Contradictions from Dating Coaches


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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@LARaiders85 is right. How you behave has to reflect your personality. If you don't like to text... then you should not text. Chicks can pick up when you are being inauthentic if you start modifying your behavior in an effort to do better with a particular chick, there is a very good chance she will pick up on this and lose attraction because you will be the one pursuing her.

Just go out make dates get some experience and see what works for you. The only advice I would give any man is be the best you can be which will increase the number of chicks that want what you have. One more thing, there is no magic formula that will guarantee success, the only thing you can do is fvck sh!t up by not being worth pursuing... being needy... not behaving like a man.... acting like a chick, and chasing after women that are not interested. What one chick finds attractive and interesting... another will be turned off by.... but guess what? What motivates a particular chick will SHIFT like the wind. They are emotional butterflies that just go with the wind. They fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat... and many have no idea why this happens. So never burn bridges, because in a few months things will change and then suddenly you are interesting.

But if you keep changing who you are to try and fit every chick situation (gaming), then you are just fluttering around like her. Someone has to be the port, or the ship can never dock.
Personally I like texting! I need to think about how to text her without overpursuing. Dr. Nerdlove said to just do it whenever you feel like it.

I’ll stay consistent and keep creating my “Game Persona.”


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Personally I like texting! I need to think about how to text her without overpursuing. Dr. Nerdlove said to just do it whenever you feel like it.

I’ll stay consistent and keep creating my “Game Persona.”
Then go ahead and do it. Text all the chicks you want and figure out for yourself what is working and what is not. Learn from experience rather than from other people. Coaching can only take you so far, sooner or later you have to practice. Lebron James and Michael Jordan didn't become the greatest basketball players of all time because of coaches... they became experts at their craft by trying and failing, learning from failure and trying again.

There are plenty here that will give you advice on texting but IMO, based on my personal experience is there really is nothing you can do to increase a chicks interest in you, you as a person are either interesting to her or you are not... and the only thing you can do is screw things up. The more 'stuff' you do increases the chance that you will screw up, but that's cool... as long as you learn fro screw-ups. The only advice I have would be don't overdue anything and never send off a text that can be embarrassing that she will share with all her friends.

But if you really want to improve with women, honestly run through the Socratic process with yourself in everything you do. Ask yourself "Why" you like texting, get down the to root cause of everything you do. Don't just say you like texting because that is what your emotions tell you, because that is the road to you acting like a chick. If the answer is because you think this is you best chance to attract women, as some kind of game... well this puts you in a pursue/chase mindset which women subconsciously find unattractive.

I don't like texting. Using the Socratic Method: I ask myself WHY I don't like it. My answer to myself is because it is a weak substitute for speaking with a woman over the phone, where I can hear her voice and gauge her interest based on her responses. It is a weaker substitute of communication for another method that I have been doing for decades. It is also something that is there forever and I do not like leaving a written record of my activity.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Then go ahead and do it. Text all the chicks you want and figure out for yourself what is working and what is not. Learn from experience rather than from other people. Coaching can only take you so far, sooner or later you have to practice. Lebron James and Michael Jordan didn't become the greatest basketball players of all time because of coaches... they became experts at their craft by trying and failing, learning from failure and trying again.

There are plenty here that will give you advice on texting but IMO, based on my personal experience is there really is nothing you can do to increase a chicks interest in you, you as a person are either interesting to her or you are not... and the only thing you can do is screw things up. The more 'stuff' you do increases the chance that you will screw up, but that's cool... as long as you learn fro screw-ups. The only advice I have would be don't overdue anything and never send off a text that can be embarrassing that she will share with all her friends.

But if you really want to improve with women, honestly run through the Socratic process with yourself in everything you do. Ask yourself "Why" you like texting, get down the to root cause of everything you do. Don't just say you like texting because that is what your emotions tell you, because that is the road to you acting like a chick. If the answer is because you think this is you best chance to attract women, as some kind of game... well this puts you in a pursue/chase mindset which women subconsciously find unattractive.

I don't like texting. Using the Socratic Method: I ask myself WHY I don't like it. My answer to myself is because it is a weak substitute for speaking with a woman over the phone, where I can hear her voice and gauge her interest based on her responses. It is a weaker substitute of communication for another method that I have been doing for decades. It is also something that is there forever and I do not like leaving a written record of my activity.
Good point. Honestly using the Socratic Method with this Don Juan stuff is a really good idea. This self limiting belief stuff is crazy and you can really only fix it by Self Improvement like AMS says. For instance I didn’t make a move with this chick that was in my bed last weekend. I asked myself why and what came up was “because I think I’m still fat and unworthy of love.” Jeez. So I gotta work on that. I suppose until I can fix that I’m just gonna have to “Fake it Till I Make It.”

But as for texting? I think it’s a great way to maintain the emotional momentum and flirt with her some. Maybe even build a bit of comfort. I agree that phone calls are superior for that, though. But I feel like a modern college slut wouldn’t go on a date with you had you not been texting her and you pop out of the blue.

So I agree with Dr. Nerdlove on that one, but I see what you’re saying.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Worrying about text frequency or timing is very newbie. Best way to overcome this is to experiment and get lots of experience under your belt. Dont be obsessive, don’t be rude, make her laugh, don’t purposely wait days to respond.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Worrying about text frequency or timing is very newbie. Best way to overcome this is to experiment and get lots of experience under your belt. Dont be obsessive, don’t be rude, make her laugh, don’t purposely wait days to respond.
I think we have like the same philosophy when it comes to texting. Half the people gravitate towards this way the other half only text for logistics. I’m just not gonna stress it and play around with it more


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I wanted to elicit some opinions from on here cause boy am I confused. This site always seems to clear things up.

I follow a lot of Dating Coaches and watch them in my spare time. I was putting together a hybrid type Game, but idk if it’ll work anymore. I know different people have different experiences but still. Specifically, it’s Dr. Nerdlove and RSD vs. AMS.

Dr. Nerdlove and RSD say that you should text people in between dates to build some intrigue and maintain emotional momentum. They also say you can compliment them as a means of flirting if you like, but you need to be moving towards the date at all times cause that’s the whole point of texting.

AMS says that you shouldn’t be texting girls in between dates or validating them because that sends the message of “I like you a lot” and if you don’t text her you think she’s going to forget about her. You’re giving away your nonsexual attention. Not only are you validating her, but if she’s certain of where she stands with you she’s gonna lose interest. Also, if you treat her like a celebrity she’ll treat you like a fan. And who wants to fvck their fans?

So totally opposite approaches. Is one more right than the other? What do you guys think? I used to think a hybrid Game might work, but it looks like these are two opposite styles that don’t mix well. Which one works better, what do you guys think?

I like connecting with people with the Dr. Nerdlove/RSD Method, but I feel like if I tried to use that method of Game on a stuck up sorority slut or something I’d just get used for my non sexual attention. On top of that, he doesn’t talk about stuff like Low Interest Attention *****s, Hypergamy, or the True Female Nature. So tell me what you guys think: which one is better and why?
Test everything. See what works. Use common sense.

Most guys are beta retards. AMS is a OG. I just dont suggest pulling single moms. I am aware he's 40. Still, no excuses but he's not playing house. Also his go to during ****ery is women sucking a whole lot of ****. Lololol

Women are predictable. Texting or lack thereof is indication of interest level. I am a fan of rsd but its slipped since 2014 after julien got a 5 country ban lulz. Listen to the julien game manifesto. 10 game is a banger. Get better not bitter is Goat status.

After pulling, i always text especially in the #metoo era of false rapey accusations. Its then time stamped later. I vid pulling, going ass to mouth, beating it rotten, and nutting on her face. Try to excuse it after lol

Otherwise, I don't text. I setup plans. Its never date or dinner. Always casual. Tell her what you are doing. Never do i give my Friday or Saturday. If I do a week night, its going to be tine restraint permitted on. My end and with highly dtf baaaaaes. The last few weeks, new baaaaaes were swallowing my proteins in the middle of the week.

That's high enough interest level. ^

Test the method that works. Check rsd old core content. It was better. Freedom from outcomes plus intent.

After my protein is swallowed and its doing the backstroke in her digestive tract, i do the AMS move of pullback. Let her chase. I then go get more baeeeees.

Women have a 6th sense for smelling ***** on men. Act accordingly. Pull then go get more baeeeees.

Don't worry about extremes. The aim is rotation. After 5, it gets messy. I keep spinning more plates but it gets sloppy. Girls drop off. Spin more. Pull.

Every set is practice playboy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
I’ve never read or watched any PUA material except Corey Wayne’s after my last break up (ignored all his advice and stalked her like a beta anyway).

Where can I watch some stuff to check my fundamentals are good?

I find girls who are happy to spin you as a plate are so much less stress and demanding, I was told to do what I like “just don’t let me know” and it wasn’t so refreshing


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Everyone disagrees on nearly everything in the industry. Don't worry about it. You'll drive yourself mad. End of the day, it really doesn't matter. She either thinks you're hot (and then you can bang her as long as you aren't super boring or weird) or she doesn't think your hot (and then all the 'game' and the rules etc are irrelevant. She will never be sexually attracted)


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Everyone disagrees on nearly everything in the industry. Don't worry about it. You'll drive yourself mad. End of the day, it really doesn't matter. She either thinks you're hot (and then you can bang her as long as you aren't super boring or weird) or she doesn't think your hot (and then all the 'game' and the rules etc are irrelevant. She will never be sexually attracted)
Great answer


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I’ve never read or watched any PUA material except Corey Wayne’s after my last break up (ignored all his advice and stalked her like a beta anyway).

Where can I watch some stuff to check my fundamentals are good?

I find girls who are happy to spin you as a plate are so much less stress and demanding, I was told to do what I like “just don’t let me know” and it wasn’t so refreshing
Well personally some PUAs that I like are:
AMS, any RSD, Richard la Ruina, Dr. Nerdlove, Based Zeus, Roosh V, Mystery, Corey Wayne

That’s a loooooot of videos though don’t do it all at once. And also some of them have differing ideas so you’ll just have to use the ideas and find which style best suits you just like the DJs in this thread are saying


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
There are no methods. There are just things you’re good at, and things you’re not. These guys tell you to do or not do something in part because that is what they are good or not good at doing themselves.

I sometimes fail in ways other guys claim works well for them, and many times I pull off stuff people in here or elsewhere tell me that it never works for them.

Experience, interacting and adjusting/improving as you’re actually out there is how you develop your game.

You just have to do it and see what works, not think about what you think might work.
So the theory would be a good jumping point but I've gotta play the field to learn my own Game


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I believe advice depends on the end game. For example, are you only looking to bed the woman without any hope for an LTR? Or are you thinking this one might be an LTR candidate? IMO Different outcomes require different approaches.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I believe advice depends on the end game. For example, are you only looking to bed the woman without any hope for an LTR? Or are you thinking this one might be an LTR candidate? IMO Different outcomes require different approaches.
I have zero interest in any kind of LTR until I’ve fvcked at least 20 women lol. So I’m going for purely casual sex with these women


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I have zero interest in any kind of LTR until I’ve fvcked at least 20 women lol. So I’m going for purely casual sex with these women
Then I, personally, would think you would want to text subtly sexually within 3 days, and see how she responds...

"Hey there, you've been on my mind, I had a dream about you last night"

And see how she responds. Have something ready to detail-tease and try to work in the idea of Netflix, my place, dinner, I'll show you.

Mind you, some women will drop. But that's just a mismatch in end game goal. You're not at a place where you can game perfectly, but with more experience, you will get there eventually.

Mind you, I'm a female, maybe others have better insight


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Then I, personally, would think you would want to text subtly sexually within 3 days, and see how she responds...

"Hey there, you've been on my mind, I had a dream about you last night"

And see how she responds. Have something ready to detail-tease and try to work in the idea of Netflix, my place, dinner, I'll show you.

Mind you, some women will drop. But that's just a mismatch in end game goal. You're not at a place where you can game perfectly, but with more experience, you will get there eventually.

Mind you, I'm a female, maybe others have better insight
Yeah subtle sexting is great. I just feel like if you don’t message her at least a bit and then ask for the date out of the blue it won’t work


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Bro if you wanna smash 20 chicks you need to be hyper sexualised in your approach. That’s the key, you watch how responsive women are and you will never go back to *****footing around


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
But as for texting? I think it’s a great way to maintain the emotional momentum and flirt with her some. Maybe even build a bit of comfort. I agree that phone calls are superior for that, though. But I feel like a modern college slut wouldn’t go on a date with you had you not been texting her and you pop out of the blue.
In my experience there really is no such thing as emotional momentum with women, others I'm sure will disagree but the simple fact is that a man can do everything right and if a chick suddenly 'feels' different about you... well.... you are done until that 'feeling' comes back. If she backs off just leave her be. Either one or two things is going to happen, she comes back when the mood hits her... or she's gone for good. Either way you win, you either get the girl or you have already moved onto the next one.

Lot's of dating and relationship coaches have a lot of rules, what to do on first dates, how long to wait to call, when to kiss her, when not to .... blah blah blah etc etc ad infinitum. After you work on yourself and continue to try and be the best version of man possible you really only need three. (1) Be selfish with what you want and stay purpose driven. If you are in a relationship, then sure there is give and take, but NEVER sacrifice what you want for a chick, unless she gives you some reciprocity. (2) If you like a chick ask her out, keep asking her out as long as she keeps saying 'yes' (3) When she says no, or starts making sh!t hard, or is no longer any fun, back off and move onto the next one. Number 3 is important because to do otherwise means you are trying to control the woman, if a chick gets a sense that you are trying to control her... she will pull back HARD

Really that's it. I know it sounds simple, but the key to pulling this off is NOT to catch 'feelings' for a woman to the point where you are shoved off center. Don't be a cold fish but too many guys lose emotional self control with women. This is a huge turn off for all chicks. The absolute best way to run a woman off is to become and emotional basket-case, crying, complaining, getting mad at things that go sideways. Never go to any extreme. It's okay to be funny... but don't be a clown. It's okay to get angry, but don't start tossing tools into a wall. It's okay to love a woman, but don't dance around like some cartoon character that's been struck with Cupid's arrow.