WWlll ??


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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President Dmitry Medvedev ordered the system to be activated on a visit to the radar unit in Kaliningrad, a Baltic region bordering EU countries.

The unit is equipped with the new Voronezh-DM radar system.

Mr Medvedev has warned Russian missiles could be deployed on the EU's borders if the shield is installed.

Washington wants an anti-missile shield ready by 2020, arguing that it is necessary to provide protection from the potential missile threat posed by countries like Iran.

Under President George W Bush, the US had initially intended to locate major parts of the shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, but Russia objected vigorously.

When Barack Obama took office in the White House, he scaled back the original ambitions.

"Nato's missile defence system [is] designed to defend against threats from outside Europe - not designed to alter balance of deterrence," NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in a recent tweet.
Funny. US didn't like missiles in their back yard (Cuba) but they seem to think Russia will like them in Europe.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Maybe Canada should become involved in this rather than sitting on the sidelines depending on a strong US military for their defense rather than their own?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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fact: most of canadas residence are within close proximity to america's boarders. Second fact, they have a standing army.

....do the math...

....people, enough with the theories based on poor logic. Any numbnuts can spin a situation to make it sound worse than it is.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2011
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We SHOULD have nuked Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, and any army masses, in 1946-47, when we had nukes and Russia didn't. Without a Russia, no commie China, no Korean War, no Vietnam, no Cuba, No nicruargua, no worries in the Middle east, nobody arming anyone else in that area, gas would be $1 a gallon. The punks running the show after ww2 were scared of a revolution if we returned to the Great Depression economy, so they KEPT as big a % of the economy based upon the miitary as it was in ww2 and it STILL is that high a %, too. The ONLY thing that the US does best, these days, is make very high grade weapons. We trade off our 2nd rate stuff for oil, and antagonize the Arabs with our support of Isreal, to keep them buying our military castoffs, stuff that we'd just scrap if they didn't trade oil for it.

Ninja Dude

Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
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Another plane of existence
metoo said:
We SHOULD have nuked Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, and any army masses, in 1946-47, when we had nukes and Russia didn't. Without a Russia, no commie China, no Korean War, no Vietnam, no Cuba, No nicruargua, no worries in the Middle east, nobody arming anyone else in that area
America has been arming a great deal of those countries for decades now. Not to mention the fact that the US doesnt exactly have a spotless history when it comes to genocide and corruption. Humans are basically scum, regardless of nationality, so dont fall into the divide/conquer mentality of us vs each other. Our true enemies depend on us being divided this way


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Mike32ct said:
It's a missile defense system. The US is not installing actual missles with offensive capability as was done in Cuba.
But today ICBMs have such a high range, they can hit Russia already. But Russia can hit back.
With the "defense" shield, Russia can't hit back. So the implied aggression is that USA can just hit Russia without consequences.

So either they can nuke them (not likely) or just make ridiculous demands and blackmail Russia in trade and politics (more likely). So it's not entirely "defensive".


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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Mike32ct said:
I can totally understand that angle, but there will always be competition in the arms world. If we build the shield, the Russians will counter with something else.
Yes: they will counter with cold winters for Europe (they have the gas), they will counter with a bad attitude and ultimately, they may counter with the installation of their own systems in the vicinity of the US.
All this builds tensions between nations, anger among people and may eventually lead to war.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2011
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that's right, the US has been nothing but a big BULLY for over 100 years now. our intervention in WW1 cause the Depression, the Depression caused WW2, and it's been a huge mess ever since. we should have smashed the Russians when we had the chance, but the powers that be in the US FEARED not having a huge % of the economy geared to war making stuff. They STILL do. Without those military supply type jobs, another 10% of the population would be out of a job, most of them VERY high paying jobs.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
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Why don't they pull out?

Everyone can see the background, and everyone is afraid to say it.


Nov 2, 2011
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FACT: Ass clowns in power, Putin, Obama, Illuminati, Shadow Government, Majestic 13, don't want to die. If there is going to be a war it will be local, kind of like Gadaffi situation. Russia and NATO square off strictly local, cold war style, remember 8/8/8 Georgia-Osetia, we can call that NATO-Russia. Right now Russia could squeeze NATO out of Afghanistan by blocking land supply routes, i.e. situation with Pakistan.

FACT: Russia owns 80 nuclear power plants, they can just blow them all up, and all of you are going to die. No WW3 needed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Countries in europe have enough power plants of their own, I believe.

Israel (AMERICA) wants to get rid of Iran. Russia and China will help Iran in times of war, I believe they've said. They are trying to make Russia obsolete. We cannot allow a 1 world government. The European Union was a mistake. They forced the damn EURO upon all of us without a poll. Soon enough they'll be introducing the Amero and injecting chips into your bodies.

America is the biggest threat to the whole damn world!! It makes me sick what's going on right now, and nobody knows it. They want to make all countries economically interdependent and ruled under 1 government. That way nobody will have any power or ability to be self-sufficient.

EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!!! Watch this video
Last edited:

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
metoo said:
We SHOULD have nuked Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, and any army masses, in 1946-47, when we had nukes and Russia didn't. Without a Russia, no commie China, no Korean War, no Vietnam, no Cuba, No nicruargua, no worries in the Middle east, nobody arming anyone else in that area, gas would be $1 a gallon. The punks running the show after ww2 were scared of a revolution if we returned to the Great Depression economy, so they KEPT as big a % of the economy based upon the miitary as it was in ww2 and it STILL is that high a %, too. The ONLY thing that the US does best, these days, is make very high grade weapons. We trade off our 2nd rate stuff for oil, and antagonize the Arabs with our support of Isreal, to keep them buying our military castoffs, stuff that we'd just scrap if they didn't trade oil for it.
yep, General Patton said that he/we fought on the "wrong side" (when he saw the coming spread of communism and how good, in-person, face-to-face, the German soldiers were. After Patton said these things, our (American) top (or behind the scenes) political leaders at the time had him killed.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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ChalengeGuyFan said:
Yes: they will counter with cold winters for Europe (they have the gas), they will counter with a bad attitude and ultimately, they may counter with the installation of their own systems in the vicinity of the US.
All this builds tensions between nations, anger among people and may eventually lead to war.
This is what OUR government Wants because of the soon economic collapse. All throughout history, it transpires as follows: currency wars (we're seeing that - see SNB devaluing Swiss currency, Japan devaluing theirs now) ---> trade wars (China/US already escalating that) ---> REAL wars (anti-missile defense in Europe antagonizing Russia, the ongoing "Iran needs to be taken out cause they're building nuclear weapons" drumbeat by our fascist politicians coupled with our fascist-enabling media owned by the banks/advertising revenue)

I've Never seen a time like this in my lifetime. Never seen the markets behave the way they do (with the 500 pt rise one day 2 and 300 point drop the next 300 rise the next 400 drop the next - whether due to high-frequency trading, false news stories printed from the banks who OWN the media, etc etc makes no difference, it's happening, and it's very odd). We've got 14 - 20 trillion being lent, spent, and guaranteed to nations all over the world by the Federal Reserve that prints OUR money without OUR or Congressional approval. We are "Not allowed" to Audit the Fed. Just this past week, the IMF, the Fed, central banks are going to provide "liquidity" to Europe. Come on, that's at least another 10 trillion of our money being printed when our entire GDP ain't even 10 trillion or 14 trillion or 20 trillion. Game over, folks. They've robbed us. Of our lives, our dignity, our generations upon generations of work and wars and fighting for our families. They are ONLY giving this money to their friends, their tribe. Now that they've sucked us dry and they know the collapse IS coming, they're now gonna take us to war so that we'll be none the wiser or Distracted to SEE that they've stolen our money. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is why they keep trying to take away the 2nd amendment or disallow us to have the same kind of firepower they have. What makes them so special?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Danger said:
The US is no more a Bully than anyone else.

Hell the US is hated whether we act or not.

When we don't act, people ask where we are, when we do act, people b1tch. All the more reason to pull the fvk out and leave the $hit places of the world to tend their own cesspools and problems.
I won't stand on a podium and say how great america is. We are what we are, and thats far from perfect. I dislike our presence in Iraq and Afganistan, and disagree with much policy put in place.


Do you know how much help we provide the world? What gets me is that people ***** and moan about the United states. I'd love to pull the numbers up but I am lazy. I am sure its in the billions. People always have their hands open, but at the same time will lambaste the US for being bullies. You know what, **** that, we should just withdraw our aid to some of these countries. At least that way people will be complaining on their own dime..

Long story short is that people will ALWAYS find a reason to complain. Doesn't matter who you are, or where you are from.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Yeah. But same goes for pretty much all other western countries. The international help in particular doesn't reach the masses, so what are they supposed to think?

One day, little girls in Africa can go to school because of your aid. The next day they are brutally slaughtered by rebels which have been funded also trough your aid. If this happened in your village, what would you think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Huffman said:
Yeah. But same goes for pretty much all other western countries. The international help in particular doesn't reach the masses, so what are they supposed to think?

One day, little girls in Africa can go to school because of your aid. The next day they are brutally slaughtered by rebels which have been funded also trough your aid. If this happened in your village, what would you think?
I think if people want to fixate on the negatives, thats their problems, not ours. On one hand, you have people bashing america for attempting to control a democracy too much, than on the other, you have people blaming america for not being there when a village is over run? its a lose/ lose scenario.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Danger said:
The US is no more a Bully than anyone else.

Hell the US is hated whether we act or not.

America is nothing but a pawn being controlled by Zionist satanist jews trying to impose on us their NWO.

There are Germans who could sense **** was going downhill before WWII and they left.

Now if there is a WWIII on our hands, everyone must be ON THE BALL. We can't let it happen.

Who told you Americans that foreign people don't like you??? AMERICA.