U.S. might soon bomb Syria, and Russia might soon shoot down missiles and planes


Nov 2, 2011
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This is serious sh1t the way it seems to be going. Firstly the British sh1t, there was a chemical attack, British say Russians invovled, Russians say they have no prove, British say the prove is secret. Britain expelled 29 Russian diplomats, and Russians returned the favor.

..and now this sh1t, which I watched live just under 30 minutes ago. There isn't version available in English, but I'm guessing RT will soon fix that. Here is my translation. At 5:05 mark into the briefing of the ministry of defense.

We know for certainty that in the vacinity of city of Etanfa, U.S. instructors prepared several terrorist groups for the purpose of carring out in the south of Syria terrorist acts with the use of chemical weapons. In the beginning of March diversion groups were moved to the southern zone of deescalation to the vacinity of the city of Dera, where located formations of the so called free Syrian army. These diversionary groups are preparing a series of provocations using explossives devices filled with chemical weapons. In the future these attacks are planned to be used to blame Syrian government for using chemical weapons. Components for chemical weapons are already delivered under the guise of humanitarian aid relief. Besides components for the chemical weapons, terrorists also receive detonators, camuflaged into packs of cigarettes. Also, terrorist organization Jib-Had-Annusra with the help of so called White Helmets are preparing fake chemical attacks around cities of Al-Gabit and Kalp-luza located 25 kilometers to the south west of Idlib. For this reason there was shipped 20 containers with chlorine. All of these terrorist activities are planned to be well pressed in the western media. These provocations should surve as a reason for United States and its allies for attacks on military and government installations in Syria.

Up to 6:46 translated.

Just this week I watched another piece on TV, Russia will shoot down missiles and planes in case of an attack, as an aswer to U.S. calling for air strikes on Assad.

Either this sh1t will hit the fan, or somebody gonna get somebody else by the balls, or perhaps nothing will happen now that this sh1t is expossed not on main stream western media, doubt it.

I personally think some sort of fvckage is brewing, something gonna happen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Its all a fuking LIE... Russia is again being set up..

Every time the US or UK accuse a middle eastern country or Russia of some atrocity, the PROOF turns out to be a fuking SECRET.. This laughable!

People need to WAKE UP and realise Western foreign policy is being run by a bunch of fukin Psychopaths!

You are being lead into WW3 with a bunch of lies and false flags.

Russia and Mr Putin stand in the way of the US Zionist agenda for world domination.. This is EXACTLY why they want to eliminate Russia

We are being lead into a Nuclear Holocaust, and these brainwashed idiots believe the LIES and are fast asleep.

Rude awakening coming very soon!


Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
Its all a fuking LIE... Russia is again being set up..

Every time the US or UK accuse a middle eastern country or Russia of some atrocity, the PROOF turns out to be a fuking SECRET.. This laughable!

People need to WAKE UP and realise Western foreign policy is being run by a bunch of fukin Psychopaths!

You are being lead into WW3 with a bunch of lies and false flags.

Russia and Mr Putin stand in the way of the US Zionist agenda for world domination.. This is EXACTLY why they want to eliminate Russia

We are being lead into a Nuclear Holocaust, and these brainwashed idiots believe the LIES and are fast asleep.

Rude awakening coming very soon!
so russia didnt attack ukraine? they are evil too


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Russia is saying the US is about to stage a chemical attack, because they know that the Syrians are about to launch a real chemical attack.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Russia is saying the US is about to stage a chemical attack, because they know that the Syrians are about to launch a real chemical attack.
But that is stupid! Even more than stupid, it is a retarded illogical idiocy. Why would Syria or Russia fvck with chemical weapons? Why not launch cruise missiles, or send in air craft, those seem to be highly effective, even more effective than similar U.S. operations, because there are spotters on the ground. Why mess with dirty sh1t, which is A) not effective, and B) causes severe international out cry.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Russia is saying the US is about to stage a chemical attack, because they know that the Syrians are about to launch a real chemical attack.

Are you really this shockingly deluded??

Why the hell would Assad again again use chemical weapons on innocent people?

By using these weapons, he would be LITRIARLY be inviting the ENTIRE western world to come and Bomb the crap out of his country.. Who the fuk would make such a dumb move.

Especially when he has already WON..The Western supported proxy militia has been defeated, ISIS has been driven out, so have other militia groups!

Do you really think Assad wakes up in the morning, and thinks... Hmmmm maybe I will drop chemical weopons on some children today, and have America come bomb the chit out of me..

Are you really this dumb brah!

Its already been proven, the footage shown by the BBC UK, showing a chemical attack in Syria was faked... Yes Fake.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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so russia didnt attack ukraine? they are evil too

Are you crazy... What happened in Ukraine was a Coup.

A legitimate elected Pro Russia Government, was overthrown and replaced with a Pro Western Government.

It was a coup d'etat... Russia responded in the same way ANY country would do to protect there INTERESTS.

They took Crimia back, because it has there most important Naval Base.. Also 90% of Crimians are Russian speaking, who voted in a Referendum to be part of Russia..

This is what we do in the West.. We destabilise countries, encourage civil unrest, then get the MEDIA to CRY... LOOK THEY ARE KILLING THERE OWN PEOPLE.

We then get public support behind to push for WAR.. Based on OH LOOK POOR PEOPLE ARE DYING.

We Change the regime in that country, replace that government with a PRO Western Government that can be fully controlled.

Iraq.. Libiya.. Afghanistan.. Syria.. The same pattern emerges in all these countries.. Regime Change!

Russia is what now STANDS in there way!
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Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
Are you really this shockingly deluded??

Why the hell would Assad again again use chemical weapons on innocent people?

By using these weapons, he would be LITRIARLY be inviting the ENTIRE western world to come and Bomb the crap out of his country.. Who the fuk would make such a dumb move.

Especially when he has already WON..The Western supported proxy militia has been defeated, ISIS has been driven out, so have other militia groups!

Do you really think Assad wakes up in the morning, and thinks... Hmmmm maybe I will drop chemical weopons on some children today, and have America come bomb the chit out of me..

Are you really this dumb brah!

Its already been proven, the footage shown by the BBC UK, showing a chemical attack in Syria was faked... Yes Fake.
not sure if this is true but it makes... some.. sense

althrough there are irrational groups like isis who were losers since start yet they still kept on bombing and murdering places. even tho they were weaker than usa/russia/etc


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
not sure if this is true but it makes... some.. sense

althrough there are irrational groups like isis who were losers since start yet they still kept on bombing and murdering places. even tho they were weaker than usa/russia/etc

It doesn't make SOME sense... It makes LOTS of sense.. Apply some Logic to this.

Do you know where the ISIS ideology comes from? ''Wahabism''

Its a very EXTREME version of Islam... Do you know which country promotes and TEACHES Wahabism???

Saudi Arabia... Our Allie, who we provide a fuking TON of weopons and training to.. It is countries like Saudi Arabia who support Isis.. And we Arm them.. Crazy
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Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
It doesn't make SOME sense... It makes LOTS of sense.. Apply some Logic to this.

Do you know where the ISIS ideology comes from? ''Wahabism''

Its a very EXTREME version of slam... Do you know which country promotes and TEACHES Wahabism???

Saudi Arabia... Our Allie, who we provide a fuking TON of weopons and training to.. It is countries like Saudi Arabia who support Isis.. And we Arm them.. Crazy
so why dont you stop?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
But that is stupid! Even more than stupid, it is a retarded illogical idiocy. Why would Syria or Russia fvck with chemical weapons? Why not launch cruise missiles, or send in air craft, those seem to be highly effective, even more effective than similar U.S. operations, because there are spotters on the ground. Why mess with dirty sh1t, which is A) not effective, and B) causes severe international out cry.

The US tried the whole Cluster Bomb thing for a while... It didn't work.. They couldn't get the kind of OUT CRY and public support they wanted for a WAR.

But.. If you mention chemical weopons, yes that definitely enrages people... Plus get the MEDIA machine behind it, then MAYBE, just MAYBE they can get the public behind ANOTHER war.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I was about to make a thread and ask you what you thought of this.

soulforge has been pretty spot on.

It does make you wonder about the chemical attacks.....they make no sense.

Anyone with an ounce of LOGIC can clearly see this is a false flag.

Mainstream media has the majority of people completely brainwashed, and misguided.

Assad has already won in Syria, only the DUMBEST person in the WORLD would then carry out a chemical attack, just to have the ENTIRE western world come and bomb them back into the STONE AGE

Can't believe so many dumb people are buying this same LIE all over AGAIN


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Anyone with an ounce of LOGIC can clearly see this is a false flag.

Mainstream media has the majority of people completely brainwashed, and misguided.

Assad has already won in Syria, only the DUMBEST person in the WORLD would then carry out a chemical attack, just to have the ENTIRE western world come and bomb them back into the STONE AGE

Can't believe so many dumb people are buying this same LIE all over AGAIN
Yeah, sounds fishy.

I think Trump is doing some diversion tactics and finding some readily available evil country to take the PR fall.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Yeah, sounds fishy.

I think Trump is doing some diversion tactics and finding some readily available evil country to take the PR fall.
Dude, it's not Trump. Whoever is responsible for this mess in Syria has been at it for a long, long time. It was there well before Trump. Bush started this destabilization strategy, Obama injected it with the most potent gear on the market.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
He's like talking directly to Russian state-owned media. Who could question anything state-owned media ever says? If you do, you must be brainwashed!

Errm No!

Here is what I am using, and its something you clearly LACK of... It's called LOGIC.

A fukin retard can see the continued pattern developed here, country after country overthrown, using the same technique.. OH LOOK CHEMICAL WEAPONS, KILLING HIS OWN PEOPLE

Lets say for example BIBLE BELT goes to bed one day.. He is suddenly woken up by a team of Armed Police who force there way into his house.. He is then put in restrains, and taken immediately to jail.

Within days he faces the JUDGE in the courts, who immediately finds him GUILTY and BIBLE BELT is sentenced to DEATH

BIBLE BILT asks his accusers, hey where is the EVIDENCE that I have committed this crime?

The court replies... Yes we have SOLID evidence, but we cannot share this evidence with you, as it's a little sensetive and a SECRET

NO serious investigation is made, NO actual Evidence is provided, NO believable MOTIVE is found.

BIBLE BELT is put to SLEEP!!

This is the kind of world bible belt wants to live in..


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Dude, it's not Trump. Whoever is responsible for this mess in Syria has been at it for a long, long time. It was there well before Trump. Bush started this destabilization strategy, Obama injected it with the most potent gear on the market.
Do people really believe the president runs foreign policy? Looool

Every president follows the EXACT same policies set by the DEEP STATE, the military industrial complex, the NEO CONS, and the ZIONIST agenda.

Why else do you think Trump has done a complete U-Turn, and is now a war president.