Why Women Never Love the way Men do


Oct 20, 2006
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The saddest realization in life for a man is learning that women cannot love the same as men. We need to look at the lineage of males and females throughout history to understand why.

Given: Humanity exists
Therefore: Children survived
Therefore: Men and women did whatever was necessary for the children to survive

Men and women had to take very different roles, however.

Men were actually bred to be disposable in order to sacrifice themselves for their family. Men were born to love their family and friends and they were born to die to protect them. That's why most men won't think twice about jumping in front of a car to save another person. When a man loves something, he is willing to die for it.

Women on the other hand typically were faced with an unfortunate situation. An invading tribe attacked their village and their men died to protect them, losing the battle. The children were typically enslaved. The women who survived had to seduce the men who killed those willing to die for her. Sound familiar?

So we see that women (and this isn't their fault, this is what it took to survive) can never really get attached the way men can, nor will they ever love to the degree men do. They always have an easier time getting over things than men do.

This is also is a reminder of why we should have male friends in our lives.


Oct 20, 2006
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He's not a fvcking idiot you mean.
You're not a real man, you mean.

Why stop there on your quest to act more female? You might as well try to seduce the men who killed those who died to protect you.


Aug 19, 2015
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You're not a real man.
Ah did you need to go in and edit your post. Unsure of what you initially wrote perhaps......

What's a real man then big boy?

Someone who pleads with another man to send him a shirtless photo via the internet?

There's a worrying undercurrent of repressed homosexuality coming from your posts. You seem to bring up
homosexuality quite often.

Is one to assume this guy pays strippers to cover up his repressed homosexuality.

You are really concerned about who is a "real man". I think the little boy inside of big boy is scared.


Oct 20, 2006
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Wait, you saw today that someone started a new account (maybe it was you) just to publish pictures of me with no shirt on, and when I called that person a homo, you are saying I must be a homo? I've never had sex with a man nor have I ever even found myself looking at men in porn.

A real man understands that his main purpose is to protect women and children. Why do you think God made men bigger and stronger? So we could steal their purse and candy? Men were bred to be disposable. It's in our nature to be fearless, if we're as strong as we're supposed to be (i.e., in shape).

Most mass shootings are stopped because someone is willing to risk their life to save others. In that situation I know from experience I will be there. I once pulled a man out of a car wreck in the middle of traffic and cut myself in the process and never even noticed I was covered in blood.

Every time you men whine about paying money you are revealing that you don't earn much. You're the male equivalent of fat girls. God made fat girls just for you.

Bob S

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2017
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If you enter a LTR with the the knowledge that she doesn't love you the way you love her, if she ever leaves you it makes it so much easier to deal with. It's not her at fault, its the female psyche - hypergamy.


Aug 19, 2015
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Wait, you saw today that someone started a new account (maybe it was you) just to publish pictures of me with no shirt on
You know very well that I'm referring to what you wrote to @sosousage you disingenuous dog. You'll know this because I replied to what
you wrote to him, highlighting your words asking him to send you a shirtless photo...

A real man understands that his main purpose is to protect women and children.
A blue pill beta who is still locked in the matrix and oh so willing to serve the female imperative.......

Red pill is breaking free from this. Real men here control their frame and live their life on their terms. Little beta bucks mamma's boys like you
serve the female imperative and are oh to happy to go along with her frame.....

Most mass shootings are stopped because someone is willing to risk their life to save others

You are clearly talking about man sacrificing his life for women. The two are not the same.

I once pulled a man out of a car wreck in the middle of traffic and cut myself in the process and never even noticed I was covered in blood.
I would like to believe that most people would do the same. Again though, you are now moving the goal posts. This is not what your original post talks about. You are either purposely disingenuous or simply thick.

God made fat girls just for you.
Yawn. Such a childish 47 year old boy. Should I retort, God made prostitutes for you...

You are a bore. Good luck on your quests for likes.


Aug 22, 2017
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The saddest realization in life for a man is learning that women cannot love the same as men. We need to look at the lineage of males and females throughout history to understand why.

Given: Humanity exists
Therefore: Children survived
Therefore: Men and women did whatever was necessary for the children to survive

Men and women had to take very different roles, however.

Men were actually bred to be disposable in order to sacrifice themselves for their family. Men were born to love their family and friends and they were born to die to protect them. That's why most men won't think twice about jumping in front of a car to save another person. When a man loves something, he is willing to die for it.

Women on the other hand typically were faced with an unfortunate situation. An invading tribe attacked their village and their men died to protect them, losing the battle. The children were typically enslaved. The women who survived had to seduce the men who killed those willing to die for her. Sound familiar?

So we see that women (and this isn't their fault, this is what it took to survive) can never really get attached the way men can, nor will they ever love to the degree men do. They always have an easier time getting over things than men do.

This is also is a reminder of why we should have male friends in our lives.
I did read something very similar before and I agree about the past.

However men stopped killing each other. At least the majority of men.

We are civilized now.

Women didnt stop thinking of men as disposable units.

Why not?


Oct 20, 2006
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Good luck on your quests for likes.
Caitlyn, is that you?

I already won the forum, you know that. That despite b!tch slapping every she-male like you, for over a decade here.

Again, if you'd like to fistfight, let me know, because I can tell you sight unseen you're a little piece of sh!t as you defend all things Feminist. I seriously think you are a lesbian. F*ck off, blue pill "boy". And get a job.


Aug 19, 2015
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if you'd like to fistfight,
@stringpuller I think he's asking me out for a fight now!!! A 47 year old "man" asking another man, a stranger, to a fistfight over the
internet. Pathetic.

@bigneil's beta anger reveals his beta status.

Sounds like a buffon.

Shout out to who you mentioned earlier, string haha
Last edited:


Aug 19, 2015
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Is this another photofeeler thread
It's Bigboy's badly interpreted, horribly articulated, regurgitation of one of men's right activist Paul Elam's 3 hour podcasts.....

Mostly his threads will be about one of the prostitutes that he's paying to spend time with him and how he's "falling in love with her" and lavishing her with money and gifts and praise and romance because that's what a "real man" does....OR he will be REGURGITATING one of the many men's rights or dating podcasts that he listens to (WHICH USUALLY CONTRADICT HIS OWN EXPERIENCES) claiming the material as his own desperately fishing for LIKES which he shamelessly and embarrassingly admits to posting screenshots of the top liked posters on so suave...

That's Bigboy in a nutshell.

Oh if you disagree with him, damn you must be a lesbian.


Apr 25, 2016
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It's Bigboy's badly interpreted, horribly articulated, regurgitation of one of men's right activist Paul Elam's 3 hour podcasts.....

Mostly his threads will be about one of the prostitutes that he's paying to spend time with him and how he's "falling in love with her" and lavishing her with money and gifts and praise and romance because that's what a "real man" does....OR he will be REGURGITATING one of the many men's rights or dating podcasts that he listens to (WHICH USUALLY CONTRADICT HIS OWN EXPERIENCES) claiming the material as his own desperately fishing for LIKES which he shamelessly and embarrassingly admits to posting screenshots of the top liked posters on so suave...

That's Bigboy in a nutshell.

Oh if you disagree with him, damn you must be a lesbian.
While I have agreed with some things that Bigboy has said on here, I disagree with most.

Reason being- he is throwing money at wh0res versus going out and approaching women in real life. Major difference.

You're right, he is very beta in how he falls in love with these tramps that are only with him because it turns into a sugarbaby/sugar daddy relationship. Meanwhile, in the wh0re's real life, she is constantly trying to find someone her own age to actually have a relationship with and when that happens, Bigboy is left out in the cold and then comes on SS and cries about it.