Women in America vs foreign women


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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There has been a few members here that have commented on the difference between the average american women and the women in other countries. I've been meaning to make a thread on this lately....

Most guys that live here in the states will probably agree that the women here seldom acknowledge us in public, is this something they consciously do? If so why? Or are they just apathetic because of an overabundance of options?

And it's also said on this forum that women in other countries are not like this at all, is this based on personal experience? And how do you know that they weren't just giving you attention because you were foreign?



Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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What d'you mean by seldom acknowledge us in public. You mean they don't acknowledge men? or don's? or../?/


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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''In public'' i.e on the street, a mall, store etc... They often have a passive disinterested aura that sometimes gives us men the impression that you don't exist in their eyes......''That you are just another anonymous face in the crowd'' As STR8UP put it.
May 23, 2006
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I've never been to other countries like that -- but form my limited travels (i.e. Italy / Trinidad), I don't see much of a different to NA.

I would like to know what countries are like that? Could it be third world sex tourist posts where 80% of the women are for hire and they are just being nice but are really looking for a green card, for their next client, or whatever, right? You may as well be a pinata doll to them.

Also, maybe it's also chemistry. If you buy into the phermonoe thing (which I've never tried), maybe you may get more 'looks' or signals of interest if you sprayed some stuff on, I don't know. But I understand, you get a disinterested passive look from most women that are out there -- and unless you know someone, it seems pretty difficult to make new connections with strangers - especially if you start with eye contact.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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another mental jerk off session..

any1 wanna propose a homework assignment we can all do like: approach 5 chicks just say hello, or make small talk...

then come back here with resuts/reactions

would be 100x more beneficial.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I hope this thread doesn't get shut down like the countless other threads I've started about similar topics.

Foreign women want to date outside their race because they are interested in trying something new. They want to explore their sexuality in ways that they might not be able to with a partner from their same race/culture. I am not sure about other parts of the world, but in asia there is a sexual revolution going on right now. Women here are becoming more aggressive and going after the partners that they want. The women are often approaching white expats because in Asia white skin, historically, means you make enough money that you don't have to work in the fields all day. Black people are also doing well enough because the west is exporting hip hop culture to asia.

People always do well in countries where they are the minority. Because they are rarer and therefore more "valued" and desired.

However, men often date foreign under the FALSE pretenses that they are somehow more traditional than the american woman. It is almost impossible to date a traditional asian woman, because traditional women are under an immense pressure to marry within the race. If she speaks your language, she's probably not traditional.

Now, one thing I learned about foreign women is that the american born ones will likely suffer from some sort of Identity crisis. They go through a rebellious period where they want to date outside their race, ironically with guys who act like their father.

I just woke up so if this disscussion is still going later, I'll contribute more.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Here's something I've noticed. Foreign women, DO, respond more favorably, especially if they're rich, and there's a language barrier. If you Look good, they are VERY receptive. Russian, Polish, Swedish, Czech, they all think, "Hey, if this good-looking dude is in this rich area I'm in, then he must be 'ok.'" Little do they know, "I'm just temporarily here, babe." But Go to big cities here in the US and I get treated like I'm 'invisible,' no doubt about it. How can these Amerikan women, er lesbians, know true value if they're never on the lookout. I get appreciated RIGHTLY for who I am by Russkies, Latvians, and the like. It's like they're from the 'old world' where everybody's normal, and can see piercingly into your spirit, your soul. These American chicks, are sooo selfish, they can't see past their own eyes, and if they do, are usually blood-suckers, not baby-makers.

A LOT of American, once again 'feminists,' despise their role (selfishness masculinity) as a baby-harvester. They deny their God-given natural inclination and just want to use men for buying God-knows-what to improve their 'image' to their girlfriends. So you'll get Used Real Hard by an American woman. The others mostly, know their role, unless they're influenced by American peer girlfriends.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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I moved around a lot through my childhood and I've lived in 5 different countries because of my dad's work. I've also visited a whole bunch and I've been on every inhabited continent. I'll say this: Western women (Americans, Canadians, Australians, Western Europeans etc.) have been raised with the femi-Nazi culture in the background which hasn't yet taken root in other regions of the world.

I'm all for equal rights for women and all, but there is most definitely a movement in the West that wants women to have their cake and eat it to.....they want all the privileges that men enjoy without the responsibilities and at the same time they want to keep their female privileges.

In a lot of societies, the role of woman and man are much more clearly defined than in the West and women do adopt the more traditional female role. Of course, we do live in an era of globalization, so Western culture has spread to all regions of the planet and there are lots of non-Western women who have adopted it. But these femi-Nazi ideals aren't as widespread in non-Western countries as they are in the West.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
I would like to know what countries are like that? Could it be third world sex tourist posts where 80% of the women are for hire.....

Why do you just log in and talk out your ass? You've admittedly in the same post never been any of the places you are now making backhanded assertions about. I've been to quite a few non-western locales and yes the women are different. No doubt partly due to interacting with foreigners, but if you observe the way they interact with local guys you will see - it's not just fascination with a blue passport.

Westerners in general and Americans in particular surround ourselves with things and insulate ourselves from each other. If you add this consumerish mistake to the efforts of feminists it's easy to see why we don't procreate any more.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
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Midwest USA
Lexington said:
I moved around a lot through my childhood and I've lived in 5 different countries because of my dad's work. I've also visited a whole bunch and I've been on every inhabited continent. I'll say this: Western women (Americans, Canadians, Australians, Western Europeans etc.) have been raised with the femi-Nazi culture in the background which hasn't yet taken root in other regions of the world.

I'm all for equal rights for women and all, but there is most definitely a movement in the West that wants women to have their cake and eat it to.....they want all the privileges that men enjoy without the responsibilities and at the same time they want to keep their female privileges.

In a lot of societies, the role of woman and man are much more clearly defined than in the West and women do adopt the more traditional female role. Of course, we do live in an era of globalization, so Western culture has spread to all regions of the planet and there are lots of non-Western women who have adopted it. But these femi-Nazi ideals aren't as widespread in non-Western countries as they are in the West.
I second this, as someone who grew up in 3 different countries due to parent's work. The one thing I have to add though is that the Western norm is now spreading thanks to globalization. I think as a human race we are entering this transition/adjustment period. Women now have all our rights, but they also have some female privilieges as bonus (divorce theft, alimony for adulterers, female-sentencing-discount, no military draft, ministry-level cabinet post dedicated to their issues, university majors dedicated to their issues, VAWA type laws where they can destroy another person without due process, etc). These have to be dismantled otherwise the equal rights have to be taken away. Take one or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Otherwise we are creating 2 classes of citizen. 1st Class (i.e. women with platinum-level rights), and 2nd Class (i.e. men, with the starter-package rights).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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I've noticed that on this forum there is this pervading idea that foreign women, particularly those of Brazil and Eastern Europe, are somehow more feminine and "know their place" more. Quite a silly idea, this. I mean, why would a foreign women acknowledge your presence any more than an American woman? Do American woman like ... walk into you in the street or something? Do you expect women to all stop what they're doing, get out of their way, and try and make a conversation with you just because you're a man?

People all over the world are generally too busy with their own lives to actively acknowledge other people who they pass by in their ventures. Go to Poland or Brazil or Russia or and see if girls are the same there, see if they care about you purely because you are a male.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
I've noticed that on this forum there is this pervading idea that foreign women, particularly those of Brazil and Eastern Europe, are somehow more feminine and "know their place" more. Quite a silly idea, this. I mean, why would a foreign women acknowledge your presence any more than an American woman? Do American woman like ... walk into you in the street or something? Do you expect women to all stop what they're doing, get out of their way, and try and make a conversation with you just because you're a man?

People all over the world are generally too busy with their own lives to actively acknowledge other people who they pass by in their ventures. Go to Poland or Brazil or Russia or and see if girls are the same there, see if they care about you purely because you are a male.

I'm guessing it may well be a difference in culture. I think that no matter where in the world you go women will be women. In more westernized countries they just show their true colors.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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puma183 said:
I second this, as someone who grew up in 3 different countries due to parent's work. The one thing I have to add though is that the Western norm is now spreading thanks to globalization. I think as a human race we are entering this transition/adjustment period. Women now have all our rights, but they also have some female privilieges as bonus (divorce theft, alimony for adulterers, female-sentencing-discount, no military draft, ministry-level cabinet post dedicated to their issues, university majors dedicated to their issues, VAWA type laws where they can destroy another person without due process, etc). These have to be dismantled otherwise the equal rights have to be taken away. Take one or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Otherwise we are creating 2 classes of citizen. 1st Class (i.e. women with platinum-level rights), and 2nd Class (i.e. men, with the starter-package rights).

And just think, you as a male have the ability to stomp on whatever rights females think they have by being dominant in life and careful with your pen15. Nobody said you had to roll over and take it. :kick:

On the subject of foriegn women, I noticed that when I was in an affluent area of mexico (populated mostly by white latino's believe it or not) The females wanted me to talk to them, to call them, to acknowledge them much more than in the US. It was very apparent by their body language and eye contact that they were longing for an interaction. It may be that US women are doing the same thing inside, but they refuse to show it on the outside.
Dec 18, 2007
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Women from over seas know how to act like ladies and cater to their men. For American guys they get spoiled on this treatment.

I know a guy right now who is trying to figure out how to get to a russian speaking country to see a girl he met right now and the cost will be over 4 thousand dollars for a piece of ass that is probably cheating on him.

He said if he could get it the flight for 2g's then he will go.

For this reason alone I would suggest us American men to leave those women alone.

He won't even look at American women anymore. I feel very sorry for him to of fallen into this trap.

I also see a pattern for engineer types of minds. They get focused on one woman and become obsessive about it.

I was reading a email from his girl and it said he tried to call her 16 times. He stated that it takes that many times to get through sometimes.

I wanted to tell him that is obsessive. If I can't get through after a try or 2 then I will go on to something else. But, I can see that because he isn't chasing women state side he has nothing to do.

He is a only child and both parents have passed on so holidays must be extremely lonely.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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TheRealSupreme said:
He won't even look at American women anymore. I feel very sorry for him to of fallen into this trap.
I also refuse to chase American women. Funny enough after I realized that they were not worth putting effort into that attitude seems to have made ME more worth pursuing to them. The irony.

TheRealSupreme said:
I also see a pattern for engineer types of minds. They get focused on one woman and become obsessive about it.
Ya because the fraction of a percent of males smart enough to be engineers are the only ones who get oneitis. Clearly.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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well in my experience with meeting a few European women they certainly seem more friendly then American women, then good i'm good looking and charming. Anyway though i whether or not their are more traditional or whatever, Whenever i'm ready to settle down and have kids and all that hoop la, It's definitively doing to be a foreign women. More then likely some chick from Europe, or Italy, or some other country which harbors beautiful women with sexy accents.
Dec 18, 2007
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bigjohnson said:
I also refuse to chase American women. Funny enough after I realized that they were not worth putting effort into that attitude seems to have made ME more worth pursuing to them. The irony.

Ya because the fraction of a percent of males smart enough to be engineers are the only ones who get oneitis. Clearly.
What is funny is that I don't get the results you guys get with women. I know I am dating one from Portugal right now but she was basically raised here in the states. When I first saw her I thought she was a total fcukin beeyatch and stuck up to the max.

I get my breakfast made. Dinner made. Sex how I want...when I want...she irons my clothes...makes the bed..cleans the house...takes out the trash...scrubs my feet and uses this pedegg thing on them...

And all of my women that I have kept were the same way because I am naturally dominant and only attract real women who know how to take care of their men.

So if you American guys are having trouble training your women then the problem is YOU.

Don't take this the wrong way but you guys who only date women in europe are a gaggle of AFC's who are trying to be players. Instead of fixing what is wrong with you ...your trying to date women thousands of miles away when there are women all around you that if only you would amp up your manhood they would bow down.

I know these are only just words on a forum. But think about it first before you flame back at me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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TheRealSupreme said:
What is funny is that I don't get the results you guys get with women.
Actually what's really funny is that comment. You are saying that women don't chase you? Because THAT'S WHAT'S IN the text you quoted.

TheRealSupreme said:
I know I am dating one from Portugal right now but she was basically raised here in the states.
This is just too funny.

First, pay attention.

Second Western Europe is not the best place to get a non-westernized woman. Better than here, but then the worst place is rumored to be Sweden. Go figure.

Finally the things a non-western woman lacks are things like:

  • 20 years of people convincing her she deserves things she doesn't eserve.
  • Constant bombarding with media messages from infancy that convince her to believe adult males are evil dolts.
  • Peers who will mock her mercilessly if she does not behave like an entitled *****-princess.

Instead she gets:

  • A youth spent helping her mother and sisters in doing traditional female tasks like cooking, washing and house keeping
  • An example ingrained into her from youth of gracious lovable female behavior.
  • A family and peer group that will envy her success if she marries well and then takes care of that household.

Obviously not exhaustive lists but the point should be made. If you doubt it go to rural China and chat up a few girls, or Vietnam or The Philippines or Cuba or Costa Rica. If you haven't been outside the USA for at least 4 weeks at a single stretch, feel free to STFU now.