The Lost Art


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Yesterday I was at the vet regarding aftercare for my tomcat (eyelid correction after vicious cat fight), and there was this cute 26 year old woman waiting with a medium-sized dog she had 'rescued' from the dog pound.

The woman and I chatted about several topics while the veterinarian's nurse was dealing with some minor emergency. She asked me for my number, but I gave her my IG, told her she could sent me a PM without the need to follow my account. She contacted me after I left and came over for coffee this morning because 'she had enjoyed our conversation so much'. Part of our conversation was about the 'Lost Art of Conversation', since she observed that most men under 35 couldn't hold a conversation if their lives depended on it.

I'm sure that is more anecdotal than statistic, but do you work on being a good conversationalist and listener? (By the way, I'm not talking about s1mping and agreeing with everything a woman says, that is not a conversation)


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Fascinating that none of the young bucks have responded to this thread.

Conversation is a very valuable skill. Fewer people it seems have the ability in the youthful generation today and my son, age 21, who I did not allow to be a cell phone zombie, has excellent conversation skills and has thanked me, unprompted, for developing and requiring that of him because he can converse with anyone and he is finding that confers an enormous advantage to him over less sanguine peers.

Conversation skills as well as intelligence and emotional intelligence are not as often mentioned on this forum. But they are very valuable, especially to higher intelligence women who are going to need more than LMS to hold their attention.

Last night my husband was programming & wanted solitude for that. So I agreed to meet a girlfriend out for a glass of wine. We got to chatting with an old acquaintance of mine who is single & goes out quite a bit. He’s got his electrical engineering degree from MIT, lectures all over the world and has extremely high intelligence, an intellectual sense of humor and is far more socially developed than the typical engineer. He’s been very successful and has a daughter who became an investment banker in London and a son who is an astrophysicist. He’s very interesting to chat with. My girlfriend, who is 60, felt he is too old for her at 75, which is too bad. She is thin and very attractive (ex fashion model) for her age & less of an intellect if I’m being honest. He’s got such fascinating life experience and is a good man. I have another girlfriend I’d like to introduce him to, who is more intelligent and perhaps they might enjoy one another. He is tall, has good hair for his age & is trim & decent looking. He laments the dearth of women with an intellect that can engage him.

When I was single he always fancied me but he is 20 years older and I simply had zero desire for the guy. I was always polite but direct with him about that & always treated him with respect when I see him around.

But you are correct. This is an oft overlooked secret skill that ties directly into what we call “game.”
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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It’s not about conversation or being a good listener, it’s about when you are 54 and she is 26, there is no threat of having sex with her, She is completely completely relaxed and so are you.

Most men under 35 want to have sex with a hot 26 year old or get her pregnant so they are nervous. Guarantee when the same woman turns 46, most men under 35 would be as smooth as James Bond talking to her.

Everything depends on the woman‘s youth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Yesterday I was at the vet regarding aftercare for my tomcat (eyelid correction after vicious cat fight), and there was this cute 26 year old woman waiting with a medium-sized dog she had 'rescued' from the dog pound.

The woman and I chatted about several topics while the veterinarian's nurse was dealing with some minor emergency. She asked me for my number, but I gave her my IG, told her she could sent me a PM without the need to follow my account. She contacted me after I left and came over for coffee this morning because 'she had enjoyed our conversation so much'. Part of our conversation was about the 'Lost Art of Conversation', since she observed that most men under 35 couldn't hold a conversation if their lives depended on it.

I'm sure that is more anecdotal than statistic, but do you work on being a good conversationalist and listener? (By the way, I'm not talking about s1mping and agreeing with everything a woman says, that is not a conversation)
The entire premise of starting a conversation and being able to maintain a conversaton are the reasons this forum exists. The vast majority of modern men and women can't speak at any length on any subject for more than a few minutes.

You pretty much pulled of your typical "Day-Game" approach and managed to secure a coffee date. She even asked for your details so something you've said and done has struck her as being a man of quality.

It's your choice now on how to progress.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Well, I clean up to about an 8, so I’m told, but I’m not the pick of the litter because of my height 5’10”. If I’m out with a taller wing I’m often the second one to be noticed. he could be a

It’s just one of those facts of life.

But the other fact of life is that if I can get in a word edgewise, it’s all over my conversation MOG anyone pretty much. I can debate most subjects off the cuff and have a broad base of knowledge as I’ve held so many careers and interests.

Being able to converse confidently and engagingly is KEY, for any man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
It’s not about conversation or being a good listener, it’s about when you are 54 and she is 26, there is no threat of having sex with her, She is completely completely relaxed and so are you.
I guess you are quite young to think that young women are not attracted to 50+ year old men. I'm probably doing better than you are on the sexual field, especially since I have some skills most men lack.

But the other fact of life is that if I can get in a word edgewise, it’s all over my conversation MOG anyone pretty much. I can debate most subjects off the cuff and have a broad base of knowledge as I’ve held so many careers and interests.
Same for me, except that I'm 190cm and a former bouncer/cooler so I'm physically imposing even in the Netherlands where the average length is around 184cm tall.
However, as a novelist and poet, I'm a wordsmith and I converse easily in five languages, and I feel that my conversational skills has more bearing on my success with women than my size. Never a dull moment.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Fascinating that none of the young bucks have responded to this thread.

My girlfriend, who is 60, felt he is too old for her at 75, which is too bad. She is thin and very attractive (ex fashion model) for her age & less of an intellect if I’m being honest. He’s got such fascinating life experience and is a good man. I have another girlfriend I’d like to introduce him to, who is more intelligent and perhaps they might enjoy one another. He is tall, has good hair for his age & is trim & decent looking. He laments the dearth of women with an intellect that can engage him.
When I was single he always fancied me but he is 20 years older and I simply had zero desire for the guy. I was always polite but direct with him about that & always treated him with respect when I see him around.

But you are correct. This is an oft overlooked secret skill that ties directly into what we call “game.”
Hi BeExcellent.

While I get your point, in your examples you have shown that women can disqualify a man based on age and looks alone.

You have also mentioned that your husband had passed a certain looks threshold, in order for him to even be able to use "GAME" on you.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
At 5’10” I’m 200lbs and carry considerable mass for my height, so i like to think that helps, but yes i agree I’m in my 5th decade and I slay.

I guess you are quite young to think that young women are not attracted to 50+ year old men. I'm probably doing better than you are on the sexual field, especially since I have some skills most men lack.

Same for me, except that I'm 190cm and a former bouncer/cooler so I'm physically imposing even in the Netherlands where the average length is around 184cm tall.
However, as a novelist and poet, I'm a wordsmith and I converse easily in five languages, and I feel that my conversational skills has more bearing on my success with women than my size. Never a dull moment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
At 5’10” I’m 200lbs and carry considerable mass for my height, so i like to think that helps, but yes i agree I’m in my 5th decade and I slay.
When I was in my early twenties I also thought that at 50 "when you saw Abraham" was 'old age', but mainly because back then fifty year old men looked like old men. Nowadays, men can 'slay' way into their seventies and sometimes even older.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
I hope you understand that "From your lips to God’s ears…" is an idiom that means "I hope that what you have said proves to be correct."

The only other explanation is that you just needed to say something or you're being purposefully obtuse...

Well, I believe the Tao doesn't give a fvck about humanity, so I'll just have to be my own god.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I hope you understand that "From your lips to God’s ears…" is an idiom that means "I hope that what you have said proves to be correct."
Of course I know that. Keep it light, my friend.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Oh I’m using very diplomatic language here brother, just calling them as I see them.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
Reaction score
When I was in my early twenties I also thought that at 50 "when you saw Abraham" was 'old age', but mainly because back then fifty year old men looked like old men. Nowadays, men can 'slay' way into their seventies and sometimes even older.
Hmmm, what sort of women would you expect to be getting in your seventies? (age, looks, lifestyle, etc.).


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Hmmm, what sort of women would you expect to be getting in your seventies? (age, looks, lifestyle, etc.).
Probably similar to what I have now. 25-35 years old.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Come on, you're having a laugh now. A guy in his 70s with a woman in her 20s or 30s?

I'd like that to be true but that's pushing it a bit.
How old are your lovers now?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
Reaction score
Yesterday I was at the vet regarding aftercare for my tomcat (eyelid correction after vicious cat fight), and there was this cute 26 year old woman waiting with a medium-sized dog she had 'rescued' from the dog pound.

The woman and I chatted about several topics while the veterinarian's nurse was dealing with some minor emergency. She asked me for my number, but I gave her my IG, told her she could sent me a PM without the need to follow my account. She contacted me after I left and came over for coffee this morning because 'she had enjoyed our conversation so much'. Part of our conversation was about the 'Lost Art of Conversation', since she observed that most men under 35 couldn't hold a conversation if their lives depended on it.

I'm sure that is more anecdotal than statistic, but do you work on being a good conversationalist and listener? (By the way, I'm not talking about s1mping and agreeing with everything a woman says, that is not a conversation)
No free attention.