Need advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
There is a hb6,5 that wants me like a heroin user for his dose but I'm not attracted to her. So yesterday i met her and she introduced me to her hot friend ( hb8) , told me her name but didn't got her number ( I know ,terrible mistake) because there were also some other guys with them and I didn't felt to do such a move in front of everyone.

I want some tips on how to use the hb6,5 to get her friend (hb8).


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
"HB 8" likely knows she is an HB 8 and you hitting on her with just reinforce that idea

therefore your only option is to shower the 6.5 with attention in the 8's presence whilst giving the 8 nothing

this should force her to wonder why she isn't getting any

attention to women is the equivalent of what sex is to men


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
"HB 8" likely knows she is an HB 8 and you hitting on her with just reinforce that idea

therefore your only option is to shower the 6.5 with attention in the 8's presence whilst giving the 8 nothing

this should force her to wonder why she isn't getting any

attention to women is the equivalent of what sex is to men
What you say is true...

But for the sake of a discussion...

Would he not be better "friendzoning" the hb6 to get the "higher caliber" girl?

Just a thought: if he banged the hb6 wouldn't her friend out of loyaly, stay away?

Why not put the other one in the friendzone in a "nice" way? for example: you remind me of my
friend Sara from university. We were such good friends.....what you're doing is giving her value (it's a compliment if she reminds you of a good friends, and you're disqualifying yourself to get to the better apple

disqualify yourself with the one your not interested in to make a fvcking link to the other one?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
"HB 8" likely knows she is an HB 8 and you hitting on her with just reinforce that idea

therefore your only option is to shower the 6.5 with attention in the 8's presence whilst giving the 8 nothing

this should force her to wonder why she isn't getting any

attention to women is the equivalent of what sex is to men
That's the attitude I followed in front of her but that's not the issue. The thing is that to get the 8 is only through the 6 but I have no idea what kind of moves I can use. The only thing that comes to my mind is to ask her on a date and if she can also bring her friend with her . If she accepts in this situation means i have to go full "jerk mode " and I don't want this.

What you say is true...

But for the sake of a discussion...

Would he not be better "friendzoning" the hb6 to get the "higher caliber" girl?

Just a thought: if he banged the hb6 wouldn't her friend out of loyaly, stay away?

Why not put the other one in the friendzone in a "nice" way? for example: you remind me of my
friend Sara from university. We were such good friends.....what you're doing is giving her value (it's a compliment if she reminds you of a good friends, and you're disqualifying yourself to get to the better apple

disqualify yourself with the one your not interested in to make a fvcking link to the other one?
I agree with you. The hb6 is part of my social circle so every small mistake can affect greatly my reputation.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
Just keep doing your thing and don't obsess over this "8".

When you do see the 8 again, be friendly but don't treat her like one. Treat her like your bratty little sister (that phrase has an origin, but I can't remember who I should give credit to). This de-pedistalizes women and let's them know you're not mesmerized by her like a many AFC. In fact, she may even annoy you!

In terms of how to use 6.5 to get 8? Like I said, let it go. Try to figure out if she will be at a social gathering with you and 6.5. Then go to that and follow the above steps. Don't give any indication to 6.5 or 8 that you're actually interested, just imply it and keep your intentions unknown. Let em compete.
Patience. I'm not good at it but it's a good training . Thanks


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
The minute you stategize for ANY woman, you have already lost, as you have already pedestalized her, abdicating YOUR frame (mindset). Kick the pedestal from under her feet. She's not that special. She should be the one strategizing to get YOU.

Some may respond that no girl attractive ENOUGH strategizes upon them. I respond then it's not your "game," it's your value that you need to improve upon.

Onto the original post: Set up a meeting with the 6.5 and the 8. Make your interest to the 8 OVERTLY known. Be aggressive with your intent. If she is interested, she will bite.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
The minute you stategize for ANY woman, you have already lost, as you have already pedestalized her, abdicating YOUR frame (mindset). Kick the pedestal from under her feet. She's not that special. She should be the one strategizing to get YOU.

Some may respond that no girl attractive ENOUGH strategizes upon them. I respond then it's not your "game," it's your value that you need to improve upon.

Onto the original post: Set up a meeting with the 6.5 and the 8. Make your interest to the 8 OVERTLY known. Be aggressive with your intent. If she is interested, she will bite.
You are right. I might putting too much thinking to it and I'm going to lose in the end. But letting things just flow means that I have no control over it and the options are limited. I don't like such thing. Gonna see how things are going to be and set a meeting for the next week. Any idea how I'm going to bring it to her ?

I gotcha this -

Next time you are interacting with her, lead the convo towards a situation where she'll undoubtedly say something like "I don't agree" or something of the sort.

When she does, lock eyes with her and say, in a very playful way,

"What am I going to do with you?"

These words, said the right way, will get her juices flowing.

Definitely do this.
Haha that's my style there. Thanks buddy, I'm definitely gonna do it.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
. Gonna see how things are going to be and set a meeting for the next week. Any idea how I'm going to bring it to her ?
Call the HB6.

Hey HB6, my friends and I are getting together for a few drinks at XYZ lounge, Thur night at 8 pm. Why don't you come along and bring HB8. I have just the right guy for her ;)
At meet, show your intent overtly, clearly, audaciously, and unapologetically.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
Small update.

Texted the hb6 yesterday night this is how it went.

Me:Yo hb6,how is it going?
Her:Heey:) im fine thx and u?
Me:I'm as always... awesome
Her: Okay
Her:are you still working now?
Me:Yeah yeah , I'm working hard( actually i was chilling that time)
Me:What are you doing this weekend?
Her:i don't know yet
Her:and you?
Me:I was planning to go with a friend of mine somewhere i thought if you would also follow.( that friend of mine wanted to fck this chick so since my target is her friend it would be a shame if she stayed alone xD)
Her: Okay
Her:i will think about it.
Her:but i will go to Austria this weekend perhaps...that's the reason i have to think about.
Me: If you want to come just write me.Bring that female friend of yours that was with you the last time we met.
Her: yes i will write you.

That's all what we texted and many annoying emojis with a monkey, I hate emojis .

It took me so long to write her because i had many things that i had to take care off first.
Personally i don't really care if she comes or not but i wonder if she's going to bring her friend with her That's the only thing i care. In a situation which her friend is not coming, what am i doing then?Any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
1 I dont think she's gonna bring her hot friend.
2 Even if she does, if you try to hit on the hot friend, you will lose hb6.
3 probably hb8 is not into you , so you're screwing everything up.
4 fvck hb6 and then and only then try to get hb8.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
This has not been handled very well until this point.

After this last text exchange with *6, it's unlikely she'll bring *8 along, after you mentioned it. Had you not, she may have done it. It's now obvious you like her friend and she's not gonna bring her along, because SHE likes YOU.

The only way to go about it is to exchange numbers with the *8, should you ever meet again - and REGARDLESS of whoever else is about. Then you need to set up a date between JUST the two of you, with no one else there - no group dates until you such time as you are exclusive with any woman.

TMK says; if you ever meet her again, fck what everyone else thinks and get the number. She'll be all the more impressed that you do this in front of everyone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
1 I dont think she's gonna bring her hot friend.
2 Even if she does, if you try to hit on the hot friend, you will lose hb6.
3 probably hb8 is not into you , so you're screwing everything up.
4 fvck hb6 and then and only then try to get hb8.
1,2 : I don't care at all for the hb6 , i have no interest towards her. I use her only to make something with her hot friend and nothing more.
3: the last time i saw her i had enough social proof to show my value which I'm sure she noticed. I'm a person that half of the population in my city knows , I'm an important person.
4: good idea but as I said, 0 interests for the hb6

This has not been handled very well until this point.

After this last text exchange with *6, it's unlikely she'll bring *8 along, after you mentioned it. Had you not, she may have done it. It's now obvious you like her friend and she's not gonna bring her along, because SHE likes YOU.

The only way to go about it is to exchange numbers with the *8, should you ever meet again - and REGARDLESS of whoever else is about. Then you need to set up a date between JUST the two of you, with no one else there - no group dates until you such time as you are exclusive with any woman.

TMK says; if you ever meet her again, fck what everyone else thinks and get the number. She'll be all the more impressed that you do this in front of everyone.
I never mentioned in the text that i was after the hb8 nor the opposite. I left all of my options open. Since I said that I will go with a friend of mine out , automatically this means that it will be in a friendly way .
But this girl is so much into me that she will do whatever I say to her.
If it's not working and she flakes it's not the end of the world. I have many other free plates to spin during the holidays so I'm covered.

And yes , getting the number is numero uno priority but it's not something easy. She lives I think in Zurich ( 50 minutes away from me) and other than the hb6 there is no way to come with her in contact.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Patience. I'm not good at it but it's a good training . Thanks
Patience is key.... YOU MUST learn patience with women. Be a man, act like a man, and let women come to you. Sometime you have to wait for this, it's like fishing. Find a good spot, use good equipment and baits and wait.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I never mentioned in the text that i was after the hb8 nor the opposite.
You don't have to say it explicitly. You told *6 to bring *8 with her in your text exchange, so she knows. Women read between the lines much more than guys, and they're generally better at it too.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
You don't have to say it explicitly. You told *6 to bring *8 with her in your text exchange, so she knows. Women read between the lines much more than guys, and they're generally better at it too.
I mentioned my friend as well. It means that " there is still hope for her " . I didn't mentioned who this friend was though. Still I can't think of any other way that I could meat her friend. I did what the members advised me.

As i said I don't care of the outcome. My only question is what to do if she comes on her own without her friend. How should i play it ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
If you're not attracted to a 6.5, wouldn't you scale her a little lower then?

Also, if you don't care about the outcome, why are you stressing this so much then? If she does come on her own without her friend, you leave her with your buddy or you just treat her as a friend. It almost sounds like you are afraid of this girl for some reason.

Worst case scenario, you get drunk and bang the 6.5. You keep talking about this 8 as if she were a unicorn.

The moment you realize that there are MANY women out there and these two aren't the only ones on the planet is the minute you stop stressing about the petty stuff.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
If you're not attracted to a 6.5, wouldn't you scale her a little lower then?

Also, if you don't care about the outcome, why are you stressing this so much then? If she does come on her own without her friend, you leave her with your buddy or you just treat her as a friend. It almost sounds like you are afraid of this girl for some reason.

Worst case scenario, you get drunk and bang the 6.5. You keep talking about this 8 as if she were a unicorn.

The moment you realize that there are MANY women out there and these two aren't the only ones on the planet is the minute you stop stressing about the petty stuff.
As i said countless times, I don't care for the outcome. What i want is to learn from it and use the best techniques to have the less percentage of failure. I know that without failure we won't learn but that's why I'm here in the first place.

That was my plan but i was wondering if there was something else to be done.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Here's my issue... you say you don't care about the outcome, and you want to learn... yet you are asking how to go through with this.

Why not just live up to the "Don't care about the outcome" part and just try whatever, see what happens... live and learn.
There's no better teacher than experience, and experience isn't a forum-poster on SoSuave.