Recent content by Jolil2019

  1. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    I feel with the necessary improvement, as discussed in the thread above I could possibly do much better. By working out, focusing on my game, mentality, etc. This should be my priority not "getting someone back" Thanks for the advice
  2. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Best thing I could do right now?
  3. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    The problem with this is that if I dont contact her, she will instead contact me every day. Messages such as "Hey how are you?" And "hope you will have a good day" An I supposed to ignore these, reply 10 hours later?
  4. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Thanks for the advice. This was spot on and to the point. Just why I or indeed anyone would date a woman like this is questionable. I think if anything it points to a severe lack of self esteem. Only extensive self improvement can alter this.
  5. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Spot on in your guess. Single mum, size 12, covered in tattoos, interatial child from her ex who think I'm 'dad', terrible temper, lack of empathy, daddy issues, toxic family background (mum divorced 4 times) I could go on but I wont.... As for a blank canvas, you're right there too. I...
  6. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Why would she want me in her back pocket? She already walked away from me You are right by the way, just need a little enlightenment
  7. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Why? What do you think she is after or wanting?
  8. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Mad thing is, this woman isn't anything special. Most of you probably wouldn't look at her twice, but if you build up this kind of emotional attachment you get stuck in my position
  9. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    If I'm honest this is the reaction I want to attain. She invited me over for a meal tonight at her place with her and her kid who still calls me daddy. Not going to read too much into it, but she is blowing my phone up with texts and the like. I am wanting to creat the seperation anxiety, I...
  10. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    I'm wondering what happens with this....Up to now she's had me literally every day, calling to check up on her, texting her, running errands for her (she dosent drive) helping her load her stuff in the van etc. She essentially kept me around to do things for her, for services, free goodies etc...
  11. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Interesting enough, she told me tonight that she "loved me a year ago". Yet it was only yesterday she was texting me telling me she loved me.
  12. J

    I failed the no contact rule... Heres what happened

    Hi guys, A situation here for your perusal, something to share ideas upon and think about. An outline of the situation - In October this year, me and my fiancee had a major argument and she stormed off to work in a rage. As a result, she subsequently moved out and got her own place. I was...
  13. J

    Any advice on my situation?

    Update: Since writing this, she has double texted me. I'll write back in an hour as I'm busy doing something else
  14. J

    Any advice on my situation?

    Ok. That's good, that means that starting from now I will implement the following rule. - Only contact her if she contacts me first, and other than that NC. If she never speaks to me again, then never mind. I could even use this as an experiment of sorts to contrast needy/emotional behaviour...