1.5 years difference, bulking - cutting - bulking

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Beast mode!

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Hahaha bull$hit, I train harder than naturals in the gym brah
Which makes sense because exogenous androgens increase your workload capacity and decrease your recovery time.

You’re not claiming you would look the same if you were natty, are you?

(mind you that meme is from T-Nation)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Which makes sense because exogenous androgens increase your workload capacity and decrease your recovery time.

You’re not claiming you would look the same if you were natty, are you?

(mind you that meme is from T-Nation)
No, peds help a lot, but still gotta put in the work, eat clean, rest and train hard. I know guys on peds that look like $hit cause of their training and their diet


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
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No, peds help a lot, but still gotta put in the work, eat clean, rest and train hard. I know guys on peds that look like $hit cause of their training and their diet
Had a work meeting a few weeks ago a guy younger than me was telling another guy he needs to get to the clinic he goes to and get on trt . I said “ your on trt?” He said yes sir coming up on a year... best move I ever made... feel like I’m 18 again.... never felt this good.

He literally looked worse than he did a year earlier... if not worse... face was turning red.. he was sweating... and as he’s talking to me he’s downing his second glazed donut !

I wanted to tell his dumb @ss had been cleaned up his diet, started exercising...hydrating, cut out booze....it would have been cheaper and more efficient.

It annoys me when I see guys spending the money to take PED’s....and not doing everything else right... makes zero sense to me! Your right you won’t look like a god simply by pinning tren

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Yeah, steroids only act as an amplifier for what you're already doing. If you're not eating or training properly, you should not expect much gain from steroids.

Many people also mask poor diet and training with AAS and PEDs. When they hit a plateau, they blame the steroids and start taking more.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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You are around my age and dress like that? Are you planning on auditioning for the revival of Jersey Shore or something? Damn lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Yeah, steroids only act as an amplifier for what you're already doing. If you're not eating or training properly, you should not expect much gain from steroids.

Many people also mask poor diet and training with AAS and PEDs. When they hit a plateau, they blame the steroids and start taking more.
Bro, steroids make a massive difference, don't kid yourself on that. There was a study done a while ago where they put young men between 25-34 on various dosages of testosterone and had them NOT train at all for several months, though the diet was planned. Guys that used 300mg and 600mg gained muscle and strength/power, with the higher dosage having greater results to no surprise. If you were to take a copy of a new guy at the gym and have them do the same routine, but one was on the sauce and the other was natural, you'd see a night and day difference.

You might not remember who I'm talking about, but this internet sensation around 2010-2011 named Zyzz had a very ripped physique and clearly was a steroid user. The guy partied his ass off and regularly engaged in drugs and drinking, which eventually killed him lol.

A lot of the results you will see are honestly due to genetics, this goes for both using and not using steroids. I personally don't use steroids and see no reason to. You are shutting down your own hormonal production and very likely will have to rely on TRT for the rest of your life. You are also increasing your risk of cardiovascular events like a stroke or heart attack. I've even seen data showing this with those just using TRT dosages. I personally believe the TRT benefits being pushed is just a means for clinics to generate profit.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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No, peds help a lot, but still gotta put in the work, eat clean, rest and train hard. I know guys on peds that look like $hit cause of their training and their diet
No what? What I stated are facts bro. I never said anything about your routine. Steroids increase your workload capacity and shorten your recovery time - thems facts.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Not my preference. I’ll take the lean athletic look every time over the mega bulky look. Also, PEDs are a great way to reduce your lifespan by 20-30 years. No thank you!
I honestly don't really understand the reason why anyone would ever go on steroids if they were just a regular person. The only exceptions I can think of are those that are professional athletes or those whose livelihood/survival is dependent upon top physical performance.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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No what? What I stated are facts bro. I never said anything about your routine. Steroids increase your workload capacity and shorten your recovery time - thems facts.
You are totally correct. Even guys in MMA and endurance sports are on some level of gear that allows them to at MINIMUM recover from massive training volumes and workloads that would honestly bury them if they were to be 100% natural. There was an experiment they did with a low steroid dose on soldiers in Ranger school, where they compared non users to users and how their bodies responded to the training. In ranger school it's normal to lose a substantial amount of weight due to the insane amounts of activity with mountaineering and also because they are on a caloric restriction with rationing. Anyway, those that used gear were much stronger and maintained/slightly built muscle, while those not on it lost quite a bit.

I always kind of laugh at people that think pro athletes aren't on something. These athletes probably aren't even using all that much and are probably on fairly moderate doses. You'd probably have a guy that natural would be 6'3" and 210 with abs running a 40 yard in 4.8 or something who is a linebacker at a decent college. Put him on some test, and now he has another 15-20 of muscle on him at 230 with abs and running a 40 yard in 4.6 and a top athlete on the team and could potentially be at the NFL combine. If he had stayed natural, he would have been a nobody lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Have you ever taken any anabolic steroids?
No, but I've read enough research on it AND seen the results of many people from the gyms I've gone to over the years to base these claims.

There was a guy I knew from the gym back in 2019. He was around 5'10" or so and about 210 when he first went on, he was somewhere around 15-20% bf. He had a max bench of about 315 and max deadlift of 500. I'm not sure what he specifically he used, but he went on his first cycle and within 6 months he was easily bench pressing 315 for 10 reps and could deadlift 500 for 10 reps, I remember seeing it for myself lol. I think he mentioned he was weighing around 250-260 or so, roughly the same body fat percentage. This guy had a solid base for someone training for several years and essentially made noob gains like he had never stepped foot in the gym before. Not everyone is going to have results like this, but this was more or less a typical gym bro and not some phenom or some **** lol.

To be honest, I've always been interested to see how much of a difference it would make for me personally. I'm much fitter and overall stronger than the vast majority of people I see at the gym, right now at 6'4" and 230 with ab definition. The thing is, I have a very OCD and competitive mindset and I know that if I were to ever go on it would be an issue for me emotionally/psychologically to where I'd never want to go off. I'm also not willing to increase my risk for certain health issues or shut down my natural hormonal production, so I see no reason to do so.
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