Unpopular Opinion: I feel muscles are overrated.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
This is bvll$hit, guys in here will never be "super jacked" no one in here has the genetic potential even with steroids to be that guy, all the guys you see on instagram are the top 0.1%
You bring up a different point, and that is genetic disposition. I agree, if you are going to do competitive body building you already have to have the frame you are born with, this is true for many sports. So if you think "super jacked" is someone that looks like a body builder then okay... I agree with you. But you can be super jacked with any body type. I see it all the time in the gym, guys are huge, but they look silly because their body is not designed for it, it's not proportional. There is one guy that looks like a freaking rooster, upper body like a pro-body builder and the legs of a chicken. I see this guy work out all the time, and you would think by looking at him that he does no leg work... that would be wrong... I see him lifting with his legs all the time... he has strong @ss legs, but his legs just do not have the lower body mass so that his body is proportional.

You can be jacked and still not look good, that is true. For me... well I am barrel chested, no amount of weight training will ever give me a "V" shape, it's just not happening. But I don't lift to look like a model, I lift because it's good for T levels and to be healthy.

Another thing, when you get older there is weight training you just can not do anymore without hurting yourself. For me... in my 50s, I can not longer do military presses, why.... old shoulders, if I don't want a nasty case of bursitis I'm not doing that. So I will never again have the shoulders I had in my 30s.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I'm not talking about high energy or being extroverted.

I'm talking about his internal energy, the energy he projects by simply existing in his high internal state.

His presence.

Women can feel that, he doesn't need to say a damn word.
Brad Pitt is an actor. I have seen him in person shuttling out of Valbella in the city with Angelina. He did not have the frame you think he did


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Another "muscles aren't good" thread. I sometimes forget I am on SS and think it's some reddit thread.


Mar 6, 2017
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Its gonna be hard (but not impossible) to pull 9s and 10s if you are not in shape. But not everyone needs 9s and 10s, some guys are happy with just need a girl who passes the boner test.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Its gonna be hard (but not impossible) to pull 9s and 10s if you are not in shape. But not everyone needs 9s and 10s, some guys are happy with just need a girl who passes the boner test.
You need fashion, too. And "suave".


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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muscles are overrated in that they fall below clothes/haircut/smell for attracting gen z girls. I'd put muscles in the same category as tattoos/jewelry/piercings, which are add-ons to the former.

whereas, previous generations such as millennials and gen x girls may see more value in muscles, today they are a niche amongst gen z girls.

That's great you had good results.
Yeah those guys look great.

I have a friend who looks great (although not as cut as these guys) but has looks, height, and work his ass off in the gym
But he is not very good with convo (kinda boring) and not a ton of energy.
Kind of beta and quiet.. even though hes 6'3" and pretty built.

He doesn't get much action at all.

However.. If he was fun, had high energy and had charisma..... :)
There is attracting girls. And there is allowing girls to act on that attraction.

your foundation (clothes/haircut/smell+add-ons) is what attracts girls. Your 'game' ('not fvcking it up'/'making it happen' etc.) is what allows them to act on this attraction.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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1.) Social Energy / Fun / Charisma
2.) Height
3.) Looks
4.) Money
5.) Muscles
The guy that has all of this gets the best and most girls and its comes easier.

Strive to have it all. Why limit yourself? Its all important. Ask a bunch of women to rank that list in order of importance and they'll all have something different to say. Its pointless to debate this stuff.

Leave no stone unturned, details matter to winners.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2022
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Its gonna be hard (but not impossible) to pull 9s and 10s if you are not in shape. But not everyone needs 9s and 10s, some guys are happy with just need a girl who passes the boner test.
Yeah despite my original post, I do kind of agree with that.
9's and 10's are working out a lot so probably want a fit dude.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Anyone else believe men put far too much focus on muscles?

In my opinion, as long as you're not fat, you're good. So why not spend less time trying to get muscles and more time developing social skills?

I believe these are the most important factors (for pulling women at bars):

1.) Social Energy / Fun / Charisma
2.) Height
3.) Looks
4.) Money
5.) Muscles

In other words, I believe being tall and funny / high energy and charismatic will always outpull anything in a social environment.

Money doesn't matter as no one can really tell how rich you are at a bar, unless you're doing cheesy stuff like flashing brand name sh*t.
Muscles are nice but the ROI just doesn't seem to be there.


I'd trade an inch off my d*ck, a zero from my net worth, and 2 points from my looks to be the tall high energy funny guy.
(When I say tall I mean like 6'2"+ )
I think it's a better alternative to looks max obsession online by Gen z. I noticed so many guys are trying to be pretty.

I blame low testosterone.

I think to be giga Chad you live in the gym. It's nonstop. I think fitness is important. It's multifaceted. Looks, fitness, money, game Etc. I think Tyler Durdan fight club aesthetics over body builder.

I've seen Chud pull more than gym guys tbh.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Anyone else believe men put far too much focus on muscles?

In my opinion, as long as you're not fat, you're good. So why not spend less time trying to get muscles and more time developing social skills?

I believe these are the most important factors (for pulling women at bars):

1.) Social Energy / Fun / Charisma
2.) Height
3.) Looks
4.) Money
5.) Muscles

In other words, I believe being tall and funny / high energy and charismatic will always outpull anything in a social environment.

Money doesn't matter as no one can really tell how rich you are at a bar, unless you're doing cheesy stuff like flashing brand name sh*t.
Muscles are nice but the ROI just doesn't seem to be there.


I'd trade an inch off my d*ck, a zero from my net worth, and 2 points from my looks to be the tall high energy funny guy.
(When I say tall I mean like 6'2"+ )
Face> Everything else.

But as for being muscular. Everything matters. It’s better if you are muscular. With that being said. It certainly isn’t the most important. Work out for health, enjoyment & how it makes you feel better about yourself. A nice side bonus is, you will be more attractive to women.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2022
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I think it's a better alternative to looks max obsession online by Gen z. I noticed so many guys are trying to be pretty.

I blame low testosterone.

I think to be giga Chad you live in the gym. It's nonstop. I think fitness is important. It's multifaceted. Looks, fitness, money, game Etc. I think Tyler Durdan fight club aesthetics over body builder.

I've seen Chud pull more than gym guys tbh.
Whats Chud?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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That's great you had good results.
Yeah those guys look great.

I have a friend who looks great (although not as cut as these guys) but has looks, height, and work his ass off in the gym
But he is not very good with convo (kinda boring) and not a ton of energy.
Kind of beta and quiet.. even though hes 6'3" and pretty built.

He doesn't get much action
at all.

However.. If he was fun, had high energy and had charisma..... :)

Just my opinion though but whatever... I guess it all matters but just remember : women are not as visual as men..

But heck if you had great results, and were bad with other stuff.. maybe it has more weight than I thought.
Your personality has to be congruent with your looks. I'm a very fit guy and have found many women don't like the intellectual side of me. They prefer I be a c0cky guy who just wants to have fun. I literally had one tell me that I'm cuter when I don't talk. But that's not who I am so naturally I repel those women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Whats Chud?
Fat. Bulky. Like Vader the wrestler.

Not aesthetic. Strong AF.

Not saying to be that. Gen z men are trying to be pretty and obsessing over looks. Women are bulking season.

Obviously get aesthetics and fitness on point. Get diet and lifestyle in check. Get the bag. It feeds to female hypergamy. It's more important to live a higher value lifestyle.

The problem is that most men are trying to be pretty put skanks on a pedestal and cater to women. It's clown world.

The game is bait and switch. Comply or bye.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Your personality has to be congruent with your looks. I'm a very fit guy and have found many women don't like the intellectual side of me. They prefer I be a c0cky guy who just wants to have fun. I literally had one tell me that I'm cuter when I don't talk. But that's not who I am so naturally I repel those women.
I don't disagree with you but it goes to show the female dysfunction.

My suspicion is that the sages and men of the before time were aware of female nature and setup society to avoid the degenerative society we have now.

If you got game, there's never been a better time to be a bachelor. The game is catch and release.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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Imma just leave this statement here.

A well adapted testosterone filled male will enjoy lifting wights and channeling energy into something like making himself more stronger and healthier.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Your personality has to be congruent with your looks. I'm a very fit guy and have found many women don't like the intellectual side of me. They prefer I be a c0cky guy who just wants to have fun. I literally had one tell me that I'm cuter when I don't talk. But that's not who I am so naturally I repel those women.
this! I look like a ‘pervy pornstar’. but I’m actually a prudish geek. One of my ex-s told me ‘you’re far nerdier than I could have possibly imagined.’


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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muscles are overrated in that they fall below clothes/haircut/smell for attracting gen z girls. I'd put muscles in the same category as tattoos/jewelry/piercings, which are add-ons to the former.
I don't care about gen z land whales.

Muscles on a guy are overrated as much as boobs are overrated on a girl... Some guys are REALLY, REALLY into boobs.. Some guys aren't.. Most if not all guys like them. Same thing with muscles.. Some girls are REALLY, REALLY into muscles.. some girls aren't.. most if not all girls like them...

Guys in generally are programmed to like signs of fertility (boobs)... Girls in generally are programmed to like signs of strength; signs that guys guys can protect them (muscles, money, ability to form a posse and kill/protect someone, something.. etc.. etc..)

How much muscle? I think enough muscle to be able to fight/kill 80-90% of all other guys hand to hand with minimal, primitive weapons (maybe a stick or a rock); enough muscle to make 100% of guys say to themselves: "if I mess with this guy, I may be able to defeat him, but I'm going to get hurt.. so F it; lets be friends instead".

Anything more, and I think its too much work which as mention earlier can better be spent on other activities.

P.s. scientific studies have shown women like the sweat (and I'm assuming smell) of very masculine guys. They were given tshirts and were asked to rank them without knowing who the owner was. Most ranked the tshirts of masculine guys as sexier..