You guys will probably flame me but


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Such a stupid scenario I've found myself in. I made a fake pof account well fake pics it's not me but the profile in regards to occupation, religion, race etc is real. I wanted to see the difference in experience of me before who had real pics up and turned on my best game compared to a dude who was shredded and very tall 6 foot 4. Surely enough, the women flocked immediately. I acted like a huge sleaze and jerk to every girl, theyd say hello and I'd reply 'forget the formalities I know you want to fvck, what's your number?" About 60% of women gave their number up in the next reply and about 30% more took a little more convincing, leaving that small minority who left the conversation or blocked me. I have no doubt I would get 100% numbers and roots if I showed proper game.

Anyway, one women I message I actually acted like me. Was straight to the point but not rude and was witty/funny/sexual. Got her number and we've talked several times since then. She messages me constantly and the IL is sky rocket. Yesterday on the phone she said I originally was attracted to you because of your looks but now Im memorized by your character. I've never met a guy who holds a conversation like you do and who is so bright etc". Lol, I said so if I wasnt good looking you'd still like me she said now yes. Who knows how I would have responded to you before on pof but now it's beyond that.

I know, I know. She says all that but in reality it's probably all bs. She is a very funny and awesome girl so far, makes me regret approaching her with a fake account. Anyway, what are the odds of her not running scared if I tell her the truth? Id say im about a 7 - 8 in looks and this fake dude is a 10 judging how many girls are uncontrollable on pof.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I think she will reject you when she finds out you're not as good looking. The only chance you have is if she thinks your real looks are good enough after getting to know you, but let me tell you women will drop you like a rock no matter how much you've seeming built up a connection with them if they don't think your looks are good enough. I have pics on pof that are getting a little old and I'm getting a lot of rejections now in person and I'm basically the same guy!

This game is all about your looks really. Even personality=appearance. I would be swimming in good looking women with the effort I'd put into pick up if I were better looking facially.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
i actually did this. and it went on for awhile when i was younger. i had a fake picture and all that. But really there's no way to come out of this ahead unless you level with her on your real looks.

The way i did it. Was i sent her a pic of myself. And she's like ohhh he's cute. i didn't instantly say that was me. but after about a week of continued talk and her begging to see me. i sorta leveled with her (because i really wanted to see her). and said that previous pic was me. and had this kinda corny story to go along with why i lied.

i said this whole thing was a big joke. and i didn't expect to get in touch with such an amazing girl.

I got lucky though she found the real me just as attractive. we dated for like 3 years lol. then she moved to NY. this was outside of my most recent break up involving moving as well. must have been 22. i'm 30 now.

hell i even lied about my name LOL. i leveled with her about that also. however she could tell there was something bothering me. and when i said i wanna level with you about something she instantly went with. your name isn't really so and so. and i'm like no. and she's like anything else? then that's when i told her about the pic. but her intrest level was already at like 110% it didn't even matter. which were her words exactly.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Here is the real question: Why the fvck do you care?

Just move on. Your little social experiment proved to have the results you expected it would, and now you know.

The reason people on POF go for people with better looks more is because they're on there to find people who look good, not people with a good personality. IF they wanted personality, they'd go to a bar or something.

Sorry about your luck, but there's a better girl out there somewhere.

Then again, you could probably TELL her you were performing a social experiment, and then disappear. Never talk to her again. She'd wonder "What the fvck happened to him?"

Then, you could make your strike.

Just experiment with it.



Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
So I told her that it was a fake account today. Her reaction? She cried on the phone and said she can't believe I did that to her. She said that if I told her that night I rang her that it was just a bullsh1t account then she would have been fine and we could have moved on from there. I told her that we hadn't talked anywhere near enough for that to happen, you would have left and thought I was a freak immediately.

She was speechless and I just said sorry I hurt you but I'm still the same person you got to know, it's just I'm not the person in the pic. If you can't deal with that then just move on and I will too. She said she doesn't want to move on and that she still likes me but doesn't know how to trust me after this.

She demanded I send her real pics which I did then she rang me back. Said she wants to see me tomorrow otherwise she'll never talk to me again. I said okay I'll meet up tomorrow night.

I'm thinking the following things. She'll stand me up; she'll flake; she'll come there and tell me off and that'll be it or she'll be confused and still shattered the entire date.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
For_F said:
So I told her that it was a fake account today. Her reaction? She cried on the phone and said she can't believe I did that to her. She said that if I told her that night I rang her that it was just a bullsh1t account then she would have been fine and we could have moved on from there. I told her that we hadn't talked anywhere near enough for that to happen, you would have left and thought I was a freak immediately.

She was speechless and I just said sorry I hurt you but I'm still the same person you got to know, it's just I'm not the person in the pic. If you can't deal with that then just move on and I will too. She said she doesn't want to move on and that she still likes me but doesn't know how to trust me after this.

She demanded I send her real pics which I did then she rang me back. Said she wants to see me tomorrow otherwise she'll never talk to me again. I said okay I'll meet up tomorrow night.

I'm thinking the following things. She'll stand me up; she'll flake; she'll come there and tell me off and that'll be it or she'll be confused and still shattered the entire date.

Just go regardless. She will probably go and be somewhere looking to see what you look like in real life compared to your real pic. Just dress and look your best.

If she does go and comes up to you just tell her you heard chicks on POF only respond to the hottest guys and didn't expect her to actually be a cool person.

But be on guard. I'm telling you 99.999% of chicks on POF have issues and lie.

You only have one shot. It's 50/50. She either shows or she doesn't. If she does just talk with her and don't keep the conversation on what you did.

Try to focus on the connection you two had so far.

It's a learning experience even if it doesn't work out.

Good luck dude! Again. Go for it regardless. If she says she's not going. You tell her you're going anyway and show up to where you say you're going. Grab a coffee or something and wait about 30 minutes. If she doesn't show just leave. At least see the whole thing through REGARDLESS.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Just go regardless. She will probably go and be somewhere looking to see what you look like in real life compared to your real pic. Just dress and look your best.

If she does go and comes up to you just tell her you heard chicks on POF only respond to the hottest guys and didn't expect her to actually be a cool person.

But be on guard. I'm telling you 99.999% of chicks on POF have issues and lie.

You only have one shot. It's 50/50. She either shows or she doesn't. If she does just talk with her and don't keep the conversation on what you did.

Try to focus on the connection you two had so far.

It's a learning experience even if it doesn't work out.

Good luck dude! Again. Go for it regardless. If she says she's not going. You tell her you're going anyway and show up to where you say you're going. Grab a coffee or something and wait about 30 minutes. If she doesn't show just leave. At least see the whole thing through REGARDLESS.
i'll definitely go even though I can't believe I'm in this situation lol. I will get a hair cut tomorrow and make sure I dress well. She lives a bit of a distance from me so that'll suck hard if I drive there and she doesn't turn up. No doubt I will try and pick up some other girl in the area if she doesn't come.

We get along so well it's awesome when you actually like talking to a woman. Most time I fvcking hate the boring convos with them. Initially there's not much dullness and not that long phone calls but when you have sex and they feel they deserve phone time at nights and in lunch breaks it's a real bummer. That's of course if you're more than just FBs.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
For_F said:
i'll definitely go even though I can't believe I'm in this situation lol. I will get a hair cut tomorrow and make sure I dress well. She lives a bit of a distance from me so that'll suck hard if I drive there and she doesn't turn up. No doubt I will try and pick up some other girl in the area if she doesn't come.

We get along so well it's awesome when you actually like talking to a woman. Most time I fvcking hate the boring convos with them. Initially there's not much dullness and not that long phone calls but when you have sex and they feel they deserve phone time at nights and in lunch breaks it's a real bummer. That's of course if you're more than just FBs.

If she keeps pressing you about what you did to her then you know (as she's admitted in your original post) she is more about the look of the original dude...and then your personality ESPECIALLY after she's seen your real pics.

If she truly likes your personality and looks she'll drop it and move on.

Though how do you know she is the person in her pics and if her pics are recent? (Don't ask or it'll turn bitter and look like you are looking to cover your "mistake".)

Even if she says she isn't going you text or better yet call her and tell her you are there to make pennance for posting up fake pics. She just may show up at that point.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
to me this sounds like the back door way of getting chicks on pof. lol..

lie to there face get the IL high as you can. then come clean. lol


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Packers2010 said:
to me this sounds like the back door way of getting chicks on pof. lol..

lie to there face get the IL high as you can. then come clean. lol
No matter how much game you have on pof there are some/many girls who will never reply to a basic hello message. I guess this way you could build rapport with a bunch of girls and then play a numbers game in regards to who will ever talk to you once you come clean.

I really didn't intend to do this. All by accident and coincidence. Technology is so powerful though, even a decade ago you wouldnt find yourself in a situation like this. But I guess a decade ago women were actually out and about ready to meet a man, well that's what I've been told - 10 years ago I would have been too young to hit up a club.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
A man's online dating profile is only as strong as his worst picture.

If you aren't as good looking in person, the girl tends to make it a one date wonder and replace every thought with "I can't believe I'm out with this loser!"

This POF experiment has been done to death. It'll get you some sexless meet ups at best.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
"Expirement"?? ..... I call bulls**t. Do you not realize you have completely DEVALUED yourself from the beginning. HOw can you convince her that you have ANY self worth after coming clean about posting a fake pic.. (experiment or not)

I think this was done with real intent, with the idea of meeting someone otherwise completely uninterested in you soley based on looks. Your... "experiment" failed the minute you put the fake picture up. Not to mention that if in fact this was just a "social experiment", Id imagine you wouldve bailed before striking up several conversations with her.

whats the point of this so called expirement anyway? That women base their opinion for compatibility on LOOKS? Suprise Suprise.

word of advice, Instead of wasting time with "experiments", spend that energy and effort on figuring out something a tad more useful. Like stepping up your game, or finding other interesting ways to land more females on POV that doesnt include lying to them.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
DavenJuan said:
"Expirement"?? ..... I call bulls**t. Do you not realize you have completely DEVALUED yourself from the beginning. HOw can you convince her that you have ANY self worth after coming clean about posting a fake pic.. (experiment or not)

I think this was done with real intent, with the idea of meeting someone otherwise completely uninterested in you soley based on looks. Your... "experiment" failed the minute you put the fake picture up. Not to mention that if in fact this was just a "social experiment", Id imagine you wouldve bailed before striking up several conversations with her.

whats the point of this so called expirement anyway? That women base their opinion for compatibility on LOOKS? Suprise Suprise.

word of advice, Instead of wasting time with "experiments", spend that energy and effort on figuring out something a tad more useful. Like stepping up your game, or finding other interesting ways to land more females on POV that doesnt include lying to them.
Listen c0cksucker I don't have to justify anything to you. What I said is the truth. If your boyfriend wasnt balls deep in your mouth maybe you could read properly. I know that this is a very negative situation for me, I have game in real life. I have other dates lined up with women I met face to face so save your advice for yourself. There were a hundred women who give me their numbers I didn't think twice about taking them seriously. What happened, happened.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I think some people on SS have to relax and put things into perspective. Why do you get so offended by sh1t like this? Why do folks take it so personally. We have one life do whatever the fvck you want to do as long as it doesn't ruin your life. So what I have a date from what I did? Who gives a fvck. I count it as a funny life experience if nothing else. I still have a good job, loving family, good health and great friends.

Take a chill pill.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
I have a funny feeling that SHE isn't going to turn out to be what YOU maybe she secretly has a dong.

What was the point of the "Experiment" in the first place? to prove that you aren't good looking enough to attract girls or something? What would be the point of doing that? Give yourself a reason to not try meeting girls in the real world? I got news for you, your success rate climbs with the more balls you have. Got enough to go approach that hottie and ask her out? She very well may go for it. Same hottie on POF ( that's gonna happen) your chances decrease to like -20%


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
This might seem crazy, but maybe just tell her that you found a girlfriend (or some other excuse) and are serious, but you think she's cool and should meet your "friend", then forward her to your real profile.


Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
For_F said:
You guys seem to have reading issues

Just go, try to meet her.

What happened happened.

If it doesn't work out it's just a learning experience. It's not that big of a deal unless you make it one.