, be nicest bastard anyones ever me, and under no circumstances act hostile to anything
  14. J

    Help this Ectomorph all the way
  15. J

    new years party

    Any advice on how to get invited to a new years party, so far ive got few plans and havent heard of any parties