Looks is everything


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
Reaction score
Try just being aesthetic and being the best you can look possibly in the gym and outside. Just try. It’ll attract more women to you than money or status. It will give you confidence, make you happier, give you clearer thinking and make you feel amazing. It is the hack. Idk why I spin my mind with game or even so suave when working on my body and aesthetics has done more for me with girls and life in general than anything else. I’ve noticed when I got fat or slacked off no matter how many times I went out or tried to approach girls they weren’t as warm for me. I also didn’t feel myself. Get in shape.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
It certainly is a good entry point and it matters more and more as you mature. This winter I’d put on some weight. Took 3 months to clean up my diet again and do regular workouts and I’m firmed up, abs visible in the right tshirt/fabrics, guns out now that it’s warming up and suddenly I’m getting looks again. May not always be from anything I’d ever consider.

Before I started lifting in my 30’s, longer ago that some of your birthdays, and when I finally got near shredded it changed EVERYTHING, work life, sex life, attitude. EVERYTHING.

There is absolutely no reason a man should not be working out. NONE. A basic workout takes 50 minutes, everyone has 50 minutes in their day. EVERYONE. If you don’t it just means your lying to yourself. Platitudes.

There’s no magic to it, anytime is the right time to start.

p.s. do heavy, ass to grass oly back squats and don’t forget your tris. Your biceps can only get so full if you want GUNS work those tris and look like a beast in tanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
I think almost everyone knows and accepts this nowadays, tbh

People on here and other 'game' sites aren't talking about negs and pushpulls and discussing the best way to spike girls emotions and talking about the best lines and most powerful verbal techniques to force attraction in girls anymore. That's the sort of nonsense people spoke about back in 2004 when people wanted to believe if they only knew enough 'game' they could bang whoever they want

In fact there's still the odd poster you stumble across (i saw a few on reddit/seduction sub) who try to convince themselves and others that they can get ANY girl they want due to their game knowledge and 'frame' etc, but of course it's all just fiction/fantasy. We all have a very good idea of what is and isn't possible thanks to infield footage and it's not especially impressive! With all their 'game', the infields show that the girls more or less make up their minds before the PUA has even finished his opener lol (lays are always on strong 'yes girls' and the huge percentage of 'no girls' who aren't attracted to him on sight go in his 'rejection compilation' of his paid product) - it's why I crack up laughing so much when certain posters on this site and a few other sites imply they're such lady kilers when i've seen their pics and so i know they'd have ZERO chance with any girl I was interested in lol

So yes, get as good looking as you can. Be it hitting the gym, getting surgery, improving fashion and skin etc. Whatever. Depends how important getting with hot, young girls is to you

The goodlookingloser forum was kind of ahead of it's time in that regard if you go back and look at posts from a long time age. It was basically the only PUA forum at the time where nobody really spoke or cared about 'game'/verbals and the only one where posters showed a tonne of proof of members banging hundreds of girls. All they cared about was the important stuff (not 'game' and verbals etc, but getting good looking)

Go out gaming with a very good looking dude (like my old wingman) and your mind will be blown lol

edit: Only do that once, though! I don't advise having a really good looking wingman at all! It's torture lol. All the girls will be trying to bang him and not you!! :) Go out with people a little uglier than you is what i've found to be the best


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
Reaction score
I think almost everyone knows and accepts this nowadays, tbh

People on here and other 'game' sites aren't talking about negs and pushpulls and discussing the best way to spike girls emotions and talking about the best lines and most powerful verbal techniques to force attraction in girls anymore. That's the sort of nonsense people spoke about back in 2004 when people wanted to believe if they only knew enough 'game' they could bang whoever they want

In fact there's still the odd poster you stumble across (i saw a few on reddit/seduction sub) who try to convince themselves and others that they can get ANY girl they want due to their game knowledge and 'frame' etc, but of course it's all just fiction/fantasy. We all have a very good idea of what is and isn't possible thanks to infield footage and it's not especially impressive! With all their 'game', the infields show that the girls more or less make up their minds before the PUA has even finished his opener lol (lays are always on strong 'yes girls' and the huge percentage of 'no girls' who aren't attracted to him on sight go in his 'rejection compilation' of his paid product) - it's why I crack up laughing so much when certain posters on this site and a few other sites imply they're such lady kilers when i've seen their pics and so i know they'd have ZERO chance with any girl I was interested in lol

So yes, get as good looking as you can. Be it hitting the gym, getting surgery, improving fashion and skin etc. Whatever. Depends how important getting with hot, young girls is to you

The goodlookingloser forum was kind of ahead of it's time in that regard if you go back and look at posts from a long time age. It was basically the only PUA forum at the time where nobody really spoke or cared about 'game'/verbals and the only one where posters showed a tonne of proof of members banging hundreds of girls. All they cared about was the important stuff (not 'game' and verbals etc, but getting good looking)

Go out gaming with a very good looking dude (like my old wingman) and your mind will be blown lol

edit: Only do that once, though! I don't advise having a really good looking wingman at all! It's torture lol. All the girls will be trying to bang him and not you!! :) Go out with people a little uglier than you is what i've found to be the best
Looksmax is real. I know this to be true cause I have a very cute cat and he bites me all the time and I find it so endearing. Then I thought to myself Id this cat was ugly I’d probably hate e cat and sell it. Then I thought wait this must be how girls feel!


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I think 'looks is everything' ends by the time one graduates high school. After that, any girl who is not completely messed up/drunk/on drugs will peer behind the looks, to see if there's anything there, before she lets you do anything with her.
It’ll attract more women to you than money or status.
If one wants meaningless sex with ditzy bimbos, one can achieve that much more easily and time effective with money and/or status.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm all for maximizing health and fitness, but let's keep it real.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
Reaction score
I think 'looks is everything' ends by the time one graduates high school. After that, any girl who is not completely messed up/drunk/on drugs will peer behind the looks, to see if there's anything there, before she lets you do anything with her.

If one wants meaningless sex with ditzy bimbos, one can achieve that much more easily and time effective with money and/or status.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm all for maximizing health and fitness, but let's keep it real.
Idk man I’ve been banging girls when I was 25 being DEAD broke. Granted they weren’t the highest of quality but they were cute.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I think 'looks is everything' ends by the time one graduates high school. After that, any girl who is not completely messed up/drunk/on drugs will peer behind the looks, to see if there's anything there, before she lets you do anything with her.
I disagree. It lasts at least through college age for those who attend secular USA colleges (see thread below) and likely at least into one's mid to late 20s.

Looks alone can carry a man until around age 30-35 or so. After that, he begins to get judged more on non-looks factors. This is true for both women near his own age judging him and the 18-25 year old younger women.

Get in shape.
Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and personality.

Looks are #1.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Looksmax is real. I know this to be true cause I have a very cute cat and he bites me all the time and I find it so endearing. Then I thought to myself Id this cat was ugly I’d probably hate e cat and sell it. Then I thought wait this must be how girls feel!

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
No, looks is not everything. But if you don't have much else going for you I guess it could be. Many times I have gone out with guys much taller, bigger muscles, and better looking than me and ended up being the guy who took some girl home that nite or got the phone number. Why...because I was better socially, more fun to talk to, and more confident.

It all matters. Stop believing in absolutes.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Initial impressions matter. The old adage that “she knows in under 30 seconds is she’d be willing to have sex with you” is true, after that point it’s yours to f-up.

She makes a yes/no decision immediately, based on looks and demeanor. No game you spit from there will likely change the outcome.

So looks are a barrier to entry. A requirement to even pass go. Anything else is platitudes.

If you’re fat and ugly get fit and work on your aesthetics, muffin.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I disagree. It lasts at least through college age for those who attend secular USA colleges (see thread below) and likely at least into one's mid to late 20s.

Looks alone can carry a man until around age 30-35 or so. After that, he begins to get judged more on non-looks factors. This is true for both women near his own age judging him and the 18-25 year old younger women.

Beyond 35 too.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2024
Reaction score
Being healthy and looking good is advantageous in all realms of life. That's obvious and everybody knows this.

But it is also true that when you get older your looks will eventually fade and your health will inevitably go. That's why you should put most of your focus in life on your spiritual development because in the end that's all you will have.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Looks are sometimes important. Much like anything with a woman, her feelings can change every day, hour, or even minute. One moment, she wants a hot muscled chiseled guy. The next, she's horny and just wants to be dominated by the closest man, no matter how unattractive he may be. Enough studies have been shown that women get horny when unwillingly dominated by another man, which makes sense from a biological standpoint. They receive far more orgasms from it, too.

Women never know what they want so stop trying to guess it. I bet my life savings that Taylor Swift wishes she could be gangbanged by the entire Kansas Chief's roster with a blindfold on. Only reason she does not do it cause it would come out that she is a slut and ruin people's perception of her. But she still wants it.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
This is why sexual dominance in relationships is a real thing. Make her feel like a slut in bed, regardless of the how you feel about her. Make it feel like magic, but be calculating.

As has been said be her high score and it safeguards your connection.

/slight derail

I’d wager a bet that most men are turned on by being more dominant even with women who you feel like you should be gentle and loving to. You’d be amazed how most will react to it. Now there’s a way to do it, you need to learn to do it on your own and develop your own approach. Learn how to talk dirty. Unleash the inner slut, learn by trial and error.

I always talk dirty to women in bed, usually whispering in her ear while wrecking her vagina. Ask her questions too, prompt her, encourage her, get her talking and reward her when she does. Talk her through orgasms, learn to reverse link cause and affect. For example when you determine she’s about to orgasm, (often you can tell physiologically before she even knows, if you’re attentive) start telling her you want her to come, this starts linking your voice to her arousal level and orgasm. Over time you’ll be able to tell her to come and she will, then praise her and reward her. When you can get to the point where you’re inside her and not even moving, and whisper “I want you to come” or a variation of it, and she does you’ll know you hit pay dirt.

Again make it feel like magic, women want to feel swept away by a man’s masculinity, it’s 99.999% of a woman’s satisfaction.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Try just being aesthetic and being the best you can look possibly in the gym and outside.
It's a good thing I'm so cool that I'm ridiculously hot. Nothing to improve upon. I'll just stand here, and be pretty.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
Reaction score
I disagree. It lasts at least through college age for those who attend secular USA colleges (see thread below) and likely at least into one's mid to late 20s.

Looks alone can carry a man until around age 30-35 or so. After that, he begins to get judged more on non-looks factors. This is true for both women near his own age judging him and the 18-25 year old younger women.

Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and personality.

Looks are #1.
I’m getting leaner now and I’m thinking this is the case more than ever. Even older women like good looking men. Keep in mind the female pea hen look at the most beautiful looking peacock. Same with human females. I don’t think this can be disputed and all else is Cope.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
A man should take care of himself at all ages, but in terms of what a woman wants from him, it depends on her age.

A younger women who can have and wants offspring, she wants the man's genetics. An older woman who can't have and doesn't want offspring, she wants the man's resources.

, no 45 year old menopausal woman with 2 kids is not going to care a man is 6'2 and ripped if he has little money. And no 25 year old woman is going to care a man has money if he is short and not ripped.

Everything depends on a woman's youth.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
Reaction score
It's a good thing I'm so cool that I'm ridiculously hot. Nothing to improve upon. I'll just stand here, and be pretty.
A man should take care of himself at all ages, but in terms of what a woman wants from him, it depends on her age.

A younger women who can have and wants offspring, she wants the man's genetics. An older woman who can't have and doesn't want offspring, she wants the man's resources.

, no 45 year old menopausal woman with 2 kids is going to care a man is 6'2 and ripped if he has little money. And no 25 year old woman is going to care a man has money if he is short and not ripped.

Everything depends on a woman's youth.
but don’t we all younger women? My **** won’t get hard for a old woman no matter how hard I try


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score

but don’t we all younger women? My **** won’t get hard for a old woman no matter how hard I try
This guy was pulling young broads for years. If he can get some, you can get some.


Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
I think almost everyone knows and accepts this nowadays, tbh
Try just being aesthetic and being the best you can look possibly in the gym and outside. Just try. It’ll attract more women to you than money or status. It will give you confidence, make you happier, give you clearer thinking and make you feel amazing. It is the hack. Idk why I spin my mind with game or even so suave when working on my body and aesthetics has done more for me with girls and life in general than anything else. I’ve noticed when I got fat or slacked off no matter how many times I went out or tried to approach girls they weren’t as warm for me. I also didn’t feel myself. Get in shape.
They help, but they are not everything. I do think all men should looksmaxx, but not to the point of effeminacy, even when married.
A workout takes 50 minutes, everyone has 50 minutes in their day.
Yes. My workouts these days are on the minimalist side, and I do cardio or lift at 5:00 or 5:30 AM, these days. The gym is far less packed at those times.

i think people do too much volume anyway, as I used to. And something is always better than nothing. Even if a guy warmed up and did one killer set of high-rep breathing squats (which is similar to rest-pause) that left him totally taxed, that’s better than nothing.