I don't understand female nature


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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I’m a little embarrassed because my naiveté might come through a bit here, but I’d love to get others’ opinions:

I’ve always wondered how a lot of high-status males can date and **** so many girls without getting at least one pregnant. Obviously, there are cases when accidental pregnancies DO occur. Contraception is another obvious reason why this doesn’t happen more often. Even so, I’m surprised when I see celebrity bachelors, for example, who have dated many girls and not once had children. Guys like Leonardi di Caprio, Justin Timberlake, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tom Brady, rich entrepreneurs, etc, etc.. Now I know some of the guys I have mentioned have kids now, but this was only after they decided to settle down and get married.

I’m not sure if I lack a fundamental understanding of women’s nature, especially in the realm of evolutionary psychology. I understand the basic premise that women seek to pass on their genes by obtaining the highest quality male they can, which is often demonstrated by alpha traits.

So then why would girls be motivated to keep taking contraceptives, for example, when they land such a guy? I’ve seen instances of a high-status guy dating a girl for 6 months, 2 years, 3 years...and then they break it off without ever having kids. Would it not be in the girl’s best interests to try to lock him down by becoming pregnant? Am I underestimating the risk girls feel when getting pregnant? Am I underestimating how difficult it is to get a girl pregnant?

On a personal level, I think I sabotage my own dating and financial success due to a distorted view of dating. I have a distrust of girls and I operate under the subconscious belief that if I become too attractive, I’ll become a baby or provider “target.”

My game is actually pretty good, but I don’t close nearly as much as my skill-level because I have some underlying beliefs that hold me back.


Jul 30, 2003
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these guys have these chicks sign contracts, with privacy clauses and abortion/pregnancy clauses as well. the smart ones do at least...so that chicks cant cry rape later or sue them etc etc.


Mar 12, 2011
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I’m a little embarrassed because my naiveté might come through a bit here, but I’d love to get others’ opinions:

I’ve always wondered how a lot of high-status males can date and **** so many girls without getting at least one pregnant. Obviously, there are cases when accidental pregnancies DO occur. Contraception is another obvious reason why this doesn’t happen more often. Even so, I’m surprised when I see celebrity bachelors, for example, who have dated many girls and not once had children. Guys like Leonardi di Caprio, Justin Timberlake, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tom Brady, rich entrepreneurs, etc, etc.. Now I know some of the guys I have mentioned have kids now, but this was only after they decided to settle down and get married.
You don't know if they don't have children. You don't know if they are sleeping with all these models. Alot of the stuff you see through the media is portrayed in a way to make you jealous of them and spend more money.

I’m not sure if I lack a fundamental understanding of women’s nature, especially in the realm of evolutionary psychology. I understand the basic premise that women seek to pass on their genes by obtaining the highest quality male they can, which is often demonstrated by alpha traits.
Not necessarily. Alot of good looking women don't want or have biological children. I don't think Charlize Theron or Sharon Stone have carried a baby to full term.

So then why would girls be motivated to keep taking contraceptives, for example, when they land such a guy? I’ve seen instances of a high-status guy dating a girl for 6 months, 2 years, 3 years...and then they break it off without ever having kids. Would it not be in the girl’s best interests to try to lock him down by becoming pregnant? Am I underestimating the risk girls feel when getting pregnant? Am I underestimating how difficult it is to get a girl pregnant?
What's with you and "pregnancy" bro?

Why wouldn't they keep taking contraceptives? They are getting a free ride from the guy. House paid, eating out, taking expensive trips. The celebrity could tell them "if you get pregnant we are done."

Would they rather have a child to take care of or live the high life? I'm guessing the later.

On a personal level, I think I sabotage my own dating and financial success due to a distorted view of dating. I have a distrust of girls and I operate under the subconscious belief that if I become too attractive, I’ll become a baby or provider “target.”

My game is actually pretty good, but I don’t close nearly as much as my skill-level because I have some underlying beliefs that hold me back.
You are saying you don't want to become too sexy or sleep with hot good looking young girls, because they will so mesmerized by your looks and fall so in love with you that they will trick you into getting them pregnant? Come on bro, is that the dumbest thing you have ever heard or what? o_O

This site was about "I can't get a date, how to do I become sexy to attract hot good looking girls?"

Now its about "How do I become less sexy because these hot good looking girls want me to get them pregnant!" :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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It's called pulling out! Aim for the face or tits. (Proceed with caution, 20yrs experience here and zero kids.) Knock on wood! That or maybe my swimmers don't swim? I'll never test that theory out at my age. Guaranteed they were using rubbers, or they learned how to do it through practice.

Even in my younger yrs when I was dumb as f*ck & I left it in and they still didn't get pregnant. Maybe it's been luck of the Irish for me. Wrap it up!


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
There are definitely downsides to high VALUE. Primarily.. others trying to strip your resources from you. The more successful I've become the more of a loner I've become. This is by necessity. Enemies disguised as friends and lovers come out of the wood work.

Has far as female nature goes. Women are frauds for the most part. They go with the flow of society and pop culture. They usually don't have strong wills and they usually don't think for themselves on the level men do.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
There are definitely downsides to high VALUE. Primarily.. others trying to strip your resources from you. The more successful I've become the more of a loner I've become. This is by necessity. Enemies disguised as friends and lovers come out of the wood work.

Has far as female nature goes. Women are frauds for the most part. They go with the flow of society and pop culture. They usually don't have strong wills and they usually don't think for themselves on the level men do.
Every time I get close to REAL females (not ones I paid for companionship), they are doing something awful like getting pregnant with some other guys kid while married.

If you're looking for loyalty, good luck!


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Every time I get close to REAL females (not ones I paid for companionship), they are doing something awful like getting pregnant with some other guys kid while married.

If you're looking for loyalty, good luck!
You can't expect loyalty from a person who is fraudulent by their very nature lol.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California

Just think of most women as zombie demons with vaginas.

Helps me, cause it's true.