POF Experiment


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
So for the hell of it I opened POF yesterday. This thing seems to limit you to sending out only 55 messages per day. And they wonder why they are losing traction with all these BS things they put in.

Anyway I basically sent out the same opener to 55 people. I received 15 responses and 2 additonal messages from girls I added as "Favorites"

Of that I received 4 phone numbers. One HB 8+ and the others HB 7s (of course this is all subjective)

I followed up on 3 of the 4.

I spoke to first HB7 on the phone late last night. The convo went well and I ended the call after about 15 mins. She texted me right after saying it was nice talking to me. I told her we should meet up for coffee today before work. She stopped responding for about 30 mins after she had been quick to text replies beforehand. I messaged her "or not lol" She responded back about 5 mins later saying "sorry I was in the shower, yes I would :)" I told her I was going to bed and I'd text her tomorrow.

So I texted her today and she responded back kind of fast saying "Good morning" I asked her what she was doing and she said "grabbing coffee now then hanging out with my girlfriend" I responded back "Nice you should grab one with me later :)" Well its been over an hour and no response. I might just tell her forget it.....

Called 2nd HB7 after 11pm, she didn't answer. I texted her today saying I called her and she said she fell asleep at 9:30pm lol. I asked her what she was doing today and she said she worked till 7:30pm. I texted her "thats not too bad, we should meet up later" So far no response lol

Called HB8.5 yesterday and she didnt answer. Same follow up today via text, she said she worked 12 hour days and was sleeping. I told her I got in late yesterday.... I told her we should meet up later and she responded "Damn you move quick lol" I responded "I guess I've always been ambitious ;)" She responded back with "Nice lol Do you have any more pics" She has basically been texting me asking me for more pics. I called her out and said "wow you seem to be all about looks lol" She said she had bad experiences with people not being who they said blah blah

Anyway thats where I'm at now. Keep in mind I don't like wasting my time and try to get phone numbers and meets quickly. I'll probbaly see if I get a few more numbers today and then cancel it.

Just a 2 day experiment :)


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
My friend I use OLD a lot lol, let me give you some realities:

- You are going to run through a lot of fickle chicks.

- A lot of those chicks will give a guy their number very quickly, without hardly ANY real convo.

- A lot of those chicks just love attention and aren't serious about anything.

- A lot of those chicks will flat out disappear on your a.ss or just randomly STOP talking to you over stupid shyt.

- Watch out for the chicks who try to use you for dates. They will date you and 3 other guys this week, each guy spends $100 on her during the date for a total of $400 spent this week. The chick will do the full date, for a solid 5 or 6 hours, then TEXT you the next morning and say, "I had a good time with you, but I really didn't feel any chemistry, I wish you good luck in the future and I hope you find what you're looking for".

Now, if you can shift through ALL OF THAT, OLD is a very good and efficient source for:

- Some decent plates
- Some good relationships that are mainly short term with some potential to go long-term

It's a great tool to have in your method of meeting women, I would use it in combination with other methods such as your social circles. Cold approaching really isn't a good method I would recommend though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
So for the hell of it I opened POF yesterday. This thing seems to limit you to sending out only 55 messages per day. And they wonder why they are losing traction with all these BS things they put in.

Anyway I basically sent out the same opener to 55 people. I received 15 responses and 2 additonal messages from girls I added as "Favorites"

Of that I received 4 phone numbers. One HB 8+ and the others HB 7s (of course this is all subjective)

I followed up on 3 of the 4.

I spoke to first HB7 on the phone late last night. The convo went well and I ended the call after about 15 mins. She texted me right after saying it was nice talking to me. I told her we should meet up for coffee today before work. She stopped responding for about 30 mins after she had been quick to text replies beforehand. I messaged her "or not lol" She responded back about 5 mins later saying "sorry I was in the shower, yes I would :)" I told her I was going to bed and I'd text her tomorrow.

So I texted her today and she responded back kind of fast saying "Good morning" I asked her what she was doing and she said "grabbing coffee now then hanging out with my girlfriend" I responded back "Nice you should grab one with me later :)" Well its been over an hour and no response. I might just tell her forget it.....

Called 2nd HB7 after 11pm, she didn't answer. I texted her today saying I called her and she said she fell asleep at 9:30pm lol. I asked her what she was doing today and she said she worked till 7:30pm. I texted her "thats not too bad, we should meet up later" So far no response lol

Called HB8.5 yesterday and she didnt answer. Same follow up today via text, she said she worked 12 hour days and was sleeping. I told her I got in late yesterday.... I told her we should meet up later and she responded "Damn you move quick lol" I responded "I guess I've always been ambitious ;)" She responded back with "Nice lol Do you have any more pics" She has basically been texting me asking me for more pics. I called her out and said "wow you seem to be all about looks lol" She said she had bad experiences with people not being who they said blah blah

Anyway thats where I'm at now. Keep in mind I don't like wasting my time and try to get phone numbers and meets quickly. I'll probbaly see if I get a few more numbers today and then cancel it.

Just a 2 day experiment :)
Why do you say "lol" after you make a statement with these girls. Would James Bond tell a girl something and say "just kidding" afterwards.

Text game is about making her feel some sort of emotion, good or bad.

And those emojis - use them ever so sparingly.

And don't tell em you'll text them in the morning or ever for that matter. If you want to hit them up text them with something funny that happened today or just wait for them to contact you.

POF's platform is dated and seems a bit low quality to me. Go with a OKC. I've found that girls on there are bit higher quality (even more so if you can pay for a yearly membership) because you weed out women based on their figure.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Why do you say "lol" after you make a statement with these girls. Would James Bond tell a girl something and say "just kidding" afterwards.

Text game is about making her feel some sort of emotion, good or bad.

And those emojis - use them ever so sparingly.

And don't tell em you'll text them in the morning or ever for that matter. If you want to hit them up text them with something funny that happened today or just wait for them to contact you.

POF's platform is dated and seems a bit low quality to me. Go with a OKC. I've found that girls on there are bit higher quality (even more so if you can pay for a yearly membership) because you weed out women based on their figure.
No because James Bond is a fictional character. He's another media made example guys try to emulate thinking the success the writers give him in the movie translate to real life. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan and I think he does exhibit certain wonderful attributes. i just wouldn't base my game around a fictional movie character.

I think saying "just kidding" which I rarely do versus using a smiley or lol are completely different. I do it to show fun and being light hearted versus being all serious and uptight. That being said I agree it should be used timely and not overdone.

My friend I use OLD a lot lol, let me give you some realities:

- You are going to run through a lot of fickle chicks.

- A lot of those chicks will give a guy their number very quickly, without hardly ANY real convo.

- A lot of those chicks just love attention and aren't serious about anything.

- A lot of those chicks will flat out disappear on your a.ss or just randomly STOP talking to you over stupid shyt.

- Watch out for the chicks who try to use you for dates. They will date you and 3 other guys this week, each guy spends $100 on her during the date for a total of $400 spent this week. The chick will do the full date, for a solid 5 or 6 hours, then TEXT you the next morning and say, "I had a good time with you, but I really didn't feel any chemistry, I wish you good luck in the future and I hope you find what you're looking for".

Now, if you can shift through ALL OF THAT, OLD is a very good and efficient source for:

- Some decent plates
- Some good relationships that are mainly short term with some potential to go long-term

It's a great tool to have in your method of meeting women, I would use it in combination with other methods such as your social circles. Cold approaching really isn't a good method I would recommend though.
I've done the OLD thing successfully for a while too and you are 100% right on everything you said. Since I took a break from it I decided to try a quick experiment which basically ended up reinforcing everything you stated above lol

So I ended up calling that 4th number I got yesterday. She was nice and wanted to meet up but I looked back at her profile and I see why... She is not that attractive and kind of ghetto.

Going back to the other 3 girls its pretty spot on with what you and others have stated.

So she never ended up responding so I texted her saying something like nevermind lol. I then saw she went back on POF. She basically responded to a sarcastic message I sent there saying she couldn't answer her messages right away (even though it was over an hour). She then texted me saying she doesn't like impatient and sassy guys lol I basically told her she was ridiculous and could go on POF but not respond to my text when she had said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. I then told her good luck with all the other losers who message her on there to validate her ego.

Now before all you go jumping down my neck I know that most of my actions were pointless and won't change her or thats how women are blah blah blah - Yeah I get that but I always feel good giving a girl a peace of my mind. I don't think that's going to change.

I think the real lesson here is that maybe I shouldn't try to set up meet ups with the girls I message on there the same or next day as that results in a lot of flakes. The girls I have met up with from both online or the real world I have had at least 2 phone conversations with them prior. This girl was definitely into me at first because she texted me randomly after we hung up that it was nice talking to me and continued texting.

She said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. She said she worked till 7:30pm (she is a nurse) and then was going to the gym after. I asked if 10pm was a good time and she said yeah. I texted her back about an hour later saying cool and to text me when she got out of the gym. So I basically didn't hear from her all day.

Around 8:40pm I texted her "hey do you still want to meet up, I haven't heard from you"
She responds "yeah sorry I just got to the gym, I had to stop at my parents house first"
I respond "ok cool just checking"

So I don't hear anything.... then around 10pm I text her "where do you want to meet up"
She responds like 15 mins later "good question lol"
I respond "do you want to just grab a drink at a local bar"
No response for like a half hour and its past 10:30pm so I call her. No answer
I text her 5 mins later "Just wanted to talk since you're flaking on me lol"
She responds quickly "sorry we should do it on a day that I don't have to get up at 5am"
I respond back "thats cool I wish you would have just told me earlier"
Then I said "women are ridiculous and then they complain about guys lol"
She responded back with "sorry it just hit me now"

Anyway I basically wrote this one off as another loser and didn't even text back. Then about 15 mins later she texts me "Well goodnight I guess"

I text back "I'll call you tomorrow"
She texts back "ok"

So a little while ago I text her (which is true) "I forgot you were a nurse that explains the late hours lol"
She responds back with "yeah lol"
I respond "what time do you work today"
She says "7:30"
I say "what hospital do you work at"
She responds "xxxxxxx"
I just texted her "cool thats right down the road from me"

We'll see what happens here but I am going to try to talk to her on the phone at least to see if that helps builds rapport and gets her to met.

After the texts I wrote about
"What time do you finish work"
She said "6:30pm but I'm going to the gym after"
I didn't respond.
I called her around 8:30pm and it almost seemed like she hit the ignore button or it went right to voicemail. I then called about an hour later and the same thing.
I texted her "you did not just hit he ignore button lol"
No response... I texted her today "do you usually give out your number to guys and not talk to them just curious :)"
No response
I texted her "Alright i'll take that as either I'm special or you just met someone you think is great and are being short sighted'

No response lol

I did end up getting a 4th number yesterday, on pof she said she wanted to meet. When I texted her she asked for a pic. i told her "are you serious lol sad you can't remember me" She said "I'll remember you today just not tomorrow lol" I called no answer and she stopped answering. I texted her today for the hell of it saying whats up.

Again this whole thing is an experiment. I am not expecting anything with any of them heck the reason for follow ups that I'm sure most of you will call chumpish or AFC blah blah blah blah At least I'm validating my data.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
As a woman, I'd find your approach an absolute turn-off. That's me. To me, you come across as desperate and even a bit clingy. Pushing for a same day or next day meet-up and then repeatedly texting continually pursing the first meet up gives off the vibe you only want pvssy AND that you have no life AND no other options. To a woman, it becomes creepy and not at all attractive.

If you were on tinder and already agreed to meet up for quick sex than your actions would be a LITTLE more understandable. Even then, set a time, place and then just meet. No perpetual where is she now and can you meet yet. To someone with a life that kind of contact becomes annoying and is an absolute attraction killer.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
So she never ended up responding so I texted her saying something like nevermind lol. I then saw she went back on POF. She basically responded to a sarcastic message I sent there saying she couldn't answer her messages right away (even though it was over an hour). She then texted me saying she doesn't like impatient and sassy guys lol I basically told her she was ridiculous and could go on POF but not respond to my text when she had said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. I then told her good luck with all the other losers who message her on there to validate her ego.

Now before all you go jumping down my neck I know that most of my actions were pointless and won't change her or thats how women are blah blah blah - Yeah I get that but I always feel good giving a girl a peace of my mind. I don't think that's going to change.

I think the real lesson here is that maybe I shouldn't try to set up meet ups with the girls I message on there the same or next day (EXACTLY!!!)as that results in a lot of flakes. The girls I have met up with from both online or the real world I have had at least 2 phone conversations with them prior. This girl was definitely into me at first because she texted me randomly after we hung up that it was nice talking to me and continued texting.

She said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. She said she worked till 7:30pm (she is a nurse) and then was going to the gym after. I asked if 10pm was a good time and she said yeah. I texted her back about an hour later saying cool and to text me when she got out of the gym. So I basically didn't hear from her all day.

Around 8:40pm I texted her "hey do you still want to meet up, I haven't heard from you"
She responds "yeah sorry I just got to the gym, I had to stop at my parents house first"
I respond "ok cool just checking"

So I don't hear anything.... then around 10pm I text her "where do you want to meet up"
She responds like 15 mins later "good question lol"
I respond "do you want to just grab a drink at a local bar"
No response for like a half hour and its past 10:30pm so I call her. No answer
I text her 5 mins later "Just wanted to talk since you're flaking on me lol"
She responds quickly "sorry we should do it on a day that I don't have to get up at 5am"
I respond back "thats cool I wish you would have just told me earlier"
Then I said "women are ridiculous and then they complain about guys lol"
She responded back with "sorry it just hit me now"

Anyway I basically wrote this one off as another loser and didn't even text back. Then about 15 mins later she texts me "Well goodnight I guess"

I text back "I'll call you tomorrow"
She texts back "ok"

So a little while ago I text her (which is true) "I forgot you were a nurse that explains the late hours lol"

She responds back with "yeah lol"
I respond "what time do you work today"
She says "7:30"
I say "what hospital do you work at"
She responds "xxxxxxx"
I just texted her "cool thats right down the road from me"

We'll see what happens here but I am going to try to talk to her on the phone at least to see if that helps builds rapport and gets her to met.

After the texts I wrote about
"What time do you finish work"

She said "6:30pm but I'm going to the gym after"
I didn't respond.
I called her around 8:30pm and it almost seemed like she hit the ignore button or it went right to voicemail. I then called about an hour later and the same thing.
I texted her "you did not just hit he ignore button lol"
No response... I texted her today "do you usually give out your number to guys and not talk to them just curious :)"
No response
I texted her "Alright i'll take that as either I'm special or you just met someone you think is great and are being short sighted'

No response lol

I did end up getting a 4th number yesterday, on pof she said she wanted to meet. When I texted her she asked for a pic. i told her "are you serious lol sad you can't remember me" She said "I'll remember you today just not tomorrow lol" I called no answer and she stopped answering. I texted her today for the hell of it saying whats up.
^^^See highlights above^^^^

Again this whole thing is an experiment. I am not expecting anything with any of them heck the reason for follow ups that I'm sure most of you will call chumpish or AFC blah blah blah blah At least I'm validating my data.
Don't deceive yourself! From my view, you are only really validating your lack of skill, while continually displaying insecurity.
Stop with all the unnecessary texts and phone calls!!!
Connect & set a date (with an agreed time & place). Leave her alone after that and simply allow her to enjoy the anticipation of your date. Meet & have fun. Repeat.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
No because James Bond is a fictional character. He's another media made example guys try to emulate thinking the success the writers give him in the movie translate to real life. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan and I think he does exhibit certain wonderful attributes. i just wouldn't base my game around a fictional movie character.

I think saying "just kidding" which I rarely do versus using a smiley or lol are completely different. I do it to show fun and being light hearted versus being all serious and uptight. That being said I agree it should be used timely and not overdone.

I've done the OLD thing successfully for a while too and you are 100% right on everything you said. Since I took a break from it I decided to try a quick experiment which basically ended up reinforcing everything you stated above lol

So I ended up calling that 4th number I got yesterday. She was nice and wanted to meet up but I looked back at her profile and I see why... She is not that attractive and kind of ghetto.

Going back to the other 3 girls its pretty spot on with what you and others have stated.

So she never ended up responding so I texted her saying something like nevermind lol. I then saw she went back on POF. She basically responded to a sarcastic message I sent there saying she couldn't answer her messages right away (even though it was over an hour). She then texted me saying she doesn't like impatient and sassy guys lol I basically told her she was ridiculous and could go on POF but not respond to my text when she had said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. I then told her good luck with all the other losers who message her on there to validate her ego.

Now before all you go jumping down my neck I know that most of my actions were pointless and won't change her or thats how women are blah blah blah - Yeah I get that but I always feel good giving a girl a peace of my mind. I don't think that's going to change.

I think the real lesson here is that maybe I shouldn't try to set up meet ups with the girls I message on there the same or next day as that results in a lot of flakes. The girls I have met up with from both online or the real world I have had at least 2 phone conversations with them prior. This girl was definitely into me at first because she texted me randomly after we hung up that it was nice talking to me and continued texting.

She said she wanted to meet up with me yesterday. She said she worked till 7:30pm (she is a nurse) and then was going to the gym after. I asked if 10pm was a good time and she said yeah. I texted her back about an hour later saying cool and to text me when she got out of the gym. So I basically didn't hear from her all day.

Around 8:40pm I texted her "hey do you still want to meet up, I haven't heard from you"
She responds "yeah sorry I just got to the gym, I had to stop at my parents house first"
I respond "ok cool just checking"

So I don't hear anything.... then around 10pm I text her "where do you want to meet up"
She responds like 15 mins later "good question lol"
I respond "do you want to just grab a drink at a local bar"
No response for like a half hour and its past 10:30pm so I call her. No answer
I text her 5 mins later "Just wanted to talk since you're flaking on me lol"
She responds quickly "sorry we should do it on a day that I don't have to get up at 5am"
I respond back "thats cool I wish you would have just told me earlier"
Then I said "women are ridiculous and then they complain about guys lol"
She responded back with "sorry it just hit me now"

Anyway I basically wrote this one off as another loser and didn't even text back. Then about 15 mins later she texts me "Well goodnight I guess"

I text back "I'll call you tomorrow"
She texts back "ok"

So a little while ago I text her (which is true) "I forgot you were a nurse that explains the late hours lol"
She responds back with "yeah lol"
I respond "what time do you work today"
She says "7:30"
I say "what hospital do you work at"
She responds "xxxxxxx"
I just texted her "cool thats right down the road from me"

We'll see what happens here but I am going to try to talk to her on the phone at least to see if that helps builds rapport and gets her to met.

After the texts I wrote about
"What time do you finish work"
She said "6:30pm but I'm going to the gym after"
I didn't respond.
I called her around 8:30pm and it almost seemed like she hit the ignore button or it went right to voicemail. I then called about an hour later and the same thing.
I texted her "you did not just hit he ignore button lol"
No response... I texted her today "do you usually give out your number to guys and not talk to them just curious :)"
No response
I texted her "Alright i'll take that as either I'm special or you just met someone you think is great and are being short sighted'

No response lol

I did end up getting a 4th number yesterday, on pof she said she wanted to meet. When I texted her she asked for a pic. i told her "are you serious lol sad you can't remember me" She said "I'll remember you today just not tomorrow lol" I called no answer and she stopped answering. I texted her today for the hell of it saying whats up.

Again this whole thing is an experiment. I am not expecting anything with any of them heck the reason for follow ups that I'm sure most of you will call chumpish or AFC blah blah blah blah At least I'm validating my data.
I didnt read all that but nice defence anyways...



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
^^^See highlights above^^^^

Don't deceive yourself! From my view, you are only really validating your lack of skill, while continually displaying insecurity.
Stop with all the unnecessary texts and phone calls!!!
Connect & set a date (with an agreed time & place). Leave her alone after that and simply allow her to enjoy the anticipation of your date. Meet & have fun. Repeat.
Yes being that you're a woman i'll take what you said to heart ;) Trust me it is all an experiment, I already have quality girls I used my real game on.
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Take it from ME, I use OLD a lot, most of the shyt women throw at you on there isn't your fault. If you have no issues getting women outside of OLD, don't allow fickle chicks on OLD to make it seem as if there's something wrong with you.

What I would do honestly, is filter the chicks by telephone a little bit. The chicks who are fickle will reveal some of their fickle character, that way you don't have to WASTE time and gas meeting up with chicks who are fickle as hell.

It's going to be a massive filter my friend, like I said you can get some very decent plates off OLD but you also are going to have to filter through a lot of stupid a.ss shyt.

Like I said, a lot of the chicks who give you their number would have also given it to another guy based on very minimal convo. That same chick will STOP the convo with said guy over the smallest shyt imaginable, which makes no sense. Don't even waste your time arguing with them, see them as nothing but a NUMBER until you filter off a chick that can be a decent plate.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
LiveYourDream may be a woman but in this case she is right on the mark. The game you've displayed here is sh!t to put it concisely, whether you are "experimenting" or not. And then you blame the women. This is a bullsh!t thread.
You're an idiot


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
To be perfectly honest, I've only had success with OLD when the girl messaged me first. You know, I put some lame jokes on my profile and if she eats it up and can give me some banter when texting me... I can already tell we'll have a great connection on the first date. Possible relationship material.

I did have a one night stand with another girl I messaged but that's about it. I've tried crazy texts, low-key texts, everything but as long as I'm the one messaging her it's impossible to get her into the frame of chasing.

Maybe I'll try a shirtless pic next, since we're talking about experiments.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Reyaj,
You write 55 responses to Ladies on the Internet a Day!!!...I was until last year still using Internet Dating...I have used it since 2005...I doubt in all that time if I sent many more than 55 Mails,maybe 80.....So please tell me Reyaj after such massive rejection,are your expectations unrealistic,or are you not telling us the full story on your perceived inadequacies..Or,then perhaps rejection is your thing?


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA

Take it from ME, I use OLD a lot, most of the shyt women throw at you on there isn't your fault. If you have no issues getting women outside of OLD, don't allow fickle chicks on OLD to make it seem as if there's something wrong with you.

What I would do honestly, is filter the chicks by telephone a little bit. The chicks who are fickle will reveal some of their fickle character, that way you don't have to WASTE time and gas meeting up with chicks who are fickle as hell.

It's going to be a massive filter my friend, like I said you can get some very decent plates off OLD but you also are going to have to filter through a lot of stupid a.ss shyt.

Like I said, a lot of the chicks who give you their number would have also given it to another guy based on very minimal convo. That same chick will STOP the convo with said guy over the smallest shyt imaginable, which makes no sense. Don't even waste your time arguing with them, see them as nothing but a NUMBER until you filter off a chick that can be a decent plate.

Definitely man. Honestly girls I've met in the real world have exhibited similar characteristics. I'll be posting about every experience I can remember after my Approach Journal (greatest thing I ever did). Its going to take a while, but I want to pose theories from all, including my past posts since they are all based on real life and not the typical bs theories the keyboard jockys swear by.

Just an update on this experiment.. So after trading some texts with that HB7 nurse yesterday she kinda went silent. I end up calling her a bit after she said she was out of work, but no answer. She texts me back about 5 mins later responding to my texts from like 5 hours ago. I end up calling back and she answers. We talk for a bit as she says she was on the way to the hospital for her mom. I texted her today asking if everything was ok, and she said her mom was about to go into surgery, I told her I hope it went well.

So about 5 hours later she texts me out of the blue saying "hey!" We then end up having some small talk, she said she was helping her maid of honor get ready for her upcoming wedding. All in all I'd say having that phone conversation helped big time.

I ended up scoring another number yesterday before closing my POF account. This is an HB 8. She has one of these nice tan bodies with a beautiful rack and azz... I actually ended up making a little more conversation on POF before number closing her... Asking her about work or some other bs... I basically said we should talk and she asked for more pics.. I teased her about only caring about looks and she ended up giving me her number and asked that I text her more pics. So I call her yesterday no answer, I sent up a follow up text the same night and nothing. I sent one in the morning and nothing. Then this early evening I texted her this "Hey just in case you thought this was someone else its Reyaj, you gave me your number yesterday" She started responding and we traded some texts. I'll try a follow up a phone call maybe tomorrow or sometime soon. I looked this girl up on FB and I see her ex was this good looking pretty boy so I may not be her type but still going to go for it.

I am seeing someone so all this just for experiment and fun lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
If there was a continual display of over pursuing, anywhere, your examples are prime.
You will only diminish a woman's interest when you over-pursue her. NO EXCEPTIONS!

*You text her once, twice, and more... multiple times. She doesn't respond!
*You call now, maybe even multiple times. She doesn't respond!
*She still doesn't respond so you mix it up and alternate between calling and texting!
*Then when she FINALLY sends a text or calls back and you MISTAKENLY believe this is to reward your multiple (highly annoying) texts and calls.
*You MISTAKENLY believe that this approach was successful because she FINALLY replied.
*You MISTAKENLY believe that in the next interaction, when she does not respond, or promptly enough in your opinion, that you should just text more and call more, till she FINALLY (gives in) texts or calls back.


THIS APPROACH IS SHORT SIGHTED. If you need to speak to someone because there is an emergency, call and text till you get them to pick up or reply. Your apparently DESPERATE need for attention is not HER emergency. This is annoying and a turn off beyond explanation!!! You become like a fly that just won't go away. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Bzzzz.

If you think that makes a woman wet and want to fvck, you are deluding yourself. It makes a woman think you have no life, no friends, no options, nothing to do, other than pester her because you are SO LONELY and SO IN NEED of attention, that you cannot seem to respect that she actually has a life and clearly is busy living it! She will get back to you when she is free, provided there is attraction.

Bzzzzz. Bzzzz, Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzz. The pestering fly doesn't get how unwanted it's presence is!! Ever sat to eat outside and a fly shows up. What happens, inevitably people get irritated and try to swat it away. When it finally leaves, they don't miss it and wonder where did it go. They feel grateful it left so they can enjoy themselves in peace.

It feels like you think you are in a wresting match or something and you are trying to beat her into submission with persistence. This is not the way to be perceived as attractive and desirable to women.

Every additional text or call after her first non-reply, is like you calling out, FOR HER TO SAVE YOU, from her lack of attention. It conveys weakness, insecurity, and neediness. Not attractive!! By the time you have tried 4 or more times all with unanswered attempts, it would seem that you must be drowning or something.

I am NOT trying or wanting to be mean here. I am not! I am trying to WAKE YOU THE F' UP!

I thought my other post would have. Apparently not. The ongoing texts and calls when there is no reply from her, was so so hard to read and so cringeworthy to me as a woman.

A woman wants to be with A MAN, not something that acts like a fly and has nothing to do but pester her, while she is already busy.

I sincerely hope you take this to heart. Your success with women will increase exponentially, if you really get why it's not attractive and then become/be a man that lives a life in the ways that ARE attractive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Let me expand on my previous post.

As a man you need to find a women who gives you 100% co-operation. I've said this many times before, the game is all about co-operation. Your job isn't to chase a girl and convince her to be with you, it should be the girls job to do that. If they don't see the value in you I'm sure they see the value in another dude. Obviously if a chick doesn't text you back she isn't interested. If Brad Pitt texted her do you think she would text him back immediatly. Do yourself a favor and value yourself as a man.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
Couple things-

You have to be assertive. Example: "Lets meet at Champs at 7:30pm, sound good?". None of this "where do you want to meet", because women are generally terrible at calling the shots and will go silent. I research fun places halfway between and pick something. If she's hinting at a ONS or seems easy I'll pick an establishment close to her area.

Make texting fun and exciting. Tease or flirt. Short but sweet. Setup plans. None of this "what are you doing lol" crap.

Calm down. Double texting, calling when you don't get a response, is an insta-turn off. Women like some mystery and a man who is generally unavailable. You unload on them with both barrels and trap them in a corner. I'm surprised they responded as long as they did.

Lastly, these online girls are here today, gone tomorrow. No rhyme or reason. Their interest rises and falls with the wind. Desperate to meet you one second never heard from again the next. It's mind boggling. Keep in mind, any decent look girl on a dating site is getting asked out by 20 different guys per day. They bounce from guy to guy, and are all serial dating multiple men. If you're lucky, you'll get a couple fun weeks out of them before they monkey branch onto someone they think is a better prospect. That's life using online dating. Don't catch feelings.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I wanted to add some more commentary to this thread as again, a guy who incorporates the OLD method in a lot. This information is tailored to OLD but understand, this pretty much is relevant to meeting chicks PERIOD, no matter where you meet them:

#1.) On Paper Attraction

Make sure your pictures on there are as attractive as you can get them, for example if you are in shape, put up shirtless pics. People (other than the women you are sending notes to) will call you "shallow" or make whatever comments they want, doesn't matter, the women who are looking at your profile saying "this guy is attractive/in shape" won't be saying that and that's all that matters. Also if you have any type of financial success such as degrees, or anything, highlight that in the profile.

Your profile needs to non-verbally say: He's physically attractive and has his shyt together. That's called "on paper attraction".

#2.) Take Your Time

I believe it was THIS SITE where a lot of guys talked about not sitting up having a long convo with the chick in the inbox on the site, then on the text message, then by telephone, but to instead PUSH FOR THE DATE as fast as possible. I have never used that approach of pushing for the date as fast as possible, it's as STUPID as the 3 second rule because it comes off unnatural and "rushing". Sit down, have a convo with the girl, laugh, kick it and have a good time. From THERE, talk about meeting up, but I say at least have 2 or 3 days of somewhat consistent convo before setting up any type of meet-up.

Again, it's funny people responding are saying this NOW, but this site has always told guys to rush to get the women to meetup without spending a lot of time texting/talking on the phone, so it just shows how inconsistent this site can be and why you have to always take everything from here at face value. After all, 96% of the people here are fvcking anonymous, you could have a fat Chris Farley looking motherfvcker giving you "dating advice" for all I know lol.

#3.) Have Her Text/Call You At "Closing"

When "closing" (that is, looking to exchange numbers), do not ask the girl for her number, give her yours. That right there is a major filter, if her interest level is somewhat mild from the convo you had, she will text you saying this is Jennifer from POF. I end every convo with a new chick that way, I give them my number and tell them to text me, if she's interested she will text. If you don't do this, the quantity of flaked numbers is going to massively increase, this is NOT just with OLD, this is when meeting women ANYWHERE. Before I started doing this, I would have a damn phone book of women, telephone numbers stacked and stacked and stacked. I got tired of the dumb shyt and said, let me cut this down by giving her my number because the ones with at least mild interest would always do as I said....which is text/call me later.

#4.) It's A Massive Numbers Game

Understand this is a NUMBERS game and the women will fall in the following buckets, even after you have done everything I listed above:

- About 70% of chicks will flake on you in general, or will meet up and it go no where.

- About 15% of chicks it will go okay and you will fvck "eventually".

- About 15% of chicks it will go pretty good/great, you will fvck much faster and likely go into some type of relationship.

So in general, if you follow what I said above and get 20 chicks pulled off who texted/called you, about 14 of them will go nowhere and 6 of them you are going to have some type of relationship with (FWB, BF/GF, ONS).

Theres NO WAY you can predict where each chick will land, all you can do is maintain your "on paper attraction" and keep having great convos with the chicks online, in text and on the phone, period. From there, they will fall into whatever category they fall into. These percentages are more so "minimum" percentages, you might have a conversion rate much higher for FWB, BF/GF, ONS and a lower conversion for flakes/go nowhere chicks.

But the POINT is that most of the women you meet on OLD (and in general anywhere else) are more likely to flake/go nowhere. JAMES BOND only exists in the fvcking movies, this is not a movie.

#5.) OLD Is A Good Tool

Don't listen to anybody who tells you that OLD is all trash, that's incorrect. OLD is a very efficient, fast, and convenient way to gather some plates. Think about it, you don't have to get dressed up, you can start up convos with multiple women at the same time (can't do this in person), and you can REACH more women faster (can't do this in person). If you are NOT using OLD and Social Media to pick up plates, you are wasting a very valuable resource. It shouldn't be the only method, but to throw it off completely is stupid.
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