Recent content by Charismatic

  1. C

    The curse of beauty

    Your style of writing is very cool. Good story man.
  2. C

    Hey guys, my left forearm really hurts

    I think I know what you're talking about. I had this happen to me when I started doing preacher curls consistently. Your wrist area and the part below it starts to hurt whenever you do anything with it. Basically, if you stop doing the curls, they will heal and you'll be fine.
  3. C

    try this out next time you are out..

    Negativity usually leads nowhere, better to have a positive outlook on everything and project that, rather than see the negativity in girls. You're supposed to be content with your surroundings. You may just be thinking in your head how that girl is a fat ass and that one is probably anorexic...
  4. C

    How to's- How to do cold pick-ups, (mall, street, etc) The hardest of all pick-ups...

    For some reason I don't see the ugliness in this guy, heh. Don't want to derail the thread or anything, I just don't see how that is BUTT UGLY.
  5. C


    Junior High?
  6. C

    The 6 Supreme Factors of Attraction de la Soul

    Jester, weren't you telling me in the chat room how you couldn't even make yourself ask for a girl's number? And this was more than once? Come on man, you have to be honest with yourself.
  7. C

    Do all girls act like don juanita? wait for the guy to approach?

    I didnt read all the responses but it seems that you guys are frustrated with how it's hard to read the signals that a girl will like you. I dont know, I think everyone that you make eye contact with WILL respond to you in some way, so you can just choose who you want to talk to and go from...