****y Funny and Money


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I know a lot of you out there have trouble using the ****y and funny technique effectively.

Often times, I hear things like "I don't know what to say", "Am I being too ****y? or funny?", or " How do I start conversation with women with c&f." Well, a decent convo opener would be "Hello". And more than likely she'll say "Hi" back to you. For the first 1:30 secs have regular conversation ask her what kind of music is she into etc. After this point, most guys get stuck and kill the moment.

I have good news for those of you learning the fundamentals behind the c&f technique. The good news is that to be ****y and funny isn't all that complicated. In communication, ****y and funny is mainly meant show that you possess something ' special ' about you. C&F is also used to 'bust' womens 'chops' and help provide 'challenge' for women. But, 70% of C&F is used to show that there is something 'special' that you have, and the woman should want to get whatever it is that is 'special' about you.

Now that you understand the bases behind c&f, how would you approach a HB9 and use it? A lot of us don't know what to say after "hello", "what's up", or whatever 'ice breaker' is used to start a conversation. Well, have any of you thought of using money with c&f? yeah I said it, money. Now, don't take what I said literally. The goal isn't to reach into your wallet, grab a benjamin, and show her the cash, no no! The goal is to be playful and act like sort of like smart-aleck and salesman combined with charisma.

To clear things up for some of you, here is an example of what I mean.

Scenario: I see a single HB 9 sitting on a bench in a park looking at the birds.

Me: Hello

Her: Hi

Me: Are you stalking the birds?

Her: lol, no, I'm *she explains what she's doing*

Me: You know what?

Her What?

Me: Pigeons are cool, I want to own one as a pet.

Her: Why is that?

Me: To direct all other pigeons away from dropping on to my car and on to the other cars!

Her: lol, I'd never thought of that.

Me: By the way, What's your name?

Her: Andrea, what's yours?

Me: King David

Her: Ha, you're a King?

Me: Of course, you know should know that! Look across the way, that's my castle.

Her: Haha, sure ok!

Me: I have A deal, Andrea.

Her: what's that?

*looking at her and over to a pigeon* If You Pay me $50, I'll catch that pigeon right there for you. And for a extra small fee of $30 dollars more, you can have it. ;) playfully.

Her: lol, no thanks, I'm broke.

Me: Sure you're broke, that's what they all say, you're missing out though. *looking in her eyes while being playful*

Her: haha, whatever.

Me: Well, I'd better get going, it was nice talking to you, Andrea, .

Her: Same to you, :).

Me: *walk a few steps, turns around* Hey, Andrea do you have email?

Her: Yeah.

Me: *hands her pen and paper*, make sure it's legible!

Her: Haha, ok.

Me: Cool, now I'll see ya later.

Her: Ok, see you later

See, it's not all that complicated. All you need is a good opener and after you open up the conversation, use your surroundings as helpers to keep the conversation interesting. As mentioned, use money to help your c&f. Until you have learned how to use c&f effectively, money is a good start.

Good Luck:cool:



Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
And what happens if she had $50 handy?

I doubt you have the reflexes to catch a bird :)

Good tip though. I found it ironic that you claimed to be a king, and would then ask for $50 to catch a pigeon ;)



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SynapsyS
And what happens if she had $50 handy?

I doubt you have the reflexes to catch a bird :)

Good tip though. I found it ironic that you claimed to be a king, and would then ask for $50 to catch a pigeon ;)

If she has the 50 dollars, then she'll probably want conviencing that it's worth her money.

Her: $50, why should I give you $50? (or something similar to that )

You: Hey, now, I could have charged more money, but I'm offering you a one in a life time opportunity. You will never ever have to wash pigeon droppings off of you car again. :cool:.

Her: Ha, ok, how do I know that you'll catch it?

You: Leave that up to me, I'll catch it.

I know it's ironic that I said that I was a king and then I said that I'd catch a pigeon. In all sarcasm of giving yourself title as king, It's what makes you different. Chances are she'll ask you " If you're a king then why are you catching pigeons? " you could say " Look here, I have royalty status, but unlike other lazy bums that call themselves 'kings', I can fend and do things for myself.:cool: " It's that easy. Trust me, It'll make an interesting conversation if you contradict what you say a little bit.



Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ripped right out the pages of david d's book. lol. still good tho, good too see you workin on sum diff tech's. the thing is, dont get all hung up and start thinkin that c & f is everything, theres many more aspects of the game you need to incorperate in order to get somewhere! jus keep that in mind


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Well, the ****y and funny is a known technique, (I learned it from David D). But the money part is something that I thought of on my own. I'm not a "copy cat". And when things come to mind, I share what I think, you know?

I know there is more to the "game" than c&f...I'm just giving people a way to learn how to use the c&f part.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
yeye i know, and thats great that ur helping out people w/ C&F cause it is kinda tricky to get it down when ur starting out. I use ****y comedy alot myself. well, i no longer consider it C&F because its simply a part of me. its part of my character and who i am. When you'r told, dont be yourself, thats assuming that you dont have the things nessisary to get the job done, i be myself because ive aquired the things that get the job done and made them apart of my life in general.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
I liked the whole "king [insert name]" idea.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
did you think this up yourself, or rip this off totally from the book?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Myself, I don't copy other peoples work, (not intentionally).


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ4Real
Myself, I don't copy other peoples work, (not intentionally).
Well then that's really witty! I'd like to hear some more examples.


Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
look for my posts. you got there some good advices. pzz


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Situation: You are at a roller rink, and you see a HB 8 sitting down at a table listening to the music on the rink.

You: Hello

Her: Hi

You: Do you know how to skate?

Her: Ya, how about you?

You: Of course

You: So, if you know how to skate, then why are ya sittin' here, the rink isn't going to come to you! :cool:

Her: lol, REALLY??? *sarcastically*

You: Really really, I hope you aren't surprised! :rolleyes: , If you are, I'll skate ya over to a therapist for $10.

Her: $10? But I was being sarcastic, lol!

You: So was I, but the ten dollars, yeah, you'd have to pay that

You: By the way, what's your name?

Her: Jen, you?

You: Dr. David.

Her: You're a doctor? what in?

You: They just decided to give me a degree because I've delivered alot of crazy people that think "roller skating rink will come to them!"....Yeah, I take those people to the "place" where crazies go ($10 per person, plus tips),

Her: lol, you're mean! stop making fun of me *with a big smile on her face" :D

You: Well, Jen, I've got to go, nice talking to you....:cool:

Her: Nice talking to you, David :cool:

You: That's Dr David to you, Delusional Jen. *hold eye contact until she breaks and take* :cool:

Her: I'm Sorry, Doctor David! haha.

You: *walk a few steps, turn around* do you have email?

Her: Yeah, why do you want my email?

You: *holding the pen and paper* it'll be bring good luck in all ways to you if you give it to me, write it down, legibly! ;)

Her: Whatever you say, lol. *hands you paper with email address*.

You: Your luck starts as of right now, Jen. See ya some time. :cool:

Her: Ya, see you too, David. :)

****end convo****
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New Member
Nov 6, 2005
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edmonton, canada
c & F course

well, your advice about the bench and the birds is all good , i'll use it, but how about when i'm sitting in the hot tub and i see a hottie i want to meet, or when i'm at school, and want to attract a hot girl that i know and ive talked 2 a few times b4? thanx

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
You talked to her before? C+F is your game, for the beginner...

Use C+F on her if you have nothing better, you have previous conversations with her, use your skillz to say you understand, and she should push you more for more knowledge :p:p :p :p