Red Pill Mentality: Never Be Satisfied

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Despite what you may think, what you may have heard, or what you may be looking for, The Red Pill is not a path to happiness. If anything, it’s the opposite.

Something like a year ago, I stumbled across The Red Pill. Before then, I was in a mostly-sexless marriage with an ungrateful b*tch of a wife, my job sucked, I barely had any friends and no professional/social network worth mentioning, and had a hard time interacting with people in a non-awkward way. But despite all of that, I loved my wife fiercely, my daughter even more, was still making six figures, commanded enough obligatory respect in the workplace that people had to tolerate my awkwardness, and had been hitting the gym each day for years. Life wasn’t perfect (far from it), but if you’d asked me then, I would have told you that life was good. I was happy. You can’t have everything all the time, and I considered myself a lucky guy.

Enter The Red Pill. It dawns on me that my marriage sucks *ss. That real men have wives that respect them, treat them well, and f*ck them more than once every six weeks. That real men tell their young toddler what to do, and she doesn’t just laugh at them. That real men are respected at work, successful, and if they don’t enjoy what they’re doing each day they make changes. That real men know lots of people, help people get places, and have those favors returned by others. That I wasn’t a real man. Not because I cook dinner and fold laundry instead of doing carpentry in my garage and discussing college football with my burping guy friends over beers – but because I didn’t have my sh*t together. One bad month, and I’d be out of a job with no contacts to hook me up with my next one. One bad fight and my wife would be out the door with my daughter. I was lonely, stressed, even frightened. All the time. I was terribly unhappy and had been for a long time, but somehow got used to being that unhappy. It became normal to feel like that – so normal that if you’d asked, I’d have told you I was happy and had a good life. My good life was hanging by a thread, and I was willfully blind to it.

Today, after a year of trying to amp-up my Red Pill life, am I more happy? F*ck no. I’m in great shape, but there’s so much room for improvement that it’s just not funny. I’m not satisfied with my body. I have a good job (about to leave it to start a better one), but I’m still not satisfied. I have a decent professional network at my fingertips, but nowhere near where I want it to be. My marriage is better, but still has a long way to go. I’m better socially, but again, still a long way to go.

And even if I somehow reach this Red Pill ideal of “good enough” in any category, there’s not really such a thing. You’re never done. “Good enough” is a sickness. You’re never content. Never satisfied. Never happy.

Because being “haaaaapy” is for women. Being satisfied and content is for women. Once you’ve torn the blinders off and see the world for how it is, there’s no such thing as happiness. There are momentary pleasures, longer-term pleasures, but throughout everything, life is work. You’re never done. You’re never “good enough,” and you’re never finally ready to stop, sit back, enjoy it all, and be “haaaaapy.”

Real men aren’t happy. When your grandfather (or great grandfather if you’re young) came home from a long day at the factory, he never smiled. He was gruff, abrupt, hard-working. He loved his family, but they were his responsibility to take care of – they were his burden, not his contentment. He took satisfaction from being employed and hard-working, but his job was a means to an end, not his identity, not his source of contentment. He had friends and contacts, but they were one more thing he worked to maintain, not something playful to help him relax and cut loose. He had hobbies, but they were always constructive ones that broadened his mind and taught him skills, not f*ck-*ss video games—his hobbies were sometimes harder work than his actual work.

If you want to be happy, stop reading The Red Pill. Go away. Never think about it again. Be ignorant, content, satisfied with “good enough.”

It’s not in your nature, as a man, to be happy and seek contentment. Being “haaaaapy” is for women.

Link here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Ever since I dropped the red pill, my life and relationships with women have significantly improved. The red pill puts you into this echo-chamber that convinces you to fear life, women, and etc and worship the next male red pill icon that is hot in the moment.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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The red pill puts you into this echo-chamber that convinces you to fear life, women, and etc and worship the next male red pill icon that is hot in the moment.
Red Pill may have done this for you, but it doesn't advocate any of those things. It's a set of tools to deal with women in the insane modern world.

It seems you may have dropped the red pill before you came out the other side, or maybe discovered the other side on your own. I mean no disrespect in saying that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Red Pill may have done this for you, but it doesn't advocate any of those things. It's a set of tools to deal with women in the insane modern world.
I guess my point is that you can choose to take in an ideology that tries to change your point of view of life or simply grow a sack of nuts and not be a pushover. Just because I am not red pill anymore does not mean I let women walk all over me. I have standards that I abide by, I qualify them, and if they misbehave then I simply walk away. You do not need to swallow the red pill to do any of that, you just need a pair of nuts.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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You do not need to swallow the red pill to do any of that, you just need a pair of nuts.
You're saying the same thing dude. MarriedRedPill is filled with dudes making 100k+, myself being one of them. Why are they there? Because they were mislead about women, and they don't have the balls to tell their wives "no".
Both of these are caused by the blue pill fantasy world we've allowed ourselves to live in. No one needs the Red Pill, they just need to not be throat fvcked by the Blue Pill from birth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
You're saying the same thing dude. MarriedRedPill is filled with dudes making 100k+, myself being one of them. Why are they there? Because they were mislead about women, and they don't have the balls to tell their wives "no".
Both of these are caused by the blue pill fantasy world we've allowed ourselves to live in. No one needs the Red Pill, they just need to not be throat fvcked by the Blue Pill from birth.
At the end of the day women want a man, not a son or dad? Men tend to think that just because they have a decent job or muscles makes them a man when they are actually incomplete. At the end of the day, men have to start taking accountability for their actions. Men are the gatekeepers to relationships and marriages, not women. Men are the ones in charge of maintaining the pace and control of the marriage/relationship, not women. Men need to accept that they either A). Failed to qualify and discard a woman that was not fit or marriage in the first place or B). Lost masculine frame during the marriage/relationship.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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At the end of the day women want a man, not a son or dad? Men tend to think that just because they have a decent job or muscles makes them a man when they are actually incomplete. At the end of the day, men have to start taking accountability for their actions. Men are the gatekeepers to relationships and marriages, not women. Men are the ones in charge of maintaining the pace and control of the marriage/relationship, not women. Men need to accept that they either A). Failed to qualify and discard a woman that was not fit or marriage in the first place or B). Lost masculine frame during the marriage/relationship.
Everything you said here is literally in red pill.

It's not a movement or ideology or anything like that - its waking dudes up from the matrix and showing them the world for what it really is, then it teaches them tools to help them navigate it.

Some dudes don't need red pill as they already knew these things, others do. Had I not found red pill, I'd still be supplicating to my wife. Could I have learned how to fix this without red pill? Sure, but nothing was teaching what I needed to know.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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It is possible to become fatalistic when ingesting so called RP knowledge. When I began my journey back to self - which could loosely be called become RP aware, I spent a good long year deeply depressed.

I have a close friend (adhd) who went RP and completely borked his perfectly good marriage. Like dude went off the deep end. She kicked his dumb arse out. He still recites RP shibboleths like they’re the keys to heaven even though it’s caused him ruin. Some people are just not cut out for this. I see it all the time when people want a formula from this board on how to “get bishes”.

In the end RP is best utilized by thinkers, not those who consider it gospel. The ability to synthesize your own thoughts on a matter as opposed to take things by rote is key.

NAWALT occurs.
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Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
In the end RP is best utilized by thinkers, not those who consider it gospel. The ability to synthesize your own thoughts on a matter as opposed to take things by rote is key.
I couldn't agree more and this is what many other red pillers often say too. It definitely has it's place and crowd, though sometimes it is misused/misinterpreted.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Everything you said here is literally in red pill.

It's not a movement or ideology or anything like that - its waking dudes up from the matrix and showing them the world for what it really is, then it teaches them tools to help them navigate it.

Some dudes don't need red pill as they already knew these things, others do. Had I not found red pill, I'd still be supplicating to my wife. Could I have learned how to fix this without red pill? Sure, but nothing was teaching what I needed to know.
I think I get what you are saying, the Red Pill can be that useful kick in the @$$/missing rite of passage for men that never got it? The Red Pill did save me from making stupid mistakes with women that could affect me long term and kept me in a competitive mindset to get women. However, like @Pierce Manhammer mentioned, there are bad consequences if utilized the wrong way. My emotional intelligence and social skills with women suffered greatly which had me stuck in my own rabbit hole.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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This whole thing about RP reminds me of a funny video about a chimp shooting an AK-47:

RP is akin to a powerful weapon or tool. In the right hands, it has the potential to dramatically improve overall life in various aspects. However, similar to the monkey in the clip, if wielded by ignorant and inexperienced individuals, it can lead to negative outcomes, turning them dark, toxic, and jaded. Ironically, this prevents them from leading a meaningful and happy life as a human being.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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the Red Pill can be that useful kick in the @$$/missing rite of passage for men that never got it?
Kind of. It's not a rite of passage or anything, just helping dudes actually understand the world around them. The dudes who get women regularly already know these things; the dudes who don't get women have no idea (speaking generally). So the key is in getting the experience... that you can't get without the key. The Red Pill is that key for a lot of guys.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Red Pill may have done this for you, but it doesn't advocate any of those things. It's a set of tools to deal with women in the insane modern world.

It seems you may have dropped the red pill before you came out the other side, or maybe discovered the other side on your own. I mean no disrespect in saying that.
That's the problem with this notion of The Red Pill... It can mean anything, or nothing

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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That's the problem with this notion of The Red Pill... It can mean anything, or nothing
It's a toolbox and schematic. Some people already knew what was on the schematic, so it has no value to them. Some people have all of these tools and know how to use them, so having the same tools provided to them again carries no value. Such individuals gain no benefit from the red pill.

Those of us who did not know what was on this schematic learned a lot on how to navigate it. Those of us who did not know what tools were available or how to use them, found them instrumental in navigating this schematic.

So how is this a problem?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
It is possible to become fatalistic when ingesting so called RP knowledge. When I began my journey back to self - which could loosely be called become RP aware, I spent a good long year deeply depressed.

I have a close friend (adhd) who went RP and completely borked his perfectly good marriage. Like dude went off the deep end. She kicked his dumb arse out. He still recites RP shibboleths like they’re the keys to heaven even though it’s caused him ruin. Some people are just not cut out for this. I see it all the time when people want a formula from this board on how to “get bishes”.

In the end RP is best utilized by thinkers, not those who consider it gospel. The ability to synthesize your own thoughts on a matter as opposed to take things by rote is key.

NAWALT occurs.
What's preventing more of us from admitting outright that The Red Pill has gone from a little harmless slang to a full-blown religion?

One which uses "Blue Pill" as a replacement term for "blasphemy/heresy", and "Purple Pill" as a stand-in for "So heterodox, that The Ayatollahs of Red Pill Theology over on YouTube are now triggered by hearing/reading words which run contrary to their worldview... So much so, that they're now drafting a fatwah against the poor b-stard who dare write/speak these words publicly"

Note: I am, partially, from a Muslim background on my paternal side, so no one mistake anything I just wrote for bigotry. My barbs here are being directed at dogmatism in all of it's various incarnations
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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It's a toolbox and schematic. Some people already knew what was on the schematic, so it has no value to them. Some people have all of these tools and know how to use them, so having the same tools provided to them again carries no value. Such individuals gain no benefit from the red pill.

Those of us who did not know what was on this schematic learned a lot on how to navigate it. Those of us who did not know what tools were available or how to use them, found them instrumental in navigating this schematic.

So how is this a problem?

"So how is this a problem?"

Life was a hell of a lot more simple when we were communicating in Plain Language(Ex. "If you act weak and pathetic, you'll be viewed with disdain by other men, and not seen as desirable by women"), instead of emulating The Woke Left, by writing and speaking exclusively in deliberately opaque jargon that's often indecipherable even to it's True Believers


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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The red pill is a pill that will inevitably end up ostracising you from everyone and everything as you will be unable to tolerate any type of
" disrespectful " behaviour from anyone

But people both men and women are highly flawed and operate within their own value systems which will usually be completely different to yours

so they are destined repeatedly disappoint you , no "pill" can change this

As I am getting older I am very much starting to understand being a man is just not letting it effect you , instead of trying to punish it with resentment

You have to be constantly adaptable , wife disrespecting you ? not giving you enough sex ?

ok you dont argue with her you dont punish her

you just start entertaining other women again start creating options , in fact the men of the past all had mistresses I assume for this sole reason

Life as a man is just one constant work in progress until one day you stop and your like wow that was a hell of a ride