Third date at home


New Member
Apr 18, 2021
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I’m 21 and I starting seeing this girl I met on dating apps.

She seems very into me on the two dates that we went together. We ended the last date by making out; the texts are also cheerful. I am still new to dating because of the nature of my work I don’t tend to have a lot of dates so I feel like a beginner. Ultimately it seems we both want a relationship out of this (she told me that directly on the first date and I told her I’m open to both casual or serious depending on the person).
I invited her over for our third date and she said yes, but I don’t know what to do. I’m not good at cooking and there are not a lot activities that come to my mind. What time should I tell her to be here if we are both free all day, and whether I should go pick her up if her house is far away (she lives with her parents so going to their place is a no for now).


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Cooking is not all that hard. Find a recipe you like and just follow the directions. Maybe watch a couple YouTube videos and educate yourself. Pastas are usually not too difficult. If you screw up the dinner that bad then you both can laugh it off and order a pizza. If she is into you she's not going to care.

Home dates are usually pretty relaxed. Watch a movie on the couch, cuddle, make out, lead her into your bedroom, do the deed.

Don't over think it too much, and keep escalating until she tells you no. But from the sounds of it, you're probably gonna get yourself some pvssy my guy. Good luck.

- Scars


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Generally agree with Scars.

But I would lean towards ordering a pizza this time.

Give yourself a chance to practice cooking a certain (simple) dish a few times on your own. Then, there’s no pressure, and if you make mistakes, it’s ok. I probably wouldn’t try a new, untested recipe/dish with a date.

Most of your effort now should be focused on cleaning if you need to. Make that place spotless.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
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Generally agree with Scars.

But I would lean towards ordering a pizza this time.

Give yourself a chance to practice cooking a certain (simple) dish a few times on your own. Then, there’s no pressure, and if you make mistakes, it’s ok. I probably wouldn’t try a new, untested recipe/dish with a date.

Most of your effort now should be focused on cleaning if you need to. Make that place spotless.

I can cook OK, but I'd elect for some kind of takeaway on this occasion. A good chance yiu won't get to finish it anyway (the food that is).


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I’m 21 and I starting seeing this girl I met on dating apps.

She seems very into me on the two dates that we went together. We ended the last date by making out; the texts are also cheerful. I am still new to dating because of the nature of my work I don’t tend to have a lot of dates so I feel like a beginner. Ultimately it seems we both want a relationship out of this (she told me that directly on the first date and I told her I’m open to both casual or serious depending on the person).
I invited her over for our third date and she said yes, but I don’t know what to do. I’m not good at cooking and there are not a lot activities that come to my mind. What time should I tell her to be here if we are both free all day, and whether I should go pick her up if her house is far away (she lives with her parents so going to their place is a no for now).
Good for you for being 21 and finding a resource like SoSuave.

Do you work a blue collar job? If so, that's awesome. We need more men like you. Blue collar jobs do not have a lot of female employees.

Order take out.

There's always the "Netflix and Chill" type option. I have a few video subscription services (canceled cable TV) that I stream to my TV set.

I think too many guys are bad about watching movies on home dates, which can distract from conversations and sex. I try not to "Netflix and Chill". Before "Netflix and Chill" became a thing, guys would play DVDs/Blu-Rays.

Give yourself a chance to practice cooking a certain (simple) dish a few times on your own. Then, there’s no pressure, and if you make mistakes, it’s ok. I probably wouldn’t try a new, untested recipe/dish with a date.

Most of your effort now should be focused on cleaning if you need to. Make that place spotless.
I have lived alone for the majority of my adult life. If I want to eat, I have to cook. In time, I have gotten better with cooking. At 21, most men haven't lived alone long enough to get good at cooking. That usually doesn't happen until the 2nd half of one's 20s at a minimum. @Mike32ct is correct that if you want to cook for women, it is best for you to make food on your own first and get good at a certain recipe.