Recent content by Dali_tx_o

  1. D


    Hello gentlemen, Seeing a lack of actionable and fun little tips, I've got a little golden move to share. Best suited in mixed social circle situations, for those under 30 or so (a lot depends on your personality). When a girl says something (incredibly) stupid, interrupt and ask her if...
  2. D

    Sex on first date

    I was the bad boy, the secret lover that was an escape for her. I left out some bits from the story because it wasn't important. "Liz" wanted more with me, she tried and tried to get me more involved, to go on "dates" with her, she even tricked me into meeting her cousin. Yet I told her that all...
  3. D

    Sex on first date

    I respectfully disagree with Robyn923b. I would like to share a story. It is something that comes back to me every so often. Late in the evening, there was a girl telling her date that she is not like that and she doesn't sleep with guys on a first night as she was giving him a good-night...
  4. D

    Time management with girl

    You seem to be confused. It's the excess of your attention that makes a girl lose interest, not lack of it. The more a woman knows about her man, the less excited she feels about him. Once or twice a week is probably perfect timing, with the only drawback being less sex per week than...
  5. D

    How has learning game changed your life?

    I tried to write a lot, but ended up deleting, rewriting, the deleting some more, posting what was left, then editing and deleting more until this was left: The paradox of Game (or is it life?) - once you get where you thought you wanted to get, you realize that it was all but for naught...
  6. D

    Signs your gf isn't into you

    What the girl is saying is perfectly clear, when you take into account that the medium is the message. Never listen to what woman says, listen to what she does.
  7. D

    Im curious about how you pass the "you wish" or "in your dreams" provocation

    "Don't flatter yourself", delivered with a smirk. If she looks extremely bit**y, accompany this with a backturn.
  8. D

    Sex date scheduled, how to proceed?

    ""we will just have two dates at the same day then" is where you fumbled. Next time, leave it at "I ain't planning on sex either" tone - this way, if sex happens, it "just happened" in the girls mind. If you put such an overt innuendo in conversation, she knows you are expecting sex.. and we...
  9. D

    **** test? I think so..

    I don't remember who said it, but a "Hey you" greeting from a girl stands for "Hey (I want to ****) you". This might change though - I'd suggest reading:
  10. D

    How do I win her back? Long distance relationship

    There's probably a lot of people writing why Long Distance Relationships don't work. Before we go on, let's get something straight. You want to fix what exactly? Could you define this relationship you have? And before we go further: Have you had sex with the girl? Have you kissed her? In that...
  11. D

    Quality of advice

    Again, I agree with the message - I wrote down my last reply to thread before I saw the post. As I mentioned - sure, "lay count" is not a sure sign for the advice, and better measures of quality could be devised. What I am saying though, is that it is a start, and the "advice" I am so critical...
  12. D

    Quality of advice

    Epimanes: Just saw the edit. Did not mean it that way. I am not saying "lay count" is the sure, tell all sign of the quality of advice. I am saying it is just "something", that could be a basis, and that could be developed. Married man is probably section where your advice would be spot...
  13. D

    Quality of advice

    I do not disagree. Times change, and so does game to stay potent. But what was regarded as "Girl is not worth your time" is now becoming "Yeah, she's not great, but you could still get her if <x> (myself, probably, guilty of this). It is like the whole SoSuave is getting softer, yet what most...
  14. D

    Quality of advice

    Hello gentlemen, I have noticed an alarming trend - when skimming through recent posts and replies, I have noticed that a lot of advice given is... well, to put it bluntly, ****. Bear with me. I am not saying that all advice given here is useless - what I am saying is that the...
  15. D

    What is the mentality of this girl?

    ...Freudian slip? Either way, what TheCWord said - judge by actions, not by words. Her ignoring you is the message. In the off-chance that she did not ignore you on purpose, just forget about her until she contacts you herself. Otherwise...