Recent content by djay

  1. D

    Check this out!!

    I did a quick search of the forum and couldn't find anything relating to him, so anyone that hasn't already - check out Tucker Max Stories! I've been reading these stories and this guy personifies so many of the player/badboy/jerk qualities that are often the topic of convo here. Amazing C+F...
  2. D

    Club Pickups UK

    Thanks for the replies guys! Nice to get some sensible responses. I know what you mean about girls picking you up - that's happened to me a few times as well. Especially when you're dancing with your male friends (well! Not dancing know what I mean!:D) having a good time and not...
  3. D

    a UK equivalent???

    That's true! I know what you mean, and don't get me wrong, I know that the principles on this site work. I used them to great effect on a few girls when I started Uni, one who became my LTR for 2 years. I did, however, meet all of them through friends, or lived with them in halls. I don't...
  4. D

    a UK equivalent???

    I guess so, it's just that the way to get girls here is to get really pissed in clubs and hope to get lucky or to meet people through friends it seems. We don't really have the same dating 'culture' as you do. I dunno, I could be wrong, I'm just after some discussion on the topic and I wanna...
  5. D

    a UK equivalent???

    Hey, Is there a UK equivalent of this site/message board. We need something like this to address the different 'game' we have over here. Any thoughts?
  6. D

    Club Pickups UK

    Yo, Why does everyone living in America think that the UK is called London?? London is just the capital city in England!! There's tons of other cities here too you know. It's England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that make up the UK. London is IN England. It's like us calling...
  7. D

    My family seems to be an obstacle

    Hey man, Why would you be ashamed to tell your family you have a girlfriend?? It is human interaction at its most basic - men and women getting together and making more humans - what belief system or religion could possibly make it embarassing? Also, how old are you?
  8. D

    All people from the UK??

    thanks for the replies. Confirmed a few of my suspicions.
  9. D

    All people from the UK??

    I reckon we need some UK experts on this stuff to sort out some of the differences. All the pulling I know what goes on is in pubs and clubs too. All the girls I've ever been with have been girls I've met in class or through other friends. I think we also binge drink a hell of a lot more...
  10. D

    All people from the UK??

    Hi, Was just wondering whether DJ's here in the UK have found any differences in principles. As far as I can tell we don't have the same dating 'culture' here as there is in america. What are people's thoughts??
  11. D

    Films we should watch??!!!

    Hi there, I've recently found 2 films that are good for getting the right attitude/getting over an LTR. The first one that I always watch is American Beauty. Although not a perfect example of don juanism by any stretch, Kevin Spacey shows a great way to get over a relationship. He...
  12. D

    Club Pickups UK

    Hi, Need some advice no picking up in loud clubs, especially in the UK! Anyone got some killer openers they always use to good effect? It's often hard to hear in clubs so having a decent convo is tough - I'm not getting much success since getting out of my 2 year LTR 2 months ago! Any...
  13. D

    In need of a Booster? Please read!

    That's my point though, that it's not for people that are just starting out, but for those that have read all the bible etc.. and just need a quick reminder of some of this stuff when on a downer or whatever. I found this site about 3 years ago and the skills it taught me got me a couple of...
  14. D

    In need of a Booster? Please read!

    Thanks for the reply. I do know what you mean, its no good having a head full of stuff that you 'have' to remember - too much science as I've heard it put on this board. The list is more intended to be motivational and I've written it in this ----------- I AM the Great...
  15. D

    In need of a Booster? Please read!

    Yo! Now for my second post here..... Having come to a point in my life where I'm down on a failed LTR and really need to remind myself of all the DJ basics to get back on my game, I decided to reread the parts of the bible that i found most useful preLTR. I've made a text file that I feel...