Women find Evil Men Erotic and Arousing (Part 2)

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
The first time I brought this up was in my thread about the Boston terrorist:

Thread --> http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=204966

I said the last time:
"If anyone is still having the nice guy vs. Bad boy argument, I think it was settled a long time ago. No woman fingers her snatch to a nerd who works at Google or a guy who is always reliable and kind."
Take 9 minutes of your time to hear a deep analysis of the reasons why bad boys are so sexy.

Video--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0iir3qsq-g

This is why you should spin plates until you die. You are DOOMED if you follow the traditional beta male, wife and kids, Disney story crap. You will be exploited and driven into the ground like a rental car at best. Enslaved at worst. :down:


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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Funny you post this. I was just listening to this at the gym last night. :up:

Sandman has some insightful vids. Well constructed.

I recently came across this guy's channel as well. Not to change topic of your thread, but this vid in particular - more a rant - says something about how media feeds us such **** images of men.



Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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PlayHer Man said:
This is why you should spin plates until you die. You are DOOMED if you follow the traditional beta male, wife and kids, Disney story crap. You will be exploited and driven into the ground like a rental car at best. Enslaved at worst. :down:
just curious, what about those of us that desire to have kids some day? The disney crap makes me sick too, but am I beta because I want to have a kid at some point?

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
MtnMan said:
just curious, what about those of us that desire to have kids some day? The disney crap makes me sick too, but am I beta because I want to have a kid at some point?
Of course not. PlayHerMan just hasn't reached that level of maturity yet. He has some good points and means well, but if we all did what he says, the human race will die out. May as well all be gay eh? We accomplish the same thing in the long run.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Play Her Man and his crackpot theories, yet again ...

As for new members, or veterans, this is what happens when you take this stuff too literally...

DJ'ism forever bro.


PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
speed dawg said:
Of course not. PlayHerMan just hasn't reached that level of maturity yet. He has some good points and means well, but if we all did what he says, the human race will die out. May as well all be gay eh? We accomplish the same thing in the long run.
All I've ever advised is for a man to do what's best for him. Any man who wants to play cannon fodder or lay on his own sword for the "good of society" is welcomed to do that. :up:

Also.. nothing I've ever said or suggested keeps you from having kids. But if the ONLY way for you to have kids is to be enslaved by a woman.. are you willing to play that cannon fodder role?

I know beta is a bad word.. but its really the betas who keep the world going. They are also taken for granted and treated like trash because they are so willing to play cannon fodder. :crackup:

No alpha is going to waste his time worrying about what's good for women and kids unless its also good for him. Real talk. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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i guess what i am getting at is this:
lets say I want a kid, and I want the kid to be raised in a house with a mom and dad, and i happen to find a chick that makes a good mother/woman and I make a kid with her. Does that immediately make me cannon fodder, or enslaved to a woman, or sacrificing myself for the betterment of society?
Call me crazy, but I think that a situation that benefits all those involved is possible. I think its rare, and that is a shame, but I wonder why everything is so black and white with your way of thinking.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
MtnMan said:
i guess what i am getting at is this:
lets say I want a kid, and I want the kid to be raised in a house with a mom and dad, and i happen to find a chick that makes a good mother/woman and I make a kid with her. Does that immediately make me cannon fodder, or enslaved to a woman, or sacrificing myself for the betterment of society?
Call me crazy, but I think that a situation that benefits all those involved is possible. I think its rare, and that is a shame, but I wonder why everything is so black and white with your way of thinking.
There is nothing black and white about my thinking if you really pay attention to what I say and what I don't say.

The situation you described is perfectly fine provided you:

1. Don't get married

2. Are willing to f*ck other women if the mother of your kids starts acting like a c*nt.


Feb 10, 2014
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PlayHer Man said:
There is nothing black and white about my thinking if you really pay attention to what I say and what I don't say.

The situation you described is perfectly fine provided you:

1. Don't get married

2. Are willing to f*ck other women if the mother of your kids starts acting like a c*nt.

your a weirdo. That and an undercover h0mo Gayerman.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
This whole 'good for yourself' deal is a farce. EVERYBODY is out for themselves. Even beta faggots. They just choose to go about it differently. The reason they cuckold and buy flowers and all that is to ultimately get some p*ssy. They are really only guilty of being ignorant and spineless.

I whole-heartedly disagree about the notion that being a selfish bastard is what attracts women and the essence of what an alpha male is. Everybody is selfish, to one degree or the other. Everything we do has our own self interests at heart. Even the guys who went down on the Titanic....deep down, they want civilization to go forward and wouldn't have been able to live with themselves had they lived and some children died.

Women want confidence short term and security long-term. To have a successful relationship, you have to have both. Whatever means you have to employ to achieve this, is your decision, whether it be spinning plates or whatever.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
speed dawg said:
This whole 'good for yourself' deal is a farce. EVERYBODY is out for themselves. Even beta faggots. They just choose to go about it differently. The reason they cuckold and buy flowers and all that is to ultimately get some p*ssy. They are really only guilty of being ignorant and spineless.

I whole-heartedly disagree about the notion that being a selfish bastard is what attracts women and the essence of what an alpha male is. Everybody is selfish, to one degree or the other. Everything we do has our own self interests at heart. Even the guys who went down on the Titanic....deep down, they want civilization to go forward and wouldn't have been able to live with themselves had they lived and some children died.

Women want confidence short term and security long-term. To have a successful relationship, you have to have both. Whatever means you have to employ to achieve this, is your decision, whether it be spinning plates or whatever.
Women want betas in the "long-term" after they're done riding the c0ck-carousel and decide to "settle down".

Alphas don't provide security. That's why they get all the sex while betas get all the "relationships". Being alpha does indeed mean being a selfish bastard. That's how alphas get to the top in the first place. Just because its not something you are willing to do that doesn't mean its not what alphas are all about.

Some men are only fit to be betas. That's perfectly fine. :up:

Also.. listen to the video and tell me what EXACTLY you believe to be inaccurate.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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MtnMan said:
just curious, what about those of us that desire to have kids some day? The disney crap makes me sick too, but am I beta because I want to have a kid at some point?
I guess the DJ/alpha thing to do is find some girl with a good beta orbiter and impregnate her, then tell her to marry her orbiter and pass the kid off as his so he raises it. Make a cuckhold out of him! That would be the DJ thing to do, anyway ;)

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
PlayHer Man said:
Alphas don't provide security. That's why they get all the sex while betas get all the "relationships". Being alpha does indeed mean being a selfish bastard. That's how alphas get to the top in the first place. Just because its not something you are willing to do that doesn't mean its not what alphas are all about.
Alphas COULD provide security if they wanted. Alphas also rise to the top because they have balls in addition to being selfish, because like I said, everybody is selfish. Betas are limited to providing security and cuckolding, alphas are not confined in that way.

You're reading but you're not comprehending. All I know is that you sense weakness in yourself.....thus the shaming attempt that I bolded above. I see what you did there, ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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speed dawg said:
Alphas COULD provide security if they wanted. Alphas also rise to the top because they have balls in addition to being selfish, because like I said, everybody is selfish. Betas are limited to providing security and cuckolding, alphas are not confined in that way.
Alphas provide security. If a rival tribe attacks your tribe, are you saying the alpha male will run the other way and hide? Or does he stroll up to the front and bash some heads? Some guys here put too much emphasis on negative traits when talking about this stuff.

Now I know someone will say that the alpha male is like the general who stays in the back and directs others to kill for him. However, usually generals become generals in their older age and rise to their rank through bold action on the field when they are younger.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
zekko said:
are you saying

Your reply should actually be for PlayHer Man. I think you actually agree with me.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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speed dawg said:
I whole-heartedly disagree about the notion that being a selfish bastard is what attracts women and the essence of what an alpha male is.
I don't think you and PHM disagree all that much.

Look at it this way. From my own anecdotal experience, being a "selfish bastard" (maybe not literally, but leaning in that direction) has improved my relationships with women ten-fold. No exaggeration.

I used to feel a twinge of guilt at times, but I couldn't argue with the results. It's become a game of sorts, where I try to see how far I can push the envelope and it never ceases to be entertaining because every waking moment of every day we're told we should behave in the complete opposite way.

I think guys get too caught up in defining the terms alpha/beta.

There is no singular person that's 100% either or. It's more of a state of mind.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Okay I just read this entire thread. First off in my opinion you are all beating this dead horse to death. Second, I think I can find a little truth in many of your opinions.

I look back on my last relationship. I was a selfish ******* most of the time, but sometimes I could turn around and be affectionate and kind. I remember the last time I talked to my ex gf, I asked her (yeah I know) what do you really think about me. She replied "I think you are a selfish *******."

She is honestly a 6 in the face, but great body, big tits for a chinese girl.

How was I a selfish *******? Because, I was always trying to smoke weed, drink, do pills, a couple of times to coke. I literally was driven by my motivation to get fvcked up, I never lied to her about getting fvcked up, she always knew when I got alcohol, or drugs. I was doing whatever I wanted and I was honest about that, she didn't like it but she still waited and waited for me to change.

I would also say mean sh!t to her, and a couple times I put my hands on her, she could have honestly had me locked up, and probably criminal charges (I didn't beat the **** out of her, but still it was wrong, and would have been enough to land me in jail.)

This girl is now a phd. I know a lot about her, and honestly she was pretty good to me, but her expectations were way to high, unreasonable, and She expect me to do it for her.

I would spend this girls money all the time. There was a point where she literately told me to keep the credit card her dad gave her in my wallet. And near the end, she wanted to have a joint bank account, and guess what I didn't have money, she did...

I kept giving her hope that I was going to deliver on my promises, and I think I meant to, but I had a drive to get fvcked up.

But honestly, I owned her, untill she got fed up with my behavior, which in all honestly, had the tables been turned I never would have let some one treat me that way.

Was it alpha of me? I would say no. I should have behaved more honorably. Honestly, this girl is a decent person (for a woman) and she works her ass of in school, she is a productive member of society, and she doesn't exploit her orbiters (not that I know of).

This girl one time was hinting to me to get her some sort of 7 dollar ring from goodwill. I never did but I bet you she would have been happy for a couple weeks if I just bought one for her. Even if I used her money. I never bought gifts. Once i bought a card for her birthday, she was extremely grateful.

But I milked that cow for two years, and got away (figuratively) with murder for that long.

Honestly, I think I behaved kind of sadistically (at times) and almost evil, perhaps.

I think that nothing is absolute. People are unique, however in general, on a basic level women respond to the same things.

Oh also, she used to threaten to leave me all the time and I would be like fine there is the door, and point at it, then I would ignore her. One time she packed her bags, sat on them and cried. I looked over and said "hey I thought you were going, the door is right there."

Not proud of it, I'm just telling you my experience, and how she responded.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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noobolgy, what exactly is the point you're trying to make? You seem to be going in multiple directions all in one post.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
LISTEN.. I don't believe being "alpha" means going out and f*cking people over just for kicks. It doesn't mean being a criminal. It doesn't mean being abusive and mean.

What does it mean? It means ALWAYS doing what's best for you. Selfish jerks are not out to destroy women, society or anyone else. They are just willing to run over anyone who gets in the way of what they want. This is something betas are NOT willing to do.

With women.. you can be kind and even "nice" as long as the woman is f*cking you and submitting to you like she should. Once she starts with the feminism, mind games, b!tchy attitude or manipulation.. that's when you either NEXT her or treat her like a total skank.

I don't think its all that complex.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
G_Govan said:
noobolgy, what exactly is the point you're trying to make? You seem to be going in multiple directions all in one post.
I'm telling my experience in my last relationship, the things I did, and the woman's response to my behaivor.

It wasn't right.

However the nazi's used to to sick experiments on human beings. They used to hang women by there ankles while they give birth, and multiple other terrible things.

However we learned a lot from these heinous medical experiments. Things are not black and white.