She Says To Ask Before Kissing?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2001
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I made a post the other day but it looks like it was deleted because my age wasn't in my signature. (Presumably.)

I was on a date with a girl Saturday evening. We met a the big shopping mall. We have met twice before like three months ago. This is finally our first proper date. She was telling me lots about herself, I was sharing too, I felt like we were both under the weather but still making progress. She suggested we go to the pub and finally do some karaoke.

We sang a few songs but she somehow lost her phone between the mall and the pub. We looked and looked but have no idea what happened to it. It kind of dampened the mood for me.

At the end of the night, she was passing out so we left before our last song. She walked with me to the bus stop and insisted that she wanted to wait until the bus arrived with me. She just stood there infront of me, her face hidden inside of her winter jacket.

I went for the kiss but she and I were both feeling sick, so I went for the cheek first. She then asked me whether I was trying to kiss her. I think I said yes and kissed her on the cheek and then on the lips as much as I could. She did not swerve away or react AT ALL. I offered my hand and she walked with me to the other side of the street.

I then kissed her on the temple and on the lips again and gave her a really long hug. No complaints about the kissing, but I leaned back and asked if she was OK. She "MmMmmed" and we continued to hug until the bus arrived for what felt like many minutes.

Later, I get a message from Facebook from her saying she was SHOCKED that I had kissed her and that I SHOULD HAVE ASKED HER. Does that mean she didn't want the kiss?!

She has not spoken to me since that night even though we were talking about hanging out on New Years Eve. At the time, she said she had NO PLANS WHATSOEVER. Did I screw up by being too forward?!

I reminded her Sunday night about meeting up on New Years and she just read my message and did not respond. I suspect she is angry at me. Before, on our first date, we claims she did not respond to my messages post-date because she was in a relationship.. (wth? Then why did you go on a date with me?)

Or should I just try talking to her tonight or tomorrow and act chill? Much thanks. Never had a girl complain that I did NOT ask to kiss her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2001
Reaction score
I know she is strict vegetarian and was passing out near the end of the night. I feel like we could have a decent connection if she wasn't doped up on medications, which is making her weird. She even asked me whether I knew her name at the pub, so I gave her a weird WTF? look.

She hasn't removed me from Facebook but she won't talk to me anymore. She seems to rely on the silent treatment a lot yet I know she is using OLD and her profile says Single still. Almost right after our first date in the first week of August, she stopped responding to my friendly messages (and just read them). Then she came back on Halloween, 8 days after her last ex... 3 MONTHS AFTER OUR DATE and then wondered why I had deleted her number+FB Friendship.

On the date she told me that she has been in 3 relationships in 2017 and is hoping for a better 2018. Hello, date someone normal maybe?!


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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It's hard to think this way if you don't have a lot of options and your nutsack is filled with jizz just begging for release, but consider only dating girls who are overwhelmingly attracted to you. Any indication that they are trying to pull you into orbiter status, DQ and look for somebody else.

Always be prospecting.

Always be disqualifying.

Always be closing.

Keep the sales funnel packed.

Be like the soup nazi.

One wrong move and they're out.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2001
Reaction score
you have oneitis for a girl with no interest + shes a wackjob. move on
She seems really inexperienced. I managed to snag a third date by 'cavemanning' -- joked that she was super popular and that I had a reservation for two for NYE for us and then she invited me along to her church in the morning so we can spend the whole day together instead of just 1-2 hours. Seems to like me quite a bit to expand the date that much, it seems..


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Plenty of times I've been dumped by chicks on 2nd dates after a hot makeout session on the First. Now you could argue that I suck on second dates or just generally but I've also bagged plenty of chicks on second dates in fact it tends to be my sweet spot.

So I generally put it down to being good at comfort and physical escalation but I'm probably not the type of guy that particular chick is looking for. So short answer if you want a little bit of action get better at comfort and physical escalation. And a bit of action makes it more likely you will get a second date.

Now as I said I tend to be bang or bust on the 2nd date so I'm sure there s guys here who can advise you better on how to play it from there on in.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
She seems really inexperienced. I managed to snag a third date by 'cavemanning' -- joked that she was super popular and that I had a reservation for two for NYE for us and then she invited me along to her church in the morning so we can spend the whole day together instead of just 1-2 hours. Seems to like me quite a bit to expand the date that much, it seems..
You don't want to make yourself to available. The two hour date is fine. Church is a bf gf activity. She has issues and I would move along and find someone that was more interested in me.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
She sounds really confused about her life, and unstable. Which is not your problem. Move on.
You'll be doing yourself a big favor.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I think she already has a BF, who is out of town or something (thus, the lost phone...) I've been through the lost phone sh!t before.

You did good, and you aren't missing a thing, trust me. This woman was just in it for the evening.